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I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In James 5: 13, the author and servant of God instructs believers to individually “pray when in trouble, and to sing songs when happy”(NIV). But, in James 5: 14-15, James instructs “Believers that are sick to call the elders of the church to pray and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. He tells them that this prayer of faith will cause the sick to get well as the Lord will raise them up, and the believer will be forgiven if they have sinned” (NIV). James makes clear the distinction as to when believers are to pray, sing songs, and pray with the elders of the church.[footnoteRef:1] Did the occasion of prayers, and the anointing with oil in the name of the Lord represent spiritual ministry or medical and spiritual ministry? [1: Daniel M. Doriani, James-Reformed Expository Commentary, P&R Publishing Company, Phillipsburg New Jersey, 2007, page 191 ] II. PROPOSED SOLUTION A. The view that the occasion for the services or exercises of the church or congregation of prayers and anointing in the name of the Lord, that the sick believer may be raised and the forgiveness of their sins is suggestive is a spiritual ministry: This view supports that if someone was really suffering, prayer was in order. The view also supports that if someone was cheerful, praise was in order. To be more specific it supports that if someone was experiencing sickness? Prayer will certainly be in order, and a special kind of prayer. This anointing with oil which precedes the prayer of faith, would save the sick person from dying and the Lord will raise him up. It implies that there is no real problem as long as we allow it to mean what it states. Therefore there is nothing here at all about a gift of healing possessed by any of the elders. Rather these church leaders function simply as intercessors on behalf of the one who is sick. The symbolic purpose of anointing with olive oil was literally carried out, and had no magical use attached to the oil. This certainly agrees with the fact that the anointing with oil occurs in the Old Testament just points to God’s sovereignty in choosing a person for the role of overseeing a sacrament.[footnoteRef:2] [2: Zane C Hodges the epistle of James Caradoc testing Grace Evangelical Society, Irving, Texas 2004 page 115, 116 ] Looking further, this view reinforces that Christians are bidden to constantly pray whatever circumstances of their life there may be. The most important habit of any Christian life is to pray as no experience of joy or sorrow in normal conditions of prosperity or adversity has any power. The rhetorical question is, if any among you afflicted? Refers to calamities that befell the Old Testament prophets when they spoke in the name of the Lord. it also shares that prayers may not remove affliction, but it certainly will transform it. Tit supports that Christians can find joy even in their affliction by assurance, which comes in prayer that in accordance with the purpose of God one’s life is far from being one of continual adversity.[footnoteRef:3] [3: R. V. G. Tasker, The General Epistle of James Introduction and Commentary, William B Bergman’s publishing company, Grand Rapids Michigan 1957 page 126 to 127 ] The view also holds that the threefold series of brief questions and answers of rhetorical force is the same as they were constructed as conditionals. The prayer is more for the giving of strength and for removal of situations. Scripture can distinguish the hero or readers are called is not dependent on external circumstances. It is a joy and peace of the heart as inner contentment. This view takes a balanced look into the two distincts state of need for prayer for the believer. The call to praise God is a response to prayer offered as praise of God, as James shows that believers are to turn to God in sad or cheerful situations. The view in all the situations calls for a response of prayer by the believer who is experiencing some personal incapacity or limitation. It speaks in the context of suffering debilitating illness. The instruction, “Let them call the elders of the assembly and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”, issues a call in order to secure someone’s presence. James is referring to elders who exercise leadership roles within the community, and these functionaries such as elders can be traced of the Hebrew, Jewish Hellenistic worlds. Naturally, it is presumed that the development of early Christianity revolved around the household, and therefore the leadership of the family would carry into the world of early Christianity. This leadership dimension of elders flows by nature or tradition from the very fabric of Jewish and Hellenistic societies, and that elders clearly exercise an important role in the developing Christian communities . These were not elders as office bearers, but elders who exercise the community traditional leadership roles that came as heads of households.[footnoteRef:4] [4: Patrick J Harton, Daniel J Harrington ED, Sacra Pagina Series, Liturgical Press Collegeville Minnesota 2003 page 268 to 269 ] Further, this view links hand in hand faith and prayer, as a Christianof those days would naturally turn to the church for help, and as Christians we turn to the doctor for help today.this view holds that the gift of healing should still be exercise, and it starts that the reason for the lack of miracle today is the lack of faith on the part of believers. If only we had enough faith healing of the body elements manifest. This belief holds that this was just after the days of Pentecost, and the majority of the apostolic were still living, and exercising the ministry of healing. This being true then faith amongst Christians today is very low, and we know why the promise given to the church by James is still being questioned.[footnoteRef:5] [5: Herbert F Stevenson editor the life of faith James speaks for today Fleming rental company Westwood New Jersey 1966 page 101, 102 and 103 ] B. The view that the occasion for the services or exercises of the church or congregation of prayers and anointing in the name of the Lord, that a sick believer may be raised and forgiven of sins is also held as being a medical and spiritual ministry. According to adamson, anointing seems to be a regular contemporaneous theorist. That it effected and completed the process of anointing with oil as a curative by the ancient generally, and including the Rabbis.[footnoteRef:6] A logical connection of discussion of the transition from verse 13 to verse 14, is a structurally parallel construction; In verse 13 is the clear parallel of James asking “Is anyone suffering?” and “Is anyone sick?” as in verse 14. It can be construed as that these verses as being part of the same paragraph, and as suffering refers to hardship and distress, while sickness to emotional and physical. [6: James B Adamson, The Epistle of James the New International Commentary on the New Testament William B. Vance publishing company Grand Rapids Michigan 1976, page196 ] But as it relates to James asking is anyone cheerful no blame is pronounced upon this condition of merriment, but the Christian believer is Irish to always be improper communion with God in all of life’s situations. Kent here reinforces that James meant “Let them sing praises”.[footnoteRef:7] There is a belief that miracle no longer happens and that healing signs and wonders ceased after the authority of the Apostles was established. This theological thinking supports the need for medicine and faith as an intellectual gift from God through doctors. According to Windber, several biblical healing methods think …. The New Testament gave many instances of gestures for action prayers. These action prayers most often occurred in healing evangelism. [7: Homer A. Kent, Jr . Faith That Works Studies In The Epistle of James, Baker Book house Company, Winona Lake Indiana 1986 page 186 187 ] Dockery states that there are five different kinds of action prayers. The first, his anointing with oil it was common practice of the disciples later required by James for use by the church of the healing services. The second, touch and spittle, as when Jesus touched the dumb and deaf, and healed them. The third, the singular power of touch, as when Jesus touched and blessed the children. The fourth, is the prayer of command, when the person praying gives a command to the person that is being faithful in prayer for healing. The fifth and final, is secondhand church, these can refer to articles such as handkerchiefs and aprons that have been touched by the anointed one. According to Dunkerley, this has been subject to much abuse by radio and TV evangelists actuated in exchange for offering at least a certain amount of money, hand gestures or anointed oil that they have touched and are allegedly infused with healing powers. He makes it clear that the Scripture forbids taking money in return for healing or offering healing in exchange for financial contribution. Anointing a person with oil is asking for the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Touching a believer in faith for healing is asking the Lord to touch the person. Praying is building faith and hope as the most important element for healing. Combine the actions of obedience to God.[footnoteRef:8] This view supports medical services and prescription as actionable instructions combined with spiritual evangelism. [8: Don Dunkerley, Healing Evangelism-Strengthen Your Witnessing With Effective Prayer for the Sick, Chosen Books, Grand Rapids Michigan, 1995 page 147, ] What is James' prescription? Space very simple, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord”. Hughes supports that this is a divine prescription from the Scripture in this prescription contains direction to the sick and the elders.it is an explicit instruction for the elders of the church, as in going to the hospital for medical care. In addition, another explicit instruction is to the elders who are training to anoint with oil olive and even the name of the Lord. There are hospitals who are the church, and prayers are constantly offered as they render medical services to the sick. It is the same as praying for the sick and anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord that they may be healed.[footnoteRef:9] [9: R. Kent Hughes, Preaching the word “Preaching the Word” Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois 1991, page 230] III. PREFERRED VIEW This view appears to be correct based on the following hermeneutical principles applied to the problem: Literal-Historical-Grammatical Interpretation approach which refers to people, places,