I need help with this lab project on ANOVA in my psych stats class. I've attached a word document with all of the questions, a pdf file with the questionnaire the the data is collected from and a .sav file with all of the data recorded on it. This lab project is not only answering the questions but doing some work on SPSS as well. A note to keep in mind, I do not need this lab project to be a perfect grade but more so a C+ closer to a B- given my current standing in the class.
Qualtrics Survey Software Before 11pm 11pm-12am 12-1am 1-2am Later than 2am Yes No Default Question Block Please enter a 4 digit number that you will remember in a few weeks How many hours of sleep per night, on average, have you gotten OVER THE LAST WEEK? What time have you typically gone to bed IN THE LAST WEEK? Do you have a significant other? Do you have a job? Qualtrics Survey Software https://tcnj.co1.qualtrics.com/Q/EditSection/Blocks/Ajax/GetSurveyPrin... 1 of 4 9/29/2020, 11:26 AM Yes No Not at all Some Very much How much time a day on average have you spent on social media (in minutes) IN THE LAST WEEK? How nervous are you right now about this course? How stressed have you been IN THE LAST WEEK, on a scale from 0 (the least stressed I’ve ever been) to 100 (the most stressed I’ve ever been)? SWL Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Using the 1 - 7 scale, indicate your agreement with each item. Please be open and honest in your responding. Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Disagree Strongly disagree In most ways my life is close to my ideal. The conditions of my life are excellent. I am satisfied with my life. So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. Qualtrics Survey Software https://tcnj.co1.qualtrics.com/Q/EditSection/Blocks/Ajax/GetSurveyPrin... 2 of 4 9/29/2020, 11:26 AM Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Disagree Strongly disagree If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. ACS PSS The questions in this scale ask you about your feelings and thoughts during the 2 weeks. In each case, you will be asked to indicate by selecting how often you felt or thought a certain way. In the LAST WEEK, how often have you... Never Almost Never Sometimes Fairly Often Very Often felt difficulties were piling up so high that you could not overcome them? been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly? found that you could not cope with all the things you had to do? felt confident about your ability to handle your personal problems? been angered because of things that were outside of your control? Never Almost Never Sometimes Fairly Often Very Often felt that you were unable to control the important things in your life? felt that you were on top of things? been able to control irritations in your life? felt that things were going your way? felt nervous and "stressed"? Qualtrics Survey Software https://tcnj.co1.qualtrics.com/Q/EditSection/Blocks/Ajax/GetSurveyPrin... 3 of 4 9/29/2020, 11:26 AM Qualtrics Survey Software https://tcnj.co1.qualtrics.com/Q/EditSection/Blocks/Ajax/GetSurveyPrin... 4 of 4 9/29/2020, 11:26 AM Spilich, June, and Renner (1992) investigated the effects of smoking on performance Psychology 203, Fall 2020 Lab Project 3 40 points Due: by class time on Nov. 5 (via Canvas) Use the data set “class questionnaire.three timepoints.203.F20” to answer the following questions about students who completed the “initial class questionnaire.203.f20,” the “second class questionnaire.203.F20,” and the “third class questionnaire.203.F20” (posted on Canvas). In addition to answering the questions below, please also save and attach your syntax (1 point). Note about syntax: please attach a “clean” copy that includes only the analyses you report on here – not analyses you did that you don’t report or any duplicate analyses. Also, please copy and paste your syntax to the bottom of this document, rather than sending a separate syntax document. 1. Using our class data, propose and test an interesting research question that can be answered using a one-factor between-subjects ANOVA. a. State the research question and why it is appropriate for this test. Also clearly identify your variable and its scale of measurement. 3 points b. Why would you rather answer this question with an ANOVA F-test than several t-tests? 1 point c. Do a formal write up (step 6, including all relevant effect sizes). Also paste in the output tables that you used to obtain any numbers in your formal write-up. 3 points d. Is it appropriate to conduct such a statistical test (in other words, are the assumptions met)? Explain why or why not (and you can paste in SPSS output that supports your explanation). 2 points e. What error could you be making? Taking everything into consideration, do you think you’ve made that error? Explain why or why not. 3 points 2. Using our class data, propose and test an interesting research question that can be answered using a one-factor WITHIN-subjects ANOVA. a. State the research question and why it is appropriate for this test. Also clearly identify your variable and its scale of measurement. 3 points b. Using your textbook, please find the critical values for this test. 1 point c. Do a formal write up (step 6, including all relevant effect sizes). Also paste in the output tables that you used to obtain any numbers in your formal write-up. 3 points d. Is it appropriate to conduct such a statistical test (in other words, are the assumptions met)? Explain why or why not (and you can paste in SPSS output that supports your explanation). 2 points e. What error could you be making? Taking everything into consideration, do you think you’ve made that error? Explain why or why not. 3 points 3. Using our class data, propose and test an interesting research question that can be answered using a TWO-factor between-subjects ANOVA. NOTE: Your DV MUST be a total score of one of the 3 questionnaires on the initial questionnaire. a. State the research question and why it is appropriate for this test. Also clearly identify your variable and its scale of measurement. 3 points b. Specifically, explain what an interaction would tell you about the variables (in other words, define an interaction in terms of these variables). 1 point c. Do a formal write up (step 6, including all relevant effect sizes). Also paste in the output tables that you used to obtain any numbers in your formal write-up. 3 points d. Is it appropriate to conduct such a statistical test (in other words, are the assumptions met)? Explain why or why not (and you can paste in SPSS output that supports your explanation). 2 points e. What error could you be making? Taking everything into consideration, do you think you’ve made that error? Explain why or why not. 3 points 4. In a briefly paragraph, describe what these 3 analyses have told you about our class (I’m not asking for a formal APA write-up here). How do you interpret your findings? Are they surprising to you – why or why not? 3 points