Master of Engineering Portfolio Guide and Format There will be 5 sections that are the majority of the document: Section 1: Demonstration of core knowledge in the field. This section will describe and...

I need help formating and writing my entire portfolio

Master of Engineering Portfolio Guide and Format There will be 5 sections that are the majority of the document: Section 1: Demonstration of core knowledge in the field. This section will describe and give examples as evidence of your knowledge of your core field. Consider the major skills from your courses, discuss them briefly and give examples. For example, CS students must take 2 courses in each of 3 subject areas. What are the central skills in each of these subjects? Demonstrate that you have learned these skills and improved your knowledge as outlined by the course leaning objectives. You may include links to designs or web sites where your work resides. This should be skills focused, not class focused. Consider your core courses and your electives. Section 2: Demonstration of the integration of core knowledge with knowledge from other fields. An example might be building an electrical engineering model using calculus or statistics to demonstrate that the model works. Any project that included core knowledge AND another field works. One student built a prototype water treatment plant AND included the cost analysis (accounting) for the project. Here also you may include links to designs or web sites. Generally programming and leadership are not considered a separate field Section 3: Demonstration of effective communication skills. There are several ways students could demonstrate this skill. Referring to the writing necessary to create the portfolio is one way. Other assignments that use writing or presentation skills might be referenced. What have you learned about communication and your own style? Section 4: Demonstration of the ability to think critically about the ethical context in which you practice engineering. There is a code of ethics for engineers. What kinds of ethical questions must you be aware of in your field? You may also include any social justice concepts you have learned about in the social context. If you took BIOE 420 or 520 you can talk about that material in this section. The CITI Responsible Conduct of Research for Engineers training certificate should be included in this section. Section 5: Create coherent professional goals/IDP for the immediate term and the first 5 years of your career. The goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and have an element of Time (SMART). They should align with the class choices you have made. Include your Program of Study for reference. Introduction and summary notes: You must introduce your sections so we know what you are going to tell us. Something like …the following section demonstrates my ability to apply the core knowledge of my discipline….but use your own words! Tell us what this section is about. Ex 2: The following material demonstrates that I have met (or exceeded) the requirements for the ECE degree. You do not need to introduce the OSU program you are in, because it’s not about classes. Remember your portfolio is about skills you have learned. Summarize each section briefly. “In summary, this section demonstrated how I have met the requirements for the xxxxx degree.” Or turn your intro sentence into past tense. A line or two – summarize what you told us and how it fits in the Portfolio. Communication section 3: Look at the section 3 description on the previous page. How will you show your communication skill? Presentations count, writing, internships, volunteer work, anything that requires you to communicate and that you can demonstrate. Have you learned what part of communicating is hard for you? Talk about that briefly – and propose how to fix it. Outline of the Portfolio Title Page. Include your name, your id, your program and the term. Table of Contents. The Ethics Certificate and Program of Study may be included in an Appendix along with more detailed examples of the projects you completed. Section 1. For Sections 1 and 2, you may include brief examples of projects and/or links to your work, or you may reference them in the Appendix at the end of the paper Section 2. Section 3. Section 4. You may include your Ethics Certificate here or in an Appendix. Section 5. You may include your Program of Study here or in an Appendix. Resume: Do not include the cover letter we wrote in class Appendix. Must include your Ethics Certificate and Program of Study if you have not included them in the relevant sections. May be organized into several appendices for project examples if necessary. Expectations 1. You must make the corrections that come back from faculty or the instructor for your final portfolio. Remember this is your Final Exam for your master’s degree. Failure to make these corrections could result in failure to pass the exam. 2. Remember the rules about academic integrity. Do NOT copy any other work that is not your own, any examples you have seen or any web site. This is YOUR creative work. 3. Absolutely NO exceptions to the due dates! We will be on a tight schedule, and you must have them corrected, if necessary, and turned in on time.
Jun 02, 2021

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