EDUC 15: Lab 4 ANOVAs and Correlations Submit on Canvas 25 Points For the following, Please copy and paste appropriate tables/graphs and write your responses with a different color font of your...

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I need help doing this lab for my statistics class. Explanation and details are on the document I uploaded here. There are 4 questions.

EDUC 15: Lab 4 ANOVAs and Correlations Submit on Canvas 25 Points For the following, Please copy and paste appropriate tables/graphs and write your responses with a different color font of your choice. 1. What is the relationship between Ethnicity and Total Self-Esteem (7 points) a. What is the independent variable? b. What is the dependent variable? c. What type of test should be done and why? d. Copy and paste all the output tables that comes with this test? e. Which ethnicity had the highest self-esteem? What was their mean score? f. Which ethnicity has the lowest self-esteem? What was their mean score? g. Was the difference between ethnicity and total self-esteem significant? Write the results as you would see in a research report: 2. What is the relationship between Political Affiliation and Positive Attitude Toward Tattoos (5 points) a. What type of test should be done and why? b. Copy and paste all the output tables that comes with this test? c. Which political group had the most positive attitude toward tattoos? What was their mean score? d. Which political group had the least positive attitude? What was their mean score? e. Was the difference between political affiliation and attitude toward tattoos significant? Write the results as you would see in a research report: 3. Run a correlation between, Age, Total Self-esteem, GPA, and Attitude toward Tattoos. (6 points) a. Copy and Paste a Scatterplot showing the relationship between GPA and Attitude toward tattoos. Describe the relationship in words. b. Copy and paste the correlation matrix below. (this should all be on one table/matrix) c. What was the correlation between self-esteem and GPA? Write the results as you would see in research report. d. What is the correlation between Age and attitude toward tattoos? Write your results as you would see in a research report. e. Which two variables had the weakest correlation? How do you know? f. Which of the correlations were significant? Write each as you would see in a research report: 4. Using any of the data in Lab 4, conduct a correlation analysis for any three variables that are appropriate. (7 points) a. For each of the correlations, write the results of your analysis as you would see in a research report. i. Which three variables did you analyze? ii. Comparison 1: Write the results as you would see in a research report: iii. Comparison 2: Write the results as you would see in a research report: iv. Comparison 3: Write the results as you would see in a research report: b. Which two variables had the strongest correlation? How do you know? Psy 50 - Fall 2020 Survey 2 What is your age in years? What is your gender?What is you ethnicity?What is your marital status? Are you a Psychology Major?What is your current GPA at RCC How many classes are you taking this semester?Are you currently employed? Are you considered to be an "essential worker"?What political party, if any, do you most closely associated with?On the whole, I am satisfied with myself. I feel that I have a number of good qualities. I am able to do things as well as most other people.I take a positive attitude toward myself. Total Self-EsteemYou feel as if this pandemic has caused you to feel more down or depressedI get better grades when I Do you consume caffeinated drinks?I drink caffeinated drinks to feel awakeI drink caffeinated drinks to stay up lateI drink caffeinated drinks to concentrateI drink caffeinated drinks to be more alertI drink caffeinated drinks to be more productiveDo you have at least one tattoo?I would get a tattooTattoos are a form of artPositive Attitude Toward TattoosHow often do you exercise per week?If someone were to be caught with the possession of marijuana should (he/she) be sentenced to jail time? Do you believe that the legalization of marijuana puts people's health and safety at risk? 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo3.55Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoIndependent3442135study with group of friendsYes55555No5510less than 1 hourNoYes 19FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo24I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicNoDemocrat545552study aloneNo11111Yes55101 hour a weekNoNo 17FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo, but I am considering it.3.983No, I was never employedI don't knowIndependent4334141ask help for a professorYes51151No246more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 20FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo33I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicI don't knowIndependent344333study with group of friendsYes45344Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingYes3.54Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)I don't knowDemocrat5435175study with group of friendsYes44445No5510more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes4Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoDemocrat455545study aloneYes21444No5510more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 26FemaleOthermarriedNo22Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesRepublican4444161study aloneYes51111Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 20MaleBlack/African AmericansingleNo2.44No, I was never employedI don't knowUnaffiliated344533ask help for a professorNo11111No246more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo34Yes, Full time (30 + hours)NoLibertarian4425154study aloneYes55555No5492 hours a weekNoNo 23FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo2.78052No, I was never employedNoDemocrat345335ask help for a professorNo21324Yes5510less than 1 hourNoYes 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo34Yes, Full time (30 + hours)NoLibertarian4425154study aloneYes55555No5492 hours a weekNoNo 19FemaleLatinx/Hispanicliving with somebodyYes2.84Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesUnaffiliated555551study aloneNo11111Yes5510less than 1 hourNoYes 18MaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo, but I am considering it.34No, I was never employedI don't knowDemocrat4555195ask help for a professorNo11111No145less than 1 hourNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingNo33Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoDemocrat133214ask help for a professorYes34113No448more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 23FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingYes33Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated5545194ask help for a professorYes44355Yes5510more than 3 hours a weekYesYes 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleYes44No, I was never employedNoIndependent454445study with group of friendsYes11544No459less than 1 hourNoYes 44FemaleOthermarriedNo27I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicNoDemocrat5435174study aloneYes53344No156less than 1 hourNoNo 23FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingYes33Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated554554ask help for a professorYes44355Yes5510more than 3 hours a weekYesYes 18FemaleAsian/Pacific IslanderdatingYes2.83No, I was never employedNoDemocrat4455185study aloneYes45523No246less than 1 hourYesYes 26FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)marriedNo, but I am considering it.3.83Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated443244study aloneYes51444No459less than 1 hourNoNo 20FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo3.53Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated4333133study aloneYes33445Yes5382 hours a weekNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingNo3.54Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesRepublican444444study aloneYes33333No224less than 1 hourNoYes 18FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo3.15Yes, Full time (30 + hours)I don't knowRepublican5555203study with group of friendsYes55555Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 21MaleAsian/Pacific IslandersingleNo3.053No, I was never employedNoRepublican345535study aloneYes42344No1562 hours a weekNoYes 19MaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo, but I am considering it.3.95No, I was never employedNoLibertarian5445182study aloneYes21445No1123 hours a weekNoNo 25FemaleBlack/African AmericandatingYes32Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoDemocrat255424study aloneYes45354Yes156less than 1 hourNoYes 20FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo32Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesIndependent4433143study with group of friendsYes22222Yes549less than 1 hourNoNo 17FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo3.46No, I was never employedYesRepublican324235study aloneYes11541No156more than 3 hours a weekYesYes 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo44No, I was never employedNoDemocrat4544175study aloneYes22222No1451 hour a weekNoYes 26MaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo, but I am considering it.3.52Yes, Full time (30 + hours)I don't knowDemocrat555551study aloneYes12222Yes55102 hours a weekNoNo 17FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo3.46No, I was never employedYesRepublican3242115study aloneYes11541No156more than 3 hours a weekYesYes 18FemaleMultiple Ethnicitiesliving with somebodyYes24Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat234225ask help for a professorNo23122Yes55102 hours a weekNoNo 20FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleYes2.673Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoRepublican3543152ask help for a professorNo11111No55101 hour a weekNoYes 19MaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo22No, I was never employedNoDemocrat454445study aloneYes11111No55103 hours a weekNoNo 19FemaleMultiple EthnicitiessingleNo33I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicNoIndependent3323114ask help for a professorNo11111Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 20FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo34Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoDemocrat343431study aloneYes32122No3361 hour a weekNoYes 19MaleLatinx/HispanicdatingYes3.52Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesRepublican5555201ask help for a professorYes31221No134more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 20OtherCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleYes3.39543No, I was never employedDemocrat145115study aloneNo11111No156less than 1 hourNoNo 18MaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo24Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)I don't knowUnaffiliated4325142study aloneYes32112No5492 hours a weekNoNo 26MaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo, but I am considering it.3.52Yes, Full time (30 + hours)I don't knowDemocrat555551study aloneYes12222Yes55102 hours a weekNoNo 19MaleMultiple EthnicitiessingleYes24Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat3343135study with group of friendsYes34322Yes55101 hour a weekNoNo 19FemaleAsian/Pacific IslandersingleYes3.635I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicNoDemocrat344333ask help for a professorYes45344Yes55101 hour a weekNoNo 18FemaleMultiple EthnicitiessingleYes44No, I was never employedNoIndependent3332114ask help for a professorYes31111No123more than 3 hours a weekYesYes 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo2.64Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesUnaffiliated345335ask help for a professorYes44214Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 20FemaleLatinx/Hispanicliving with somebodyNo2.33Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated3455175study with group of friendsYes44444No5510less than 1 hourNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo3.895Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesIndependent125215ask help for a professorYes34355Yes55103 hours a weekNoYes 20FemaleLatinx/Hispanicliving with somebodyNo2.33Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated3455175study with group of friendsYes44444No5510less than 1 hourNoNo 21FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo2.863Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesDemocrat223325study aloneYes51255Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 22MaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo, but I am considering it.3.52Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesDemocrat4243133ask help for a professorYes52353No3143 hours a weekNoNo 20FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingYes3.85Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)I don't knowIndependent343231study aloneNo11111Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo, but I am considering it.5No, I was never employedYesIndependent1551125study aloneNo11211Yes1342 hours a weekNoYes 21FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes3.12Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat434443study aloneNo11111Yes4481 hour a weekNoYes 18MaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)datingNo3.75Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoRepublican2333115study aloneYes31234No549less than 1 hourNoNo 30FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo2Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated554551study aloneYes2111155101 hour a weekNoNo 19FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo2.83Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)I don't knowDemocrat2433125study aloneYes44223Yes5510less than 1 hourNoNo 19MaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo04Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated455545study with group of friendsNo11111No358more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 26FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes3.25No, I was never employedNoDemocrat113384study aloneYes11111No5510less than 1 hourNoYes 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingYes03Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)NoDemocrat455542ask help for a professorNo11111No5510less than 1 hourNoNo 18FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes33No, I was never employedYesDemocrat3342123study aloneYes44334No4372 hours a weekNoNo 22FemaleLatinx/HispanicmarriedYes42I was but I lost my job due to the pandemicNoUnaffiliated235325study aloneYes11111No459less than 1 hourNoNo 19FemaleCaucasian/White (Non-Hispanic)singleNo, but I am considering it.4No, I was never employedI don't knowRepublican5545194study aloneYes11452No1563 hours a weekNoYes 17FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes2.54Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat345234study aloneYes55455No257less than 1 hourNoYes 20FemaleMultiple EthnicitiesmarriedYes43Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesUnaffiliated4444163study aloneNo11111No5510less than 1 hourNoYes 21FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes3.33No, I was never employedNoDemocrat433442study aloneNo11111No156less than 1 hourNoYes 17FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes2.54Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat3452144study aloneYes55455No257less than 1 hourNoYes 18MaleLatinx/HispanicsingleYes2.42No, I was never employedNoDemocrat255223study aloneYes45555No5510less than 1 hourNoNo 21FemaleLatinx/HispanicdatingNo34Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesUnaffiliated4445172study aloneYes31113No336less than 1 hourNoNo 23FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo3.24Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesDemocrat434445ask help for a professorNo11111Yes5510more than 3 hours a weekNoYes 18MalesingleNo35Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)I don't knowDemocrat4444161study with group of friendsNo11111No1232 hours a weekYesYes 19FemaleBlack/African AmericandatingNo, but I am considering it.2Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesDemocrat333335study with group of friendsYes55455No459less than 1 hourNoNo 23FemaleLatinx/HispanicsingleNo33No, I was never employedNoDemocrat4333134study with group of friendsYes24132No347more than 3 hours a weekNoNo 21White HispanicsingleNo3.414Yes, Part-time (less than 30 hours)YesUnaffiliated544551study aloneYes11111No235more than 3 hours a weekNoYes 19MaleBlack/African AmericandatingNo32Yes, Full time (30 + hours)YesUnaffiliated3434144study aloneNo11111No448 18MaleBlack/African AmericansingleYes6No, I was never employedNoLibertarian455543ask help for a professorNo22225No156more than 3 hours a weekNoNo
Answered Same DayJun 03, 2021

Answer To: EDUC 15: Lab 4 ANOVAs and Correlations Submit on Canvas 25 Points For the following, Please copy and...

Subhanbasha answered on Jun 03 2021
149 Votes
Ans: Ethnicity is independent variable
Ans: Self-Esteem is the dependent variable
Ans: Here we use one way anova because we are going to find
relation between the one character variable having the groups and one numerical variable
Ans: Output tables as follows
educ$`What is you ethnicity?` Residuals
Sum of Squares 228.9066 2533.9701
Deg. of Freedom 6 66
Residual standard error: 6.196248
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
educ$`What is you ethnicity?` 6 228.9 38.15 0.994 0.437
Residuals 66 2534.0 38.39
1 observation deleted due to missingness
Latinx/Hispanic has highes self-esteem and it’s mean value is 8.794872.
White Hispanic has lowest self-esteem and it mean value is 5.
The p value is in the anova test is 0.437 which means that we can accept the null hypothesis means that there is no significance difference between Ethnicity and self-esteem.
Here we use one way anova because we are going to find relation between the one character variable having the groups and one numerical variable
Ans: The output as follows
Response: Positive Attitude Toward Tattoos

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