Microsoft Word - Decision Exercises.docx Decision Exercises #1 More BMI (10 points) If you completed the BMI exercise in the Basic applications, you could continue expanding that application here. The...

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I need following assignments completed and need them completed inside the python coding file. Need to follow the instructions from the last code put on there. Do not edit or erase any other code that was already on there.ExpertDelivery Manager(Upto 15 mnt delay)

Microsoft Word - Decision Exercises.docx Decision Exercises #1 More BMI (10 points) If you completed the BMI exercise in the Basic applications, you could continue expanding that application here. The video sequence added decisions to the logic to provide the user with an indication of their BMI’s weight status. Again you need to merely follow along with the video sequence and produce the exact results. The autograder will provide a basic indication if your code produces the four categories, even if your logic is slightly different from mine. #2 Animal Classifier (20 points) When algorithms include decisions, they naturally become more complex to code and also to test. Part of successfully using decisions means analyzing the appropriate test cases required to ensure the resulting code indeed works as planned. The following flowchart was proposed as an algorithm for classifying most animals based on their traits. Each result in this flowchart (e.g., Reptile, Mammal, Fish…) defines a new test case that needs you to define the input values that would lead to that scenario. 1 -Test Planning The flowchart above has many possible outcomes and sets of answer to the questions (i.e., inputs) that will result in each outcome. Testing decisions starts by identifying all possible outcomes and ensuring an input dataset exists to reach each outcome. Use a table like the one below to plan out your tests. You can create this table electronically or on paper, you won’t turn in step 1, but it is a good exercise to plan your testing. Results Has Skeleton Has Wings Has Feathers Lays Eggs Drinks Milk Undergoes Metamorphosis Has Gills Insect False False False False False False False * The number of rows provided does not indicate the number of test cases expected 2 – Fill the data for automated testing This step translates the inputs and expected results from the table above into your Python code. At the top of the file is a list of variables that define the logic’s result (e.g., AMPHIBIAN = “Amphibian”). Below these variables is a Python list (a data structure we will practice using in a few weeks) that defines the test cases. Your data from above will drive the testing! The table contains each of the possible outputs from the diagram above. As the code stands now, every input is set to False. Your table above should indicate which of the values should instead be True to determine if the animal is an insect, bird, or whatnot. Very carefully modify the appropriate values from False to True (it must be a capital T). If you accidentally delete a comma (,) or square bracket ([]), the code will break. 3 – The poor miscategorized platypus Sometimes on a software project, someone will provide you with exact rules they expect you to code, like the flowchart above. The flowchart above, though, has at least one logical problem! Think of the humble platypus. It has a skeleton, and its young drinks milk, yet it also lays eggs, yet the logic does not accurately report the platypus as a mammal (Can you predict what it would return?). You can help classify the platypus and earn some points by improving the logic. You do not need to add the platypus test case to your table above, I have a separate test case for that already! #3 States of Matter (15 points) In basic science, we learn that matter has three states – solid, liquid, and gas. One easy example of this concept is how water transitions between ice, its fluid state, and steam as it changes temperature, but there is some transition space between these temperatures in physical testing (if you freeze or boil water, it does not suddenly solidify or evaporate). In this exercise, I have written some code that attempted to show the transitions between these states by having a threshold in the logic. The hope was to represent the continuum between states with a small temperature threshold between each state. In the narrow band of 3 degrees above and below each temperature (i.e., the threshold), the app should report the transition state rather than the ‘main three’, but mine does not work correctly. 1 – Fix my broken code Your task is to fix my code so that it passes each test case. The file comes with a built-in tester, so your main goal is to make those failures turn into successes. Start by identifying the failing test cases and their reason for failing, then modify the code to the desired outcome. 2 – Try your own version of the logic A programmer can write code to realize a set of rules in many ways. To practice your skills at writing decision logic, I provided a second method named determineStateAlternative(). For more points, write your version of this decision logic from scratch (i.e., don’t copy mine) within this method such that it also passes the test cases. #4 Rock, Paper, Scissors (30 points) The game Rock, Paper, Scissors presents two players with a simple choice that could result in either player winning or a tie. The rules of the game are easy to represent as a picture, but the picture does not translate directly into an algorithm using decisions I started a Rock, Paper, Scissors game ( but have not yet coded several critical decisions that you must implement to finish the game. Download the code and start by running it. The provided code includes test cases followed by a user interface. Work through the code (top- down) and add one piece at a time. Remember to “code small”, ensuring your code is always running without errors. Do not attempt to code all steps before testing! You will need to add logic at the following places: 1. To play against the computer, we need to select a choice the computer player makes randomly. The function getComputerMove() generates a random number (0, 1, or 2) into the variable move. Add logic here to return one of the constants ROCK, PAPER, or SCISSORS as the computer’s move using a statement such as return ROCK 2. To get the player’s move, we need to ensure their input is one of the valid moves. The getPlayerMove() function defines the iteration logic for you and prompts the user for their input, storing the value in a variable move. Add logic to this method to ensure the user has typed in either “rock” (or “r”), “paper” (or “p”), or “scissors” (or “s”) and return the appropriate constant value as described above. If the user does not enter one of the three recognizable moves, print a line that tells them the valid options they can enter. 3. Select the winner – your first task is to create a series of decisions within the function winner(player1Move, player2Move)that realizes the game’s rules as dictated in the picture above. Your logic must return the winning player number (1 or 2) or 0 if it was a tie. The function parameters are set to one of the constant variables (ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS) to ensure your logic matches the valid input options. The automated test cases will help you to know when you have completed this function 4. The player needs to know the result of the game, and we need a decision to tell them. Modify the playGameWithUser() function to report the result and keep the score. Update the variable reportResult to one of the three constant values (RESULT_TIE, RESULT_P1, or RESULT_P2). Then update the three variables that track each outcome’s count using the variables provided (player1Wins, player2Wins, and ties). #5 Coin Meter Classifier (30 points) A toll booth system uses high-tech sensors to determine the diameter and weight of coins dropped into a basket to pay for tolls. The file has started the code for determining which type of coin was deposited by defining the known weights and diameters for pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for the most common US currency values. Since coins may not conform exactly to these measures, the system allows for a threshold for the weight and diameter, also provided as a constant in the code. Your code should check if an incoming coin is within this threshold. If the weight threshold is 3%, a coin weighs between 97% and 103% of the target weight of a penny, for example, to be considered a penny. A coin must be within the thresholds of both the diameter and weight. Individual determinination The file includes a constant value of each coin type and the expected weight and diameter for each coin. You must complete the functions:  isAPenny  isANickel  isADime  isAQuarter The caller to each function provides the weight and diameter of a candidate coin. Your code should check if the values fall within the threshold of that coin’s values and return True if it does or False if it does not. You can also complete the classifyCoin function, which identifies which type of coin a caller presented (PENNY, NICKEL, DIME, QUARTER, or UNKNOWN). The logic should checks if the provided weight and height fall into any of the four mutually exclusive coin thresholds (e.g., you
Answered 2 days AfterApr 21, 2021

Answer To: Microsoft Word - Decision Exercises.docx Decision Exercises #1 More BMI (10 points) If you completed...

Sandeep Kumar answered on Apr 23 2021
149 Votes
"python.pythonPath": "C:\\Users\\nax\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python39\\python.exe"
# From:
AMPHIBIAN = "Amphibian"
BIRD = "Bird"
FISH = "Fish"
INSECT = "Insect"
MAMMAL = "Mammal"
REPTILE = "Reptile"
#....................... 2 ..............................
# Modify the following data structure to match your defined test cases.
# The inputs to the test cases are next represented by Boolean values
# (must be True and False, case sensitive)
# that align to one of the input values in the following order:
# skeleton, wings, feathers, eggs, milk, meta, gills
TEST_CASES = [[INSECT , [False, False, False, False, False, False, False]],
[BIRD , [True, True, True, True, False, False, False]],
[MAMMAL , [True, True, False, True, True, False, False]],
[MAMMAL , [True, True, False, True, True, False, False]],
[AMPHIBIAN , [True, False, False, True, False, True, False]],
[REPTILE , [True, False, False, True, False, False, False]],
[FISH , [True, False, False, True, False, False, True]]]
# The following code, AnimalClassifier, is a class. It helps to group data
# and is a vital part of Object-Oriented progr
amming. We won't do a lot with
# classes in this course, but they are important later. For now, it is just a way
# of grouping the various properties to classify an animal.
class AnimalClassifier:
hasSkeleton = False
hasWings = False
hasFeathers = False
laysEggs = False
drinksMilk = False
undergoesMetamorphasis = False
hasGills = False
#................... 3 ..........................................
def classify(self):
Use the attributes of the Animal Classifier task to determine the animal
self - an grouping of the AnimalClassifier attributes
returns the class of the animal with those properties
if self.hasSkeleton:
if self.hasWings:
if self.hasFeathers:
return BIRD
return MAMMAL
if not self.laysEggs:
if self.drinksMilk:
return MAMMAL
if self.undergoesMetamorphasis:
if self.hasGills:
return FISH
if self.drinksMilk:
return MAMMAL
return REPTILE

return INSECT
# Everything below here is tester code DO NOT MODIFY
def __init__(self, skeleton, wings, feathers, eggs, milk, meta, gills):
Initializes the class with the provided values
self.hasSkeleton = skeleton
self.hasWings = wings
self.hasFeathers = feathers
self.laysEggs = eggs
self.drinksMilk = milk
self.hasGills = gills
self.undergoesMetamorphasis = meta
def getBoolean(prompt):
Prompt the user a question that is answered true or false
prompt - the text to ask the user
returns True or False as specified by the user
while True:
answer = input(prompt).lower()
if (answer == "true" or answer == 't'):
return True
elif (answer == "false" or answer == 'f'):
return False
print("You must answer True (t) or False (f)")
def presentToUser():
Ask the user a series of questions that help to classify the animal and
then show them the result
hasSkeleton = getBoolean("Does your animal have a skeleton:")
hasWings = getBoolean("Does it have wings:")
hasFeathers = getBoolean("Does it have feathers:")
laysEggs = getBoolean("Does it lay eggs:")
drinksMilk = getBoolean("Does its young drink milk:")
undergoesMetamorphasis = getBoolean("Does it undergo a metamorphasis:")
hasGills = getBoolean("Does it have gills:")

classifier = AnimalClassifier(hasSkeleton, hasWings, hasFeathers, laysEggs,
drinksMilk, undergoesMetamorphasis, hasGills)
print("Your animal is a", classifier.classify())
def testClassifier():
Test the classify logic using the test cases defined above
success = True
for testCase in TEST_CASES:
answer = testCase[0]
parameters = testCase[1]
test = AnimalClassifier(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3],
parameters[4], parameters[5], parameters[6])
result = test.classify()
if result != answer:
success = False
print ("Test case Failed: I expected", answer, "but got", result, "for the inputs", parameters)
return success
def testPlatypus():
success = True
answer = MAMMAL
parameters = [True, False, False, True, True, False, False]
test = AnimalClassifier(parameters[0], parameters[1], parameters[2], parameters[3],
parameters[4], parameters[5], parameters[6])
result = test.classify()
if result != answer:
success = False
print ("Platypus Test case Failed: I expected", answer, "but got", result, "for the inputs", parameters)
return success
if __name__ == '__main__':
if testClassifier() and testPlatypus():
print("All test cases passed!")
print("Classify your own animal now...")
DIME = 2
def isAPenny(weight, diameter):
Checks to see if the coin is a penny
weight - the weight of current coin to evaluate
diameter - the diameter of current coin to evaluate
returns True if coin is a penny
if ((0.97*PENNY_WEIGHT <= weight and weight <= 1.03*PENNY_WEIGHT) and (0.97*PENNY_DIAMETER <= diameter and diameter <= 1.03*PENNY_DIAMETER)):
return True
return False
def isANickel(weight, diameter):
Checks to see if the coin is a nickel
weight - the weight of current coin to evaluate
diameter - the diameter of current coin to evaluate
returns True if coin is a nickel
if ((0.97*NICKEL_WEIGHT <= weight and weight <= 1.03*NICKEL_WEIGHT) and (0.97*NICKEL_DIAMETER <= diameter and diameter <= 1.03*NICKEL_DIAMETER)):
return True
return False
def isADime(weight, diameter):
Checks to see if the coin is a dime
weight - the weight of current coin to evaluate
diameter - the diameter of current coin to evaluate
returns True if coin is a dime
if ((0.97*DIME_WEIGHT <= weight and weight<= 1.03*DIME_WEIGHT ) and ( 0.97*DIME_DIAMETER <= diameter and diameter <= 1.03*DIME_DIAMETER)):
return True
return False
def isAQuarter(weight, diameter):
Checks to see if the coin is a quarter
weight - the weight of current coin to evaluate
diameter - the diameter of current coin to evaluate
returns True if coin is a quarter
if ((0.97*QUARTER_WEIGHT <= weight and weight<= 1.03*QUARTER_WEIGHT ) and (0.97*QUARTER_DIAMETER <= diameter and diameter <= 1.03*QUARTER_DIAMETER)):
return True
return False

def clasifyCoin(weight, diameter):
Determine what type of coin was received based on the weight and diameter
weight - the weight of current coin to evaluate
diameter - the diameter of current coin to evaluate
returns One of the coin types listed above, or UNKNOWN
if isAQuarter(weight, diameter)==True:
return 3
elif isADime(weight, diameter)==True:
return 2
elif isANickel(weight, diameter)==True:
return 1
elif isAPenny(weight, diameter)==True:
return 0
return 4

# Everything below here is tester code DO NOT MODIFY
TEST_DATA = [[2.5, 0.75, PENNY],
[5.0, 0.835, NICKEL],
[2.268, 0.705, DIME],
[5.67, 0.955, QUARTER],
[5.67, 0.75, UNKNOWN],
[5.1, 0.83, NICKEL],
[5.7, 0.95, QUARTER],
[2.4, 0.705, UNKNOWN]]
# Test the coin functions
def coinTester():
passed = True
#Penny Tests
weight = TEST_DATA[0][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[0][1]
if not isAPenny(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isAPenny Fail: got False expected True",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
weight = TEST_DATA[1][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[1][1]
if isAPenny(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isAPenny Fail: got True expected False",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
#Nickel Tests
weight = TEST_DATA[1][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[1][1]
if not isANickel(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isANickel Fail: got False expected True",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
weight = TEST_DATA[2][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[2][1]
if isANickel(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isANickel Fail: got True expected False",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)

#Dime tests
weight = TEST_DATA[2][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[2][1]
if not isADime(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isADime Fail: got False expected True",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
weight = TEST_DATA[3][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[3][1]
if isADime(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isADime Fail: got True expected False",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
#Quarter Tests
weight = TEST_DATA[3][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[3][1]
if not isAQuarter(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isAQuarter Fail: got False expected True",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
weight = TEST_DATA[4][0]
diameter = TEST_DATA[4][1]
if isAQuarter(weight, diameter):
passed = False
print("isAQuarter Fail: got True expected False",
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)

for testData in TEST_DATA:
weight = testData[0]
diameter = testData[1]
expected = testData[2]
answer = clasifyCoin(weight, diameter)
if answer != expected:
passed = False
print("Fail: got", answer, "expected", expected,
"for the values weight =", weight, "and diameter =", diameter)
if passed:
print("All coin tests passed")
# Only run this code below if this is called as the main, not imported
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Simple object oriented graphics library
The library is designed to make it very easy for novice programmers to
experiment with computer graphics in an object oriented fashion. It is
written by John Zelle for use with the book "Python Programming: An
Introduction to Computer Science" (Franklin, Beedle & Associates).
LICENSE: This is open-source software released under the terms of the
PLATFORMS: The package is a wrapper around Tkinter and should run on
any platform where Tkinter is available.
INSTALLATION: Put this file somewhere where Python can see it.
OVERVIEW: There are two kinds of objects in the library. The GraphWin
class implements a window where drawing can be done and various
GraphicsObjects are provided that can be drawn into a GraphWin. As a
simple example, here is a complete program to draw a circle of radius
10 centered in a 100x100 window:
from graphics import *
def main():
win = GraphWin("My Circle", 100, 100)
c = Circle(Point(50,50), 10)
win.getMouse() # Pause to view result
win.close() # Close window when done
GraphWin objects support coordinate transformation through the
setCoords method and mouse and keyboard interaction methods.
The library provides the following graphical objects:
Entry (for text-based input)
Various attributes of graphical objects can be set such as
outline-color, fill-color and line-width. Graphical objects also
support moving and hiding for animation effects.
The library also provides a very simple class for pixel-based image
manipulation, Pixmap. A pixmap can be loaded from a file and displayed
using an Image object. Both getPixel and setPixel methods are provided
for manipulating the image.
DOCUMENTATION: For complete documentation, see Chapter 4 of "Python
Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science" by John Zelle,
published by Franklin, Beedle & Associates. Also see for a quick reference"""
__version__ = "5.0"
# Version 5 8/26/2016
# * update at bottom to fix MacOS issue causing askopenfile() to hang
# * update takes an optional parameter specifying update rate
# * Entry objects get focus when drawn
# * __repr_ for all objects
# * fixed offset problem in window, made canvas borderless
# Version 4.3 4/25/2014
# * Fixed Image getPixel to work with Python 3.4, TK 8.6 (tuple type handling)
# * Added interactive keyboard input (getKey and checkKey) to GraphWin
# * Modified setCoords to cause redraw of current objects, thus
# changing the view. This supports scrolling around via setCoords.
# Version 4.2 5/26/2011
# * Modified Image to allow multiple undraws like other GraphicsObjects
# Version 4.1 12/29/2009
# * Merged Pixmap and Image class. Old Pixmap removed, use Image.
# Version 4.0.1 10/08/2009
# * Modified the autoflush on GraphWin to default to True
# * Autoflush check on close, setBackground
# * Fixed getMouse to flush pending clicks at entry
# Version 4.0 08/2009
# * Reverted to non-threaded version. The advantages (robustness,
# efficiency, ability to use with other Tk code, etc.)...

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