Assessment T-1.8.1 Details of Assessment Term and Year TERM 2 2018 Time allowed Weeks 7,8 Assessment No 2 Assessment Weighting 50% Assessment Type Customer Service Project and Role-play (IN PAIRS)...

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I need everything except the Task 6( role play and script )

Assessment T-1.8.1 Details of Assessment Term and Year TERM 2 2018 Time allowed Weeks 7,8 Assessment No 2 Assessment Weighting 50% Assessment Type Customer Service Project and Role-play (IN PAIRS) Individual submission Due Date Week 7,8 Room 3 Details of Subject Qualification BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management Subject Name Customer Service Details of Unit(s) of competency Unit Code (s) and Names BSBCUS501 Manage Quality Customer service Details of Student Student Name College AAI Student ID Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______/________/_______________ Details of Assessor Assessor’s Name SINDHU NAIR Assessment Outcome Results |_| Competent |_| Not Yet Competent Marks / 50 FEEDBACK TO STUDENT Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the reassessment procedure. Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback |_| Student did not attend the feedback session. Feedback provided on assessment. Signature: ____________________________ Date: ____/_____/_____ Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes: Competent (C) Not Yet Competent (NYC) Plans, policies or procedures for delivering quality customer service develop and manage organisational systems for quality customer service develop and review plans, policies and procedures for delivering and monitoring quality customer service implement policies and procedures to ensure quality customer service monitor and assist teams to meet customer service requirements develop, procure and use human and physical resources to support quality customer service delivery Assessment/evidence gathering conditions Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment. Resources required for this Assessment 1. Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet 1. Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions Instructions for Students Please read the following instructions carefully · This assessment has to be completed |X| In class |X| At home · The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. · Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other feedback will be provided by the end of the term. · Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. · If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. · Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook). INSTRUCTIONS: This assessment is to be completed by Week 7. Kindly check eLearning for further details. You may need to conduct some research of your own to answer these questions. Books and the internet are useful sources of information. Cut and paste answers and COPYING from classmates, even from the previous terms, will have NO MARKS. Late assessments will get a maximum mark of 25/50. TASKS AND ROLE-PLAY (50 MARKS) TASK1. A colleague has asked you to coach them in the provision of good customer service techniques. Explain how you would go about doing this. To answer this question you will need to research the coaching process then demonstrate that you understand how coaching procedures can be applied and why these are necessary, in such situations, to have some understanding of adult learning needs. (5 marks) TASK2. Stakeholders are people who have an interest in a particular issue. A stakeholder is anyone significantly affecting or affected by someone else’s decision making. The first step in stakeholder analysis is identifying who your key stakeholders are. Imagine a small restaurant in a busy suburban street. The restaurant seats fifty (50) people. It has a modern cuisine style menu. The business is a partnership between a husband and a wife. Identify the stakeholders for this restaurant. Draw a diagram showing the inter-relationships. (5 marks) TASK3. If you or your team/workgroup identified a problem or developed a new idea with regards to improving customer service, how and to whom would you present this idea? (5 marks) TASK4. Being able to provide customer service is not an innate skill. Discuss 3 ways on how employees can learn the skills needed to provide good customer service. (5 marks) TASK5. In any organisation, there are both internal and external customers. These are all part of the customer – supplier chain. For the customer/end-user to receive quality products/services, it is necessary that all aspects of the customer–supply chain meet specific quality objectives. Who actually sets these quality standards and how are they set? Identify 2 entities and explain. (5 marks) TASK6. ROLE-PLAY (25 marks) This is a practical assessment to ensure the learner participates in customer service interactions/transaction situation using a role-play script in a simulated environment. Pairs are required in this assessment. Your assessment partner will play the role of a customer and you as the service staff and vice versa. Your trainer will play the role of your supervisor. Your role-play should include a conversation between 5-10 minutes with the customer. You are required to: · Develop the scenario script that contains conversations of both people for the role play · Consult the supervisor in regards to the service situation (if referral is required) Sample Script: Customer Service: Hi, I am John, How are you today and how can I help you? Customer: Hi, I am Kelly. Good, Thanks. Organisational Context: Role-Play topics and scenario examples for developing the Role Play Script by the learner may include, but not limited to the following: 1. A customer enquires/wishes to purchase or experience your company’s products and services 2. A Customer Is Confused About What He or She Wants or Needs 3. When a Customer Makes a Racist Remark 4. When a Customer Asks to Be Served Ahead of Other Waiting Customers 5. When a Customer Has a Negative Attitude About Your Company Due to Past Experiences 6. When a Customer Is Experiencing a Language Barrier 7. When the Customer Insults Your Competence 8. When You Don't Have the Answer 9. When You Need to Clarify Commitments 10. The Customer is agitated 11. The Customer has defective merchandise 12. You receive a Complaint about Rude Employees 13. A customer feels you have ‘ripped’ them off Role Play should ensure that the learner demonstrates some of the following: · Work activities that allow interaction with multiple and diverse customer types to allow the leaner to respond to a range of requirements and customer needs · Ability to provide a total quality service experience with knowledge of different customer preferences and ways to meet both stated and unstated requirements · Customer service or complaint situations. · Techniques for solving complaints including the principles and techniques involved in the management and organisation of any of the following: i. Customer behaviour ii. Customer needs research iii. Customer relations iv. Ongoing product and/or service quality v. Problem identification and resolution vi. Quality customer service delivery vii. Record keeping and management methods viii. Strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve customer service relationships ix. Strategies to obtain customer feedback ROLE PLAY SCRIPT Role-play topic: . ROLE-PLAY MARKING GUIDE (for trainer use only) The Trainer is to assess the learner’s performance using the Customer Service Assessment Checklist provided below. DID THE CANDIDATE’S ASSESSMENT SATISFACTORILY ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING: S NS N/A Interprets and analyses textual information from a variety of sources and applies the knowledge that has been gained to evaluate standards for organisation’s products and services Produces a range of text types to convey information, requirements or recommendations matching style of writing to purpose and audience Clearly articulates systems and standards in a team environment using language suitable to diverse audiences Uses listening and questioning techniques to obtain feedback and confirm understanding Interprets and comprehends mathematical information in organisation’s business and customer service plans. Recognises and applies organisational protocols and meets expectations associated with own work Identifies and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with colleagues and customers Collaborates with others, taking into account their strengths and experience, to achieve desired outcomes Provides support in field of expertise to team Develops and implements plans using logical processes and monitors and evaluates progress against stated goals Accepts responsibility for addressing complex or non-routine difficulties, applying problem solving processes in determining a solution. Uses digital technology to access, organise and present information in a format that meets requirements THE OVERALL PERFORMANCE WAS COMPETENT NOT YET COMPETENT Customer Service, Assessment No.2Page 1 v1.0, Last updated on 27/04/2018 by MM
Answered Same DayMay 21, 2020BSBCUS501Training.Gov.Au

Answer To: Assessment T-1.8.1 Details of Assessment Term and Year TERM 2 2018 Time allowed Weeks 7,8 Assessment...

Sundeep answered on May 22 2020
147 Votes
TASK1. A colleague has asked you to coach them in the provision of good customer service techniques. Explain how you would go about doing this. To answer this question you will need to research the coaching process then demonstrate that you understand how coaching procedures can be applied and w
hy these are necessary, in such situations, to have some understanding of adult learning needs. (5 marks)
A 4 step process is the most successful process for teaching anything. The 4 step process defines:
Setting of goals: What do we need and why do we need it and what are the targets we are aiming?
Developing an action plan: what should be our action plans? How do we achieve them?
Setting ways to overcome obstacles: What are the obstacles that could get in our way and what are the resources that we could need?
Assessing the progress: How do we check if we have completed our goals? What did it take us to complete the goal
The good customer service techniques would include:
· Engaging with the customer in active listening: Listening to the problem would help you solve it better
· Highlighting and understanding the issue of our customers: Keep the customer in the lime light
· Being courteous: being polite goes a long way in relationship building
· Calling the customer by his/her first name: Addressing the customer by the first name shows that you are giving them priority
· Do an extra thing for the customer: the customer would appreciate it
· Ask, do not demand: Ask fir relevant information and try to deduce the required material for analysis of the problem
· Be proactive: try to find the issue and solve it quickly
TASK2. Stakeholders are people who have an interest in a particular issue. A stakeholder is anyone significantly affecting or affected by someone else’s decision making. The first step in stakeholder analysis is identifying who your key stakeholders are.
Imagine a small restaurant in a busy suburban street. The restaurant seats fifty (50) people. It has a modern cuisine style menu. The business is a partnership between a husband and a wife.
Identify the stakeholders for this restaurant. Draw a diagram showing the inter-relationships.
(5 marks)
    The stakeholders would be divided into primary and the secondary stakeholders.
The primary stakeholders hold the input and output of the restaurant services while the secondary stakeholders are the ones who would affect the restaurant but not at a high level
The use case of the restaurant would be:
TASK3. If you or your team/workgroup identified a problem or developed a new idea with regards to improving customer service, how and to whom would you present this idea? (5 marks)
Every team or if we consider, most of the teams have the hierarchical structure and the decision making powers lie with the lead of the team. It is the leader of the team that would decide if the strategy is implementable or not. Since the domain is customer service, we have to be careful about the services we offer and the way we offer these services. Since the customer interaction is what gets affected.
Hence when I have developed a new idea I would first...

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