GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. MDM4U f1+ B – Statistics of Two Variables Assignment Answer all questions with full solutions. Make sure your work is legible, even after you have scanned it,...

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GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. MDM4U f1+ B – Statistics of Two Variables Assignment Answer all questions with full solutions. Make sure your work is legible, even after you have scanned it, and submit it as a single file. 1. Sketch a scatter plot that could represent data from each of the following. Label the axes to indicate the independent and dependent variable. a. people’s ages (starting at 20) and their reaction times b. size of a house and its price c. exposure to sunlight and the risk of heart attacks d. size of vocabulary and age (birth to 25 years old) e. oven temperature and the cooking time for a turkey (10 Marks) 2. A study was done with a group of university students to determine if there was a correlation between the amounts of sleep they got and their academic performance. The following table lists some data from the study. a. Make a scatter plot of the data. b. Using a spreadsheet, determine the PPMCC. c. What would you conclude about the relationship between the two variables? Student A B C D E F Hours of Sleep 6.0 6.5 7.0 6.5 8.5 8.0 Average Mark 62 58 66 71 76 82 Student G H I J K L Hours of Sleep 9.0 8.5 7.0 7.5 6.5 7.5 Average Mark 76 75 70 68 56 77 (10 Marks) 3. A recent study found that people who illegally download music spend more on music than those who don't. These findings are often cited as evidence that piracy does not harm music sales, and can even enhance them. Explain why the commonly reached conclusion to these findings may not be correct. Read the article online http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/120147-Survey-Indicates-Music-Pirates-Are-Biggest-Music-Buyers (10 Marks) GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. 4. Give an example of each of the following types of causal relationships, fully explaining your suggestion: a. common-cause factor b. accidental relationship c. reverse cause and effect relationship. (10 Marks) GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. MDM4U f1+ B – Statistics of Two Variables Assignment Answer all questions with full solutions. Make sure your work is legible, even after you have scanned it, and submit it as a single file. 1. Sketch a scatter plot that could represent data from each of the following. Label the axes to indicate the independent and dependent variable. a. people’s ages (starting at 20) and their reaction times b. size of a house and its price c. exposure to sunlight and the risk of heart attacks d. size of vocabulary and age (birth to 25 years old) e. oven temperature and the cooking time for a turkey (10 Marks) 2. A study was done with a group of university students to determine if there was a correlation between the amounts of sleep they got and their academic performance. The following table lists some data from the study. a. Make a scatter plot of the data. b. Using a spreadsheet, determine the PPMCC. c. What would you conclude about the relationship between the two variables? Student A B C D E F Hours of Sleep 6.0 6.5 7.0 6.5 8.5 8.0 Average Mark 62 58 66 71 76 82 Student G H I J K L Hours of Sleep 9.0 8.5 7.0 7.5 6.5 7.5 Average Mark 76 75 70 68 56 77 (10 Marks) 3. A recent study found that people who illegally download music spend more on music than those who don't. These findings are often cited as evidence that piracy does not harm music sales, and can even enhance them. Explain why the commonly reached conclusion to these findings may not be correct. Read the article online http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/120147-Survey-Indicates-Music-Pirates-Are-Biggest-Music-Buyers (10 Marks) GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. 4. Give an example of each of the following types of causal relationships, fully explaining your suggestion: a. common-cause factor b. accidental relationship c. reverse cause and effect relationship. (10 Marks)
Answered Same DayApr 23, 2021

Answer To: GO TO: THE DROPBOX AND UPLOAD YOUR WORK. MDM4U f1+ B – Statistics of Two Variables Assignment Answer...

Pooja answered on Apr 25 2021
151 Votes
Question 1 :Sketch a scatter plot that could represent data from each of the following. Label the axes to indicate the independent and dependent variable.
a. people’s
ages (starting at 20) and their reaction times
b. size of a house and its price
c. exposure to sunlight and the risk of heart attacks
d. size of vocabulary and age (birth to 25 years old)
e. oven temperature and the cooking time for a turkey
Ans : Scatter plot between people’s age and their reaction times.
b) size of a house and its price
c) exposure to sunlight and the risk of heart attacks
d) size of vocabulary and age (birth to 25 years old)
e) oven temperature and the cooking time for a turkey
Ans: 2 Scatter plot between Average marks & hours sleep
    Hours of sleep (x)
    Average Mark (Y)
    Hours of sleep (x)
    Average Mark (Y)
Descriptive Statistics
    Std. Deviation
    Pearson Correlation (r)
    P value
    Hours of sleep
    Average Mark
c) Person correlation coefficient ( r )shows the strength of relationship between the two variables.
p shows the significance level.
From the above calculation we found r = 0.762, p= 0.004
Variable hours of sleep & average marks obtained were found to be strongly positively correlated, r (12) = 0.762, p<0.001
Question : 3 A recent study found that people who illegally download music spend more on music than those who don't. These findings are often cited as evidence that piracy does not harm music sales, and can even enhance them. Explain why the commonly reached conclusion to these findings may not be correct.
Ans : From a...

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