I need detailed 2-3 paragraph with examples with exact source and page number On these topicsidentify examples of how cultural values affect moral legitimacy and cyber ethics norms. How can cultural...

I need detailed 2-3 paragraph with examples with exact source and page number On these topicsidentify examples of how cultural values affect moral legitimacy and cyber ethics norms. How can cultural values, traditions, religion, the desire for higher economic status, or poor local law enforcement possibly affect the ability to regulate copyright piracy or other illicit activity globally? If you were writing a code of ethics, what would be the most important practices to include in your company’s acceptable use policy, Internet use policy, or acceptable conduct policy?Cyber activities can be transnational, and the changing environment is blurring the traditional distinctions between crime, espionage, terrorism and warfare. What are cyber weapons? Can they be used for crime, espionage, terrorism and warfare? Explain possible consequences for Internet cybersecurity once we enter a Global Cyber Arms Race. How likely is it that the United States will be attacked by a threat actor employing a modified version of the STUXNET cyber weapon some day? Background: 1. Stuxnet Infected Chevron’s IT Network [2012 – possibly unintended consequences]

2. Stuxnet Cyberattack by US a ‘Destabilizing and Dangerous’ Course of Action, says Security Expert Bruce Schneier[2012]

3. The Real Story of Stuxnet [2013 – from IEEE]

4. U.S., Israel Developed Flame Computer Virus to Slow Iranian Nuclear Efforts, Officials Say [2012]

May 15, 2022

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