I messed up my dice program. I wanted to use the #include, but messed up. The code is suppose to roll a dice, display it and re-roll the die again. I highlighted the code that I think is the problem....

I messed up my dice program. I wanted to use the
#include, but messed up. The code is suppose to roll a dice, display it and re-roll the die again. I highlighted the code that I think is the problem.



#include "die .h"

using namespace std;

int main() {

die die1;

die die2;

count <><><>

count <><><>


count <><><>

die 2.roll();

count <><><>

count <><>




count <><>


return 0;

} //end main






#include "die. h"

using namespace std;



//num = 1; -----------This is the old code

// sr and (time(0)); -----------This is the old code

random _device r device{};

default _random_ engine num s{ r device() };

uniform _int_ distribution random Num{ 1,6 };


void die::roll()


//num = rand() % 6 + 1; -----------This is the old code

num = random Num(num s);


int die::get Num() const


return num;



Die. h

class die




//Default constructor

//Sets the default number rolled by a die to 1

void roll();

//Function to roll a die.

//This function uses a random number generator to randomly

//generate a number between 1 and 6, and stores the number

//in the instance variable num.

int get Num() const;

//Function to return the number on the top face of the die.

//Returns the value of the instance variable num.


int num;


May 19, 2022

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