A. Overview of the Organization and Focus
Jackson State University has a distinguished history, rich in the
tradition of educating young men and women for leadership, having undergone
seven name changes as it grew and developed. Founded as Natchez Seminary in
1877 by the American Baptist Home Mission Society, the school was established
as Natchez, Mississippi âfor the moral, religious and intellectual improvement
of Christian leaders of the colored people of Mississippi and the neighboring
states.â In November 1882, the school was moved to Jackson; in March 1889, the
curriculum was expanded and the name was changed to Jackson College. The state
assumed support of the college in 1940, assigning to it the mission of training
Subsequently, between 1953 and 1956, the curriculum was expanded to
include a graduate program and bachelorâs programs in the arts and sciences;
the name was then changed to Jackson State College in 1956. Further expansion
of the curriculum and a notable building program preceded the elevation of
Jackson State College to university status on March 15, 1974. In 1979, Jackson
State was officially designated the Urban University of the state of
Presently, Jackson State University, a public, coeducational
institution, is supported by legislative appropriations supplemented by student
fees and federal and private grants. Jackson State University is located in
Jackson, the capital city and the cultural, political, geographic and business
center of Mississippi. The campus is a 245 acre campus with 51 academic and administrative
buildings. The main campus is located on JR Lynch Street between Prentiss and
Dalton Street.
The universityâs vision
is to build on its historic mission of empowering diverse students to become
leaders. Jackson State University wishes to become recognized as a challenging,
yet nurturing state of the art technologically infused intellectual community.
Students and faculty are committed to engaging in creative research,
participating in interdisciplinary and multi-institutional and organizational
collaborative learning teams and serving the global community. The mission of
the university is to produce technologically advanced, diverse, ethical, and
global leaders who are able to think critically, address societal problems and
compete effectively (www. jsums.edu).
of Purpose
The purpose for this research is to uncover the
factors that contribute to the decrease in the graduation rate a Jackson State
University. Jackson State University is a historically black college.
Historically black colleges over the years have been viewed as having lower
graduation rates that that of other institutions. This research will uncover
the factors that contribute to the decline in graduation rates, and the
retention rates as well.
This research will uncover such factors as
financial aid, placement, and test scores. This research will also compare the
graduation statistics to that of other colleges and universities. As of 2011,
total enrollment was 8, 903 and of that number 6, 844 were undergraduates. Of the
total enrollment, 38% were male and 62% were female. Eighty-six percent were
enrolled as full-time students (Vol. 25 No.4, The Office of Institutional
Research and Planning).
This research will investigate those factors
that have already been uncovered such as tuition fees, and the effectiveness of
the universityâs studentâs retention services. In fall 2005, the retention rate
was at 100%, slowly declining each year, with fall 2010 falling to 14%. This
research will also uncover the factors and inhibitions that contributed to such
a decline just over five years (Deis & Dadpay, 2012).
The graduation period for an undergraduate is
set by the curriculum to be completed in four years; however statistics show
that a vast majority complete their undergraduate degree in six years.
Therefore, this research must review the curriculum to ensure that it has been
developed for students to complete in four years. Also, this research will
compare the rate of full-time students to that of part-time students and incorporate
limitations such as employment, family life, and factors that are unforeseen
(Sr, 2014).
Jackson State University offers support by the
way of the Student Retention Services. This office was implemented in the fall
of 2005 by the Division of Undergraduate Studies to increase the retention rate
of students, especially first to second semester freshmen as well as fall to
fall retention. The Office of Student Retention Services is currently
responsible for coordinating and implementing the university retention action
plan, devising academic support programming for at risk students, and
incorporating best practices in retention theory at Jackson State. The
retention coordinator currently assist students with withdrawal from the
university, completion of satisfactory academic progress appeals for freshmen
and sophomores, completion of academic second change/new start, academic
support, and academic standing notification (www.
At the conclusion
of this research, all factors that contribute to the decline of Jackson Stateâs
graduation rate will have been uncovered. Over the years, education has been
taught to be very important in the African American household, so it is
bothering to see fewer blacks entering college and therefore remaining there to
receive a degree. The questions is currently being asked, are HBCUâs needed?
James 2:17-18 states, so also faith by itself, if it does not have works, are
dead. But someone will say, âYou have faith and I have works.â Show me your
faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.â
2. Research Questions
Why has the graduation rate
declined at Jackson State University?
Timothy 3:16-17 states, all scripture is breathed out by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in
righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good
work. I Corinthians 15:58 also speaks to
retention and one completing their goals as it says; Therefore, my beloved
brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord,
knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
3. Hypothesis
am confident that this research will prove that the lack of financial resources
has the largest impact on student retention and completing an undergraduate
degree. I am hopeful that with the
university implementing The Student Retention Services, it will increase
student retention strategies, leading to an increase in student graduation.
Proverbs 22:7 directly relates to this statement as it says; the rich rules
over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.