I have uploaded the video link to the drive which u will need to complete the assessment. i have shared all the resources for the assessment. Please give ur best,...

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I have uploaded the video link to the drive which u will need to complete the assessment. i have shared all the resources for the assessment. Please give ur best, thanks.

1 TCHR2002 Assessment 1 TCHR2002 CHILDREN, FAMILIES & COMMUNITIES ASSESSMENT 1: Portfolio Summary Title Assessment 1: Portfolio of short responses to unit content Due Date Monday 22nd July (WEEK 4) @ 11:59pm AEDT Length 1500 words excluding references Weighting 50% Academic Integrity and GenAI – see below Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools, such as ChatGPT, is permitted for this preparation of Assessment Task, withih university guidelines. If you use GenAI tools, you must use these ethically and acknowledge their use. To find out how to reference GenAI in your work consult the APA 7th referencing style for your unit via SCU Library referencing guides. Submission 1 word document saved as a PDF and submitted to Turnitin. No resubmissions of assignments are permitted in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO) on the successful completion of this task: • ULO 1: Compare and critique historical and contemporary constructions of childhood and families, including those pertaining to Indigenous childhoods. • ULO 2: Identify the ways to ensure children feel that they are belonging, being, and becoming. Rationale Working with and supporting children and families within the context of their community is a vital consideration for teachers as this reflects the lives and learning of children. Knowing children, families and communities therefore presents opportunities and challenges and being able to identify, compare and critique the diversity of issues that children and families experience in contemporary communities in Australia is a vital skill. Assessment Description The aim of this assessment is for pre-service teachers to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding regarding the historical and diverse issues facing children and families in contemporary communities. This assessment aligns with the unit learning modules 1-3 and requires you to reflect upon key issues presented in the unit content and complete three (3) x 500-word responses to the following topics. Topic 1: Historical childhood influences Think about one or two issues that influence children’s lives today and how this has changed over the last 20-50 years. With reference to the unit content compare and critique how contemporary life may enhance or hinder outcomes for children and families compared to how life influenced them in the past. Pay attention to the ideas about how contemporary childhoods are constructed in an Australian or Global context. Frame your answer using the levels in Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model including an understanding of the concept of proximal processes. https://www.scu.edu.au/library/study/referencing-guides/ 2 TCHR2002 Assessment 1 Topic 2: Indigenous childhoods Culturally responsive educators are knowledgeable of each child and family’s context including how to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the curriculum. Make relevant links to the Early Years Learning Framework (AGDE, 2022) in your discussions. • Discuss the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children being able to see themselves, their identities and cultures reflected in their learning environment. • Identify why creating an intercultural space is important for all children and families? Topic 3: Gender equity scenario You are employed as the teacher in an early childhood education setting where a new family has recently enrolled their four-year-old son Jacob. You have planned a cooking experience with the children when Jacob states, “cooking is the girl’s job, boys should not cook!” Discuss the following points with reference to the unit content: § What specific language and strategies would you use to address the children’s being, belonging and becoming in this situation? § Give examples of how can you teach gender equity as part of an anti-bias curriculum that has been outlined in the unit content, with children aged 3-5 years-of-age? § How could you communicate the principles of an anti-bias curriculum and gender equity with families? Assessment Instructions Formatting and style APA 7 formatting is required for this task. • Include a cover page that contains: o The title of the task in bold o Your name (as author) and Student ID o Your faculty (Faculty of Education, Southern Cross University) o The unit code and name (TCHR2002 Children, Families, and Communities) o Your unit assessor’s name (Tracy Young) o The due date • Include clear headings for the topics you are responding to • Indent the first line of each new paragraph. • Use 12-point Arial font. • Use a 1.5- or double-line space for your writing and your reference list Referencing • APA 7 Referencing style is required to be used for this task. Please refer to the APA 7th Referencing Guide for this task - https://libguides.scu.edu.au/apa • Create a reference list on a new page at the end of task with a minimum of ten references, although you may use more • At a minimum, your sources for this task will include the unit required text, unit readings, EYLF (AGDE, 2022) and broader literature. • Broader literature may include textbooks, peer reviewed articles, and other authoritative sources. • If you have used an AI tool or technology in the process of completing your assessment (for example, brainstorming, understanding concepts, generating examples, summarising readings), an acknowledgement of how you have used AI tools or technologies is required. You https://libguides.scu.edu.au/apa 3 TCHR2002 Assessment 1 can create this acknowledgement by adding a declaration at the end of your reference list. For example: I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT to brainstorm concepts ------- for this assessment as a starting point for initial research before writing my assessment. Assessment Submission • Submitted using the submission point in the Turnitin folder in the Assessments Tasks and Submission section on the Blackboard TCHR2002 site. • Label your final submission with your surname and initials and the assessment task's name, e.g. SmithJ_PortfolioTask1.doc • You are strongly advised to undertake your own SIMILARITY CHECK via Turnitin, PRIOR to the due date, to identify and resolve any academic integrity issues prior to submitting - see SCU Academic Integrity and Turnitin. You can submit up to three times and receive the similarity match report immediately – after three attempts, you will need to wait 24 hours. • It is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted the correct file and the final version of your assessment for marking before the due date/time. • Turnitin does not generate an automatic email receipt. If you have successfully uploaded your assessment, a green bar will appear at the top of the screen that says: Submission uploaded successfully: Download digital receipt. Use the hyperlink to download your digital receipt and store this with your assignment file. • If you have any difficulty submitting your assignment, log a job with Technology Services by email so you have evidence of your attempted submission. To avoid any last-minute problems, make sure you submit well before 11:59pm on the due date. Academic Integrity Southern Cross University academic integrity means behaving with the values of honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, courage, responsibility, and respect in relation to academic work. The Southern Cross University Academic Integrity Framework aims to develop a holistic, systematic, and consistent approach to addressing academic integrity across the entire University. For more information see the information in Blackboard, the recorded assessment overview and refer to SCU Academic Integrity Framework. Generative A1 For the assessments in this unit students are permitted to use Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to: • clarify concepts, theories, ideas, etc., discussed in class • generate preliminary ideas for writing • edit a working draft of the assessment • read and summarise research and supporting evidence for the assessment Students are not permitted to use Generative AI to: • generate definitions or writing used in their final submission. • produce arguments or refine thinking on their final submission Any of these actions will constitute and be treated as a breach of academic integrity. Do not post confidential, private, personal, or otherwise sensitive information into these tools. If you use these tools, you must be aware of their limitations, biases, and propensity for fabrication. Your use of AI tools must adhere to the SCU Academic Integrity Framework, including upholding honesty, ethics, professionalism, and academic integrity https://www.scu.edu.au/learning-zone/academic-integrity-and-turnitin/ https://www.scu.edu.au/technology-services/ https://www.scu.edu.au/about/academic-portfolio-office-apo/academic-integrity-framework/ https://www.scu.edu.au/about/academic-portfolio-office-apo/academic-integrity-framework/ 4 TCHR2002 Assessment 1 Special Consideration Students wishing to request special consideration to extend the due date of an assessment must submit a Request for Special Consideration form via their My Enrolment page as early as possible and prior to the original due date for that assessment task, along with any accompanying documents, such as medical certificates. Please refer to the Special Consideration section of the SCU Policy https://policies.scu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=140 Late Submissions & Penalties Except when special consideration is awarded, late submission of assessment tasks incurs a late penalty in accordance with the SCU Late Submission & Penalties Policy https://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00255 Penalties will be incurred after the assessment submission due date/time. • A penalty of 5% of the available marks will be deducted from the actual mark • A further penalty of 5% of the available mark will be deducted from the actual mark on each subsequent calendar day until the mark reaches zero. Grades & Feedback Grades and feedback will be posted to the ‘Grades and Feedback’ section on the Blackboard unit site using the following rubric for the marking criteria and grading standards. Please allow 7 -10 days for grades to be posted. https://policies.scu.edu.au/document/view-current.php?id=140 https://policies.scu.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00255 5 TCHR2002 Assessment 1 Assessment Rubric Marking Criteria and & alloca1on High Dis1nc1on + (100%) High Dis1nc1on (85-99%) Dis1nc1on (75-84%) Credit (65-74%) Pass (50-64%) Marginal Fail (35-49%) Fail (0-49%) Not addressed (0%) Criteria 1 Historical influences and changes to childhoods in rela>on to Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model /15marks Achieves all the criteria for a high dis>nc>on to an exemplary standard with outstanding integra>on of the unit content and references. Comprehensive comparison and cri>que of changes and influences in contemporary society using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the response. The concept of proximal processes is seamlessly woven through the discussion with reference to readings and the unit content. Clear and concise discussion, cri>cal thinking and examples of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Discussion of some of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Discusses the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder children wellbeing outcomes compared to the past, with limited insights from Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model and concepts. Limited discussion that may not clearly reflect the unit content or respond effec>vely to the criteria in rela>on to History, changing childhoods or Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model. Inadequate or irrelevant discussion of the ways in which contemporary life may enhance or hinder proximal processes and outcomes compared to the past, and/or has not used Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model to frame the answer. Not aSempted Criteria 2 Indigenous childhoods and cultural iden>ty in rela>on to the Early Years Learning Framework v.2.0 /15 Achieves all the criteria for a high dis>nc>on to an exemplary standard, with outstanding integra>on of the unit materials. Comprehensive discussion outlines the importance of strong Indigenous childhood iden>ty and intercultural learning spaces. with clear links to the Early Years Learning Framework woven through the wri>ng. Clear discussion that addresses the key points, with links to the Early Years Learning Framework. Discussion addresses the criteria, with some links
Answered 1 days AfterJul 19, 2024

Answer To: I have uploaded the video link to the drive which u will need to complete the assessment. i have...

Dr Shweta answered on Jul 21 2024
4 Votes
Topic 1: Consider the following, which provides a synopsis of the two primary topics or worries that have had a substantial impact on children's lives throughout the last twenty to fifty years:
The structure and operation of families both play important roles: In the beginning, there existed a concept of joint families, which consisted of a large number of relatives li
ving together and providing children with the opportunity to become more familiar with their traditions, culture, and moral values. In later years, the typical family structure shifts and eventually transforms into that of a nuclear family setup. However, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2019), the current situation is characterized by an increase in the prevalence of a variety of families, including homes belonging to a single parent, blended families, and families in which both parents are of the same gender. As a result of these changes, children are unable to comprehend the significance of their conventional values, which has a profound effect on their social, emotional, and behavioral development patterns. We are currently making technological advancements: When children were younger, they would spend time outside with their peers, engage in activities that required them to move their bodies and socialize with one another in person. The experience of growing up today is vastly different from that of two decades ago.
In the present day, technology has facilitated the communication between numerous children and their family and peers. However, the constant capacity for children to engage with others through text and social media platforms carries certain risks.
In the present day, certain children may not have as many personal responsibilities, such as cooking and laundry, which can impede their independence and complicate their transition into maturity. It is unsurprising that the experience of growing up has varied from two decades ago, given the numerous medical and technological advancements that have occurred since then, as children's lives are frequently influenced by their environment. Consequently, their social and physical development remained well-defined and current. Conversely, prior to the advent of contemporary technologies like television, mobile phones, and video games, children would spend an increased amount of time alone in their homes. It has an impact on their physical and mental health by increasing their lack of talkativeness, introversion, and ignorance of their surroundings. Furthermore, it reduces their tendency to engage in conversation. As per Hinkley et al. (2012), the overwhelming presence of digital media and screens in their daily existence has a detrimental effect on their cognitive development, social skills, and physical and mental health. The character and context of the child's environment are the primary focus of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The interaction within these environments becomes more complex as a child develops, according to him. As the child's cognitive and physical structures develop and mature, this complexity may emerge. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory posits that an individual's growth and development can be influenced by a network of interconnected environmental systems. The immediate environs, such as the family, as well as larger societal institutions, such as culture, are examples of structures that fall under this category. The microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem are all components of this structure. The connections between each of these frameworks are established by ambient factors, which have a varying degree of impact on an individual's development and...

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