I have the actual rubric in the files uploaded as well as the outline/format given.
Reflect in ePortfolio Download Print Open with docReader Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Perform hypothesis tes!ng to address an authen!c problem Scenario You are a data analyst for a basketball team. You have found a large set of historical data, and are working to analyze and find pa"erns in the data set. The coach of the team and your management have requested that you perform several hypothesis tests to find the sta!s!cal significance of the claims that are being made about your team. This analysis will provide evidence to validate cri!cal claims and get sta!s!cally valid findings that will help make key decisions to make the team be"er in upcoming seasons. You will use the Python programming language to perform sta!s!cal analysis and will also need to present a report of your findings to the team’s management. Since the managers are not data analysts, you will need to interpret your findings and describe their prac!cal implica!ons. The managers will use your report to find areas where the team can improve its performance. Note: This data set has been “cleaned” for the purposes of this assignment. Reference FiveThirtyEight. (April 26, 2019). FiveThirtyEight NBA Elo dataset. Kaggle. Retrieved from h"ps://www.kaggle.com/fivethirtyeight/fivethirtyeight- nba-elo-dataset/ Direc!ons For this project, you will submit the Python script you used to make your calcula!ons and a summary report explaining your findings. 1. Python Script: To complete the tasks listed below, open the Project Two Jupyter Notebook link in the Assignment Informa!on module. Your project contains the NBA data set and a Jupyter Notebook with your Python scripts. In the notebook, you will find step-by-step instruc!ons and code blocks that will help you complete the following tasks: Hypothesis tests for a popula!on parameter Hypothesis tests for a popula!on mean Hypothesis test for a popula!on propor!on Hypothesis test for the difference between two popula!on parameters Hypothesis test for difference between two popula!on means 2. Summary Report: Once you have completed all the steps in your Python script, you will create a summary report to present your findings. Use the provided template to create your report. You must complete each of the following sec!ons: Introduc!on: Set the context for your scenario and the analyses you will be performing. Hypothesis tests for the popula!on mean: Discuss all steps of the hypothesis tests and interpret your results. Hypothesis test for the popula!on propor!on: Discuss all steps of the hypothesis test and interpret your results. Hypothesis test for the difference between two popula!on means: Discuss all steps of the hypothesis test and interpret your results. Conclusion: Summarize your findings and explain their prac!cal implica!ons. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Python Script Your Jupyter Notebook Python script contains all the sta!s!cal analyses you completed for this project. You downloaded your work as an HTML file. Review the file to make sure that every step and all your outputs are included. Submit the HTML file as part of your submission. Review the Jupyter Notebook in Codio Tutorial in the Suppor!ng Materials sec!on if you need help. Summary Report Zip File Word Document Use the provided template to create your summary report. The template contains guiding ques!ons to help you complete each sec!on. Be sure to remove these ques!ons before submi#ng your report. Your summary report should be submi"ed as a 3- to 5-page Microso$ Word document. It should include an APA-style cover page and APA cita!ons for any sources used. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one- inch margins. Suppor!ng Materials The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project: Document: Jupyter Notebook in Codio Tutorial PDF This tutorial will help you become familiar with the Jupyter Notebook interface. You will learn how to open, complete, save, and download your Jupyter Notebook for this project. Shapiro Library: APA Style Guide This guide will help you format your cover page and references according to APA style. You are not required to use external resources for this project. However, if you do use any resources, you must cite them in APA format. Project Two Rubric Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Python Script: Hypothesis Tes!ng N/A Accurately performs hypothesis tests for one popula!on parameter and for the difference in two popula!on parameters by execu!ng the appropriate func!ons in the programming environment (100%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions (55%) Does not a"empt criterion (0%) 10 Summary Report: Hypothesis Tests for the Popula!on Mean Exceeds proficiency by wri!ng with excep!onal clarity, insight, and mastery of sta!s!cal terminology (100%) Reports results of hypothesis tests for the popula!on mean by discussing all steps and interpre!ng results in terms of sta!s!cal significance (85%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions (55%) Does not a"empt criterion (0%) 25 Summary Report: Hypothesis Test for the Popula!on Propor!on Exceeds proficiency by wri!ng with excep!onal clarity, insight, and mastery of sta!s!cal terminology (100%) Reports results of hypothesis test for the popula!on propor!on by discussing all steps and interpre!ng results in terms of sta!s!cal significance (85%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions (55%) Does not a"empt criterion (0%) 25 Summary Report: Hypothesis Test for the Difference between Two Popula!on Means Exceeds proficiency by wri!ng with excep!onal clarity, insight, and mastery of sta!s!cal terminology (100%) Reports results of hypothesis test comparing two popula!on means by discussing all steps and interpre!ng results in terms of sta!s!cal significance (85%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions (55%) Does not a"empt criterion (0%) 25 Summary Report: Introduc!on and Conclusion Exceeds proficiency by wri!ng with excep!onal clarity, insight, and mastery of sta!s!cal terminology (100%) Communicates all ideas by presen!ng context, as well as summarizing and interpre!ng the prac!cal implica!ons of the results (85%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions (55%) Does not a"empt criterion (0%) 10 Ar!cula!on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an excep!onally clear, insigh%ul, sophis!cated, or crea!ve manner (100%) Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstra!ng an understanding of audience and purpose (85%) Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, nega!vely impac!ng readability (55%) Submission has cri!cal errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preven!ng understanding of ideas (0%) 5 Total: 100% !Listen"# You have viewed this topic Last Visited Nov 17, 2021 6:35 PM MAT-243-J2704 Applied Statistics for STEM 21EW2 JC Jessica Coupar mySNHU Online Student Services Shapiro LibraryCourse Menu Tools Help Table of Contents Assignment Information Project Two Guidelines and Rubric Activity Details https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/894660/navigateContent/554/Previous?pId=15735216 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/894660/navigateContent/554/Next?pId=15735216 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/894660/navigateContent/554/Previous?pId=15735216 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/894660/navigateContent/554/Next?pId=15735216 https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/home/894660 javascript:void(0); https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/894660/Home?itemIdentifier=D2L.LE.Content.ContentObject.ModuleCO-15735216 MAT 243 Project Two Summary Report Jessica Coupar
[email protected] Southern New Hampshire University Note: Replace the bracketed text on page one (the cover page) with your personal information. Introduction: Problem Statement Discuss the statement of the problem in terms of the statistical analyses that are being performed. In your response, you should address the following questions: · What is the problem you are going to solve? · What data set are you using? · What statistical methods will you be using to do the analysis for this project? Answer the questions in a paragraph response. Remove all questions and this note before submitting! Do not include Python code in your report. Introduction: Your Team and the Assigned Team In the Python script, you picked the same team and years that you picked for Project One. The assigned team and its range of years will be the same as in Project One as well. See Steps 1 and 2 in the Python script to address the following items in the table below: · What team did you pick and what years were picked to do the analysis? · What team and range of years were you assigned for the comparative study? (Hint: this is called the assigned team in the Python script.) Present this information in a formatted table as shown below. Table 1. Information on the Teams Name of Team Years Picked 1. Yours Team (e.g. Knicks) XXXX-YYYY (e.g. 2013 - 2015) 2. Assigned Team (e.g. Bulls) XXXX-YYYY (e.g. 1996- 1998) Answer the questions in a paragraph response. Remove all questions and this note (but not the table) before submitting! Do not include Python code in your report. Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean (I) Suppose a relative skill level of 1342 represents a critically low skill level in the league. The management of your team has hypothesized that the average relative skill level of your team is greater than 1342. You tested this claim using a 5% level of significance. For this test, you assumed that the population standard deviation for relative skill level is unknown. Explain the steps you took to test this problem and interpret your results. See Step 3 in the Python script to address the following items: · In general, how is hypothesis testing used to test claims about a population mean? · Summarize all important steps of the hypothesis test. This includes: a. Null Hypothesis (statistical notation and its description in words) b. Alternative Hypothesis (statistical notation and its description in words) c. Level of Significance d. Report the Test Statistic and the P-value in a formatted table as shown below: Table 2: Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean (I) Statistic Value Test Statistic X.XX *Round off to 2 decimal places. P-value X.XXXX *Round off to 4 decimal places. e. Conclusion of the hypothesis test and its interpretation based on the P-value · What are the implications of your findings from this hypothesis test? What is its practical significance? Answer the questions in a paragraph response. Remove all questions and this note (but not the table) before submitting! Do not include Python code in your report. Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean (II) Your team’s coach has hypothesized that average number of points scored by your team in the team’s years is less than 110 points. For this test, you assumed that the population standard deviation for points scored is unknown. You tested the claim using a 1% level of significance. Explain the steps you took to test this problem and interpret your results. See Step 4 in the Python script to address the following items: · Summarize all important steps of the hypothesis test. This includes: a. Null Hypothesis (statistical notation and its description in words) b. Alternative Hypothesis (statistical notation and its description in words) c. Level of Significance d. Report the Test Statistic and the P-value in a formatted table as shown below: Table 3: Hypothesis Test for the Population Mean (II) Statistic Value Test Statistic X.XX *Round off to 2 decimal places. P-value X.XXXX *Round off to 4 decimal places. e. Conclusion of the hypothesis test and its interpretation based on the P-value · What are the implications of your