I have attached the assignment details

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Answered 3 days AfterJul 28, 2022

Answer To: I have attached the assignment details

Aditi answered on Jul 31 2022
88 Votes
Data modelling refers to the process of constructing a data model for the purpose of storing data in a database. This process is known as the technique. This data model is an abstract representation of the data entities, their relationships, and the governing rules that govern them (Data Modelling: Conceptual, Logical, Physical Data Model Types, 2022). The Conceptual Data Model describes the components that are included in the system. The Logical Data Model specifies the manner in which the system should be put into o
peration. This study will conduct an in-depth analysis of both the conceptual and logical representations of the database. We will talk about data characteristics, entities, their kinds and subtypes, relationships, main and foreign keys, and  erd throughout the whole of the report.
Conceptual Model
You may think of a conceptual data model as a logical illustration of the concepts and relationships found in a database. Promoting a conceptual data model helps to define what substances are, what their attributes are, and what relationships they have with one another. At this stage of data modelling, almost little information is available regarding the actual database structure. Business partners and data designers often create a conceptual data model. There are three primary tenants in a Conceptual Data Model, each of which may be thought of as a "Entity," or "something real;" Dependency on drugs is one kind of connection, whereas attributes are the characteristics and traits that define something. Conceptual data models, or "domain models," characterize core ideas and degree to create a shared vocabulary across parties.
A real object is an entity. Its existence is sufficient; it need not do anything. Any person, place, or object may be entered as an entity in the database. These parts may have information stored about them. Entity relationship diagrams are a useful tool for database administrators because they illustrate the connections between related objects. Components on a database board are simply items about which information will be captured or stored. Building a database object without intending to collect information about it is pointless (2022).
The entities of the university college database to schedule the class are:
1. Room entity
2. Media entity
3. Lab entity
4. Classroom entity
5. Computer entity
6. Schedule entity
7. Session entity
8. Class entity
9. Teacher entity
10. Unit entity
11. Semester entity
12. Year entity
Entity Super types and Subtypes
Conventional articles of at least one subtype are together referred to as a super type. In the context of entity types, a subtype is a large collection of substances that shares attributes or relationships with other subtypes. Inheritance of traits from supertypes is complete. Subtypes may be identified by their unique set of features compared to others of the same kind.
The room table is the super type while lab and technical classroom are its subtypes. A year class is the super type while semester is its subtype.
Through the process of inheritance, we are able to share properties across several objects, and it is also possible for a subclass to inherit properties from its parent class. Subclasses need to use a database field (or fields) that is analogous to the one that the parent class used for the generation of their primary key.  It's possible that a client has a huge team of consultants that handle all of their different service needs. We are able to see in our database that the characteristics of the year and semester entities are being inherited by the Schedule entity. In a similar manner, the characteristics of the Year entity are being passed down to the Semester entity.
Relationships between Entities and Their Cardinalities
Relationships in relational databases are formed when a new key in one table refers to the main key in the other. Relationships enable social databases to partition and organize data into a variety of tables, and they also enable particular data items to be paired with one another. There are three distinct kinds of relations included in the database, and they are referred to as one to one, one to many, and many to many relations respectively. The difference between the two tables lies in the fact that, despite the fact that they are different, they are recorded in databases in a manner that is (almost) the same. In order to manage the one-to-many connection, a table attribute that "is related to" the word "many" is added, and a relationship is then established between this attribute and the id of the original table. The second of the three different kinds of partnerships is known as a many-to-many relationship. This kind is used if both tables have a sequence number on the opposite side of the room. The many-to-many connection is one of the less common types of partnerships since it has less benefits than the other types. (Drkusic and →, 2022)
The following chart illustrates the links between the various entities in the university database and the applicants for those positions:
1. A lab can have many computers.(one to many – 1:M)
2. A room can be a lab as well as a classroom and it has (one to many – 1:M)
3. One customer can only have one specific location (one to one – 1:1)
4. A year can have many semester. (one...

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