Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 1 Culminating Task: Making the World a...

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I have attached the assignment checklist, this is for a University Level Advanced Functions Course.

Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 1 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place Part of the evaluation of this course will be in the form of a Culminating Task, worth 15% of your final course work. In this activity you will explore connections between the concepts learned in this course and environmental issues. Specifically, you will create a mathematical model and visual representations to provide evidence to convince investors that a way to improve an environmental issue of your choice would be a worthy project in which to invest. Overview You have decided that you are going to make a pitch to the hosts of a reality TV show where entrepreneurs request funding for projects, or products, designed to reduce the damage to the environment caused by human activity. Your pitch must combine a compelling reason why your initiative should be supported, with evidence that justifies the need for action. You will research and collect secondary data, use the data to create graphical and algebraic models, make predictions based on your algebraic model and create a visual presentation using the media/ platform of your choice (PowerPoint, WordPress, Prezi, Weebly, iMovie, Show Me, Blogger, Tumblr, YouTube, etc.). The function used to create your algebraic model must be one of the types of functions (polynomial of degree 3 or higher, exponential, logarithmic or trigonometric) covered in this course. Step 1: Identify and describe an environmental issue and a proposed way to reduce impact and improve outcomes. The proposal could be as simple as a campaign to convince people to change daily habits that are harmful to the environment or as complex as developing a new environmentally friendly product or process. Step 2: Research secondary data from a reliable source and create a mathematical model to predict outcomes if no action to reduce harmful effects is taken. Step 3: Create algebraic and graphic representations of your model and provide a brief, but convincing, description of the benefits of your proposal. Task Checklist This assessment is out of 60 marks and is worth 15% of your final mark. You will submit your Culminating Task upon completion of Unit 4 where you will be prompted at the end of the final learning activity to submit your assessment for feedback and a grade by selecting the “Assignments” link and following the submission directions. Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 2 Your proposal should contain the following elements: Task Checklist Item Weight (No. of marks) A description of the environmental issue that needs to be addressed. 2 A description of the product or change in behaviour that could reduce the damage caused by the environmental issue, with justification. 5 A set of secondary data from a reliable source, in table form, pertaining to the environmental issue. It must be appropriate for modeling with one of the types of functions studied in this course: polynomial of degree 3 or higher; exponential; logarithmic or trigonometric. A spreadsheet (Excel, Google Sheets etc.) could be used to create the table and would facilitate graphing the data. 8 The APA reference for the data set. 2 A scatter plot of the data including appropriate titles, scales and units, created with the graphing technology of your choice. 5 An algebraic model that fits the data. The model can feature one of the functions mentioned above or could be a combination or composite of two of those functions. The choice of model should be based on visual inspection of data trends observed and does not need to be supported by statistical analysis, which is beyond the scope of this course. 5 An explanation of how the algebraic model was determined, including justification for the choice of parent function (or combined or composite function) and any transformations used to model the data. 5 restrictions on the domain of your function and a description, including justification, of potential limitations of the algebraic model as it applies to correlation with the data and the ‘real world’ context. 5 A graph of the algebraic model, including appropriate titles, scales, units, and restrictions on the domain, created with graphing technology, and superimposed on the scatter plot. 5 At least one calculation using the algebraic model to make a prediction, or for emphasis. 3 A brief sales pitch, using the graph as evidence, and calculations involving the algebraic model to make predictions to convince the reality TV show panel that your proposal deserves support. 10 Correct use of mathematical terminology and conventions throughout. 5 Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 3 The teacher will assess your work using the following rubric. Before submitting your assessment, review the rubric to ensure that you are meeting the success criteria to the best of your ability. Categories Level 4 (80 – 100%) Level 3 (70 - 79%) Level 2 (60 – 69%) Level 1 (50 – 59%) Knowledge and Understanding A data table is created with a high degree of effectiveness. A data table is created with considerable effectiveness. A data table is created with some effectiveness. A data table is created with limited effectiveness. Graphing technology is used to create the required graphs with a high degree of effectiveness. Graphing technology is used to create the required graphs with considerable effectiveness. Graphing technology is used to create the required graphs with some effectiveness. Graphing technology is used to create the required graphs with limited effectiveness. Calculations using the algebraic model are carried out with a high degree of effectiveness. Calculations using the algebraic model are carried out with considerable effectiveness. Calculations using the algebraic model are carried out with some effectiveness. Calculations using the algebraic model are carried out with limited effectiveness. Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 4 Thinking A clear link between the environmental issue, and the product or initiative being proposed to mitigate it, is established with a high degree of effectiveness. A clear link between the environmental issue, and the product or initiative being proposed to mitigate it, is established with considerable effectiveness. A clear link between the environmental issue, and the product or initiative being proposed to mitigate it, is established with some effectiveness. A clear link between the environmental issue, and the product or initiative being proposed to mitigate it, is established with limited effectiveness. The algebraic model represents the data with a high degree of effectiveness. The algebraic model represents the data with considerable effectiveness. The algebraic model represents the data with some effectiveness. The algebraic model represents the data with limited effectiveness. Restrictions on the domain and limitations of the model suit the context, and they take into consideration the correlation between the algebraic model and the data, with a high degree of effectiveness. Restrictions on the domain and limitations of the model suit the context, and they take into consideration the correlation between the algebraic model and the data, with considerable effectiveness. Restrictions on the domain and limitations of the model suit the context, and they take into consideration the correlation between the algebraic model and the data, with some effectiveness. Restrictions on the domain and limitations of the model suit the context, and they take into consideration the correlation between the algebraic model and the data, with limited effectiveness. Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8 Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place TVO ILC 5 Application Appropriate secondary data is selected with a high degree of effectiveness. Appropriate secondary data is selected with considerable effectiveness. Appropriate secondary data is selected with some effectiveness. Appropriate secondary data is selected with limited effectiveness. The process used to determine the algebraic model is described with a high degree of effectiveness. The process used to determine the algebraic model is described with considerable effectiveness. The process used to determine the algebraic model is described with some effectiveness. The process used to determine the algebraic model is described with limited effectiveness. Transformations applied to the chosen parent function(s) are appropriate and are justified with a high degree of effectiveness. Transformations applied to the chosen parent function(s) are appropriate and are justified with considerable effectiveness. Transformations applied to the chosen parent function(s) are appropriate and are justified with some effectiveness Transformations applied to the chosen parent function(s) are appropriate and are justified with limited effectiveness. The algebraic model is used to support a point or make a prediction within the presentation with a high degree of effectiveness. The algebraic model is used to support a point or make a prediction within the presentation with considerable effectiveness. The algebraic model is used to support a point or make a prediction within the presentation with some effectiveness. The algebraic model is used to support a point or make a prediction within the presentation with limited
Answered Same DayNov 21, 2021

Answer To: Copyright © 2018 The Ontario Educational Communications Authority. All rights reserved. MHF4U 4.8...

Ishwar answered on Nov 28 2021
160 Votes
Culminating Task: Making the World a Better Place
Student Name
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Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Address environment issues    3
Secondary data:    4
Algebraic model that fits the data:    7
Limitation of algebraic model:    10
Sales Pitch    10
List of Figures
Figure 1 Population growth in US society    4
Figure 2 Consumption of Ozone-Depleting Substances    5
Figure 3 Green house gas emission    5
Figure 4 Water pollution    6
Figure 5 Hydrology disaster    7
List of Tables
Table 1 Hydrology disaster    6
The mana
gement give us change to hosts of reality TV shows where the entrepreneurs request fund for the specific project or advance product which assist to reduce the damage to the environment which cause by the human activity. In this project, there is discussion, identifying and highlight environment issues and proposed way to reduce impact and enhance their overcomes. The project proposal may be simple as the campaign to convince the people that they can change their daily habits which are harmful to environment or making complex as the developing the new environmental friendly aspect(Hsu, A. and Zomer, A., 2014). The design and research includes secondary data from the reliable resource and develop the mathematical model to found the outcome in case there will possible to reduce harmful effect consideration. The project report demonstrates the algebra and graphical demonstration of the model and highlight or proposed benefits as well.
Address environment issues
The following are highlight the potential environment issues observe from last two decades.
a. Water pollution
b. Hydrology: environment impact of reservoirs, agriculture, flooding and landslide.
c. Urbanization and land use: urban heat island, urban sprawl, habitat destruction, land pollution, land degradation etc.
d. Greenhouse gas emission (Harper, C. and Snowden, M., 2017)
e. Human overpopulation: land degradation, optimum population, urbanization, water-food waste etc.
f. Nanotechnology.
g. Natural disaster :
h. Nuclear issues :
i. Air pollution :
Secondary data:
a. Population growth in US society from 1950 to 2020
Figure 1 Population growth in US society
(Kelemen, R.D. and Vogel, D., 2010.)
b. Consumption of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS)
Figure 2 Consumption of Ozone-Depleting Substances
c. Greenhouse gas emission
Figure 3 Green house gas emission
(Prăvălie, R., 2016.)
d. Water pollution:
Figure 4 Water pollution
e. Natural disaster:
Hydrology disaster:
Table 1 Hydrology disaster
    Country ID
    Countries or areas
    United States of America
    Total deaths
    Persons affected
Figure 5 Hydrology disaster
There are many more elements which invite environment issues. The above provided optimum content which having environment issues in various sectors (Robelia, B. and Murphy, T., 2012.).
Algebraic model that fits the data:
As provided in above “environment issues” the algebraic equations from the given conditions. The following is provides briefly and discuss significance of each effect.
a. Population growth in US society :
The gradually increases population is among united state society is the major environment issues because as increasing population, it demand basic resource such as food, land, water and fresh air. As provided in above graph between years and population growth, the linear relationship provided.
The above equation provided linear relationship between population growths in US v/s year from 1950 to 2019. In this case, “0.20” indicate slope value and 70.20 values indicate “intercept”. The “R” value indicates accurate of linear relationship between two quantities. It observe that the R = 0.96 which is less than 1 and obtain intercept (Tranter, B., 2011).
b. Consumption of ozone-depleting substance :
According to study, there is natural ozone layer surrounding by earth, due to urbanization, it was become weaker and producing hole within layer. Therefore, the efficiency of protection of ozone layer has been reduces as time being Dai, K. The figure: 2 provides graphical and algebraic model of the ozone-depletion and demonstrate with bar chart. The following is providing algebraic equation of CFC and ODS relationship by refereeing from 2002 to 2019.
The above equation provides exponential relationship between year and percentage of ozone-depletion. The R value is 1 which indicate perfect fit with “x” and “y” value.
c. Greenhouse gas emission
Figure: 3 provided bar chart of “Greenhouse gas emission” in “United State” society with respect to year. it observe, maximum effect occur in 2015 year and varies with respect to time by amend based on research and sustainable technology Zhengfu, the algebraic equation and relationship between greenhouse gas emission with respect to time provided as following :
The above equation provides logarithm relation between two quantities.
As provided in above figure: 4, the water pollution and evaluation chart has been provided. The chart is provided different layer of water source with change in quantity. As...

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