I have attached the Assignment brief, a video with detailed instructions and an example.
Microsoft Word - HSN709 Assesment task 3 2021.docx 1 HSN709 Sports Nutrition T1 2021 Assessment Task 3: Brief Literature Review and Mini-Oral Presentation Topic: Brief literature review and mini oral presentation that examines the efficacy of a sports nutrition supplement. Purpose: The scientific evidence for the use of sports nutrition supplements to support athlete health and performance is rapidly evolving. The aim of this assessment task is to develop skills in researching the efficacy of a sports nutrition supplement, critical analysis, scientific writing, manuscript preparation and summarising and communicating sports nutrition information. Requirements: Brief literature review (1500 words maximum) 30% and an oral presentation of key findings (3 minutes maximum) 10% Due: Week 11, Friday 28th May 8:00PM (AEST) Assessment weighting: Worth a total of 40% of the final unit grade This assessment task will address the following unit learning outcomes (ULO): • ULO 2 Discuss the specific nutritional strategies undertaken before, during and after sports performance to optimise performance and recovery • ULO 4 Critique the current scientific evidence to prepare written reports that meets high professional standard • ULO 5 Evaluate the range of supplements and sports foods available and their efficacy with regard to sports performance Assignment details Choose ONE of the following sports supplements to form the basis of your brief literature review and mini oral presentation: Caffeine Creatine Nitrate Beta-alanine Sodium bicarbonate Bovine colostrum Probiotics Ketone supplements Branched chain amino acids Curcumin Glycerol Carnitine Your brief literature review and mini oral presentation should address the following key points: • Introduction of the sports nutrition supplement including its claims, mechanisms of action on how it may improve sport and exercise performance and target sports population. • Evaluate the evidence of the sports nutrition supplement’s efficacy in improving sport and exercise performance and provide a critical analysis of the research evidence. • Practical considerations and any other considerations (e.g. banned substance, any potential negative side effects etc.) for the use of the nutritional supplement in sport and exercise. • Conclusion that summarises the review and suitability for use by particular athletes / sports. 2 Preparing your assessment task: Written brief literature review Your written literature review should be formatted as a journal article manuscript for submission to the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport is an international refereed research publication covering all aspects of sport science and medicine and is the journal that is associated with Sports Medicine Australia. Following the guidelines for written work is an important research and employable skill in health, nutrition and sports nutrition. The following guidelines should be used to develop your written manuscript: Manuscript preparation • Use Arial or Times New Roman font, size eleven (11) point. • Manuscript is double-spaced throughout (including title page, abstract, text, references, tables, and legends). • Margins are 1 inch or 2.5 cm all around • Include page and line numbers and number the pages consecutively, beginning with the title page as page 1. • All headings (including the Title) should be in sentence-case only, not in capital letters. Word Limit Brief Review Article • 1500 word count limit (excluding title, abstract, tables/figures, figure legends, and references) • Maximum number (combined) of tables and figures is 3 • Maximum number of references is 60 • A structured abstract of less than 250 words (not included in 1500 word count) should be included sticking as closely as possible to the following headings: Objectives, Design, Method, Results, and Conclusions. Structure of the Manuscript (in order): 1. Title Page (first page) should contain: a. Title. Short and informative b. Authors. List all authors by first name, all initials and family name c. Student Id number. d. Word count (excluding title, abstract, tables/figures and references) and the Abstract word count. e. URL link to mini-oral presentation video (refer to instructions below) 2. Manuscript should contain: (in order) a. Abstract - must be structured using the following sub-headings: Objectives, Design, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms. b. Main body of the text. Tables & Figures Tables and figures can be placed either next to the relevant text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end. Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and place any table notes below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in them do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article. Please avoid using vertical rules and shading in table cells. Ensure that each figure has a caption which comprises a brief title (not on the figure itself) and a description of the figure. Keep text in the figures themselves to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. References Citation in text. 3 Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Any references cited in the abstract must be given in full. Web references As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Reference Style • References should be numbered consecutively in un-bracketed superscripts where they occur in the text, tables, etc, and listed numerically (e.g. 1, 2) at the end of the paper under the heading "References". • All authors should be listed where there are three or fewer. Where there are more than three, the reference should be to the first three authors followed by the expression "et al". • Book and journal titles should be in italics. • Conference and other abstracts should not be used as references. • Book references: Last name and initials of author, chapter title, chapter number, italicised title of book, edition (if applicable), editor, translator (if applicable), place of publication, publisher, year of publication. Example: Wilk KE, Reinold MM, Andrews JR. Interval sport programs for the shoulder, Chapter 58, in The Athlete's Shoulder, 2nd ed., Philadelphia, Churchill Livingstone, 2009 • Journal references: Last name and initials of principal author followed by last name(s) and initials of co-author(s), title of article (with first word only starting in capitals), abbreviated and italicised title of journal, year, volume (with issue number in parenthesis if applicable), inclusive pages. For guidance on abbreviations of journal titles, see Index Medicus at www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/lji.html. Example: Hanna CM, Fulcher ML, Elley CR et al. Normative values of hip strength in adult male association football players assessed by handheld dynamometry. J Sci Med Sport 2010; 13(3):299-303. • Internet references should be as follows: Health Care Financing Administration. 1996 statistics at a glance. Available at: http://www.hcfa.gov/stats/stathili.htm. Accessed 2 December 1996. 4 Brief literature review rubric (equivalent to 30% of the total marks for this unit) Criteria Excellent Very Good Achieved Developing Not demonstrated Describe a sports nutrition supplement and explain its use in sport and exercise 4 marks Excellent background information on the sports nutrition supplement including accurate, clear and concise discussion of supplement claims, mechanisms of action and target sports populations. A clear, accurate and relevant statement about what the literature review will be covering and its relevance to the sports nutrition topic 3 marks Good background information on the sports nutrition supplement including a mostly accurate, clear and concise discussion of supplement claims, mechanisms of action and target sports populations. Provides a relatively clear, accurate and relevant statement about what the literature review will be covering and its relevance to the sports nutrition topic 2 marks Adequate background information on the sports supplement including some discussion of supplement claims, mechanisms of action and target sports populations but some aspects may require further detail or clarity. Provides a statement about what the literature review will be covering and its relevance to the sports nutrition topic 1 mark Incomplete background information on the sports nutrition supplement and would benefit from further discussion or improved clarity on either supplement claims, mechanisms of action and/or target sports populations A statement about what the literature review will be covering and its relevance to the sports nutrition topic, but with some inaccuracies and/or omissions 0 marks No or minimal background provided on the sports nutrition supplement and would benefit from comprehensive discussion and improved clarity on supplement claims, mechanisms of action and target sports populations No or minimal statement of what is to be covered in literature the review with many inaccuracies Identify and synthesise findings on the physiological and exercise performance benefits of a sports nutrition supplement 8 marks A clear, comprehensive and accurate synthesis of original research on the physiological and/or performance effects of the sports supplement is presented along with discussion and reference to any relevant previous reviews (if appropriate). Addresses the performance and/or physiological outcomes of supplement use in athletic populations in a clear, logical and meaningful order Information is comprehensively supported by relevant scientific studies in human athletes or active individuals with direct evidence or