I have attached the assignment below. there are 3 discussions, each should be around 250 words. Need this done by 06/25/2024 at 10pm EST.

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I have attached the assignment below. there are 3 discussions, each should be around 250 words. Need this done by 06/25/2024 at 10pm EST.

Business Ethics Discussion 4,5,6 Week 4 Discussion You work at a dialysis center where people with impaired kidney function come to use a dialysis machine to clean their blood as would their kidneys if they were working properly. You are the Facility Administrator in a location of a small chain of dialysis centers founded and run by a group of doctors who treat kidney disease. You supervise a group of med techs who work with the patients to help them undergo dialysis. The center is located in a state that has mandated that all healthcare workers be vaccinated against Covid and that covers all of your med techs. All of them have produced CDC vaccination cards that show they are fully vaccinated. One of your med techs in particular stands out. It is Rob Spears who just charms all the patients. Everyone who comes into the center seems to know him and he is particularly good with the older patients who make up the majority of the center's customers. Rob has become very friendly with the center's Medical Director who is one of the owners of the chain. Occasionally, they play golf. One Saturday, while you are grocery shopping, you run into an old friend who used to be a med tech at the center. She mentions that she attended a party not long ago and saw Rob Spears. She was going to say hello but stopped to listen to the conversation he was having. She states that he was bragging about fooling his employer with a fake CDC vaccination card he bought off the internet. He noted that he would not be forced to be vaccinated by an employer. You are a little overwhelmed by this information. Dialysis patients are particularly susceptible to Covid and you are very concerned that an unvaccinated med tech is working so closely with them. Even so, Rob is popular with the patients, is a great employee otherwise, and has a personal relationship with one of the owners. No one knows that you are aware of this possible problem. Should you choose to, you can keep silent, and it is unlikely that anyone will know. What do you think is the ethical thing to do in this situation and what would you choose to do regardless? (This should be from reliable sources other than the text book.) for your posting. Remember that you need to reference the sources using proper APA Version 7 formatting. Week 5 Discussion To respond to the Discussion, click on the blue button in the Topic area. Please read the Wells Fargo Case. You have just been named the new CEO at Wells Fargo. The facts cited in the above case reflect the reality of the situation you have just inherited. You are concerned about all the practices you find but want to prioritize your efforts. ● What are the three practices that you assign the highest priority? ● How would you address these three practices? ● Looking at the big picture, what about Wells Fargo's corporate culture is encouraging these practices and how would you change the overall corporate culture to discourage them? In answering the above, ignore the legal issues involved in the case and focus from the perspective of ethics. Make sure that you post your substantive initial posting no later than Saturday this week, and be sure to use class material and outside support (This should be from reliable sources other than the text book.) for your posting. Remember that you need to reference the sources using proper APA Version 7 formatting. http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=131840330&site=ehost-live&scope=site Week 6 Discussion To respond to the Discussion, click on the blue button in the Topic area. The advertising industry has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past decade. In the past, advertisers had to guess where they could reach potential customers on television, radio and print. Now, much of the advertising budget is spent online where advertisers are able to reach specific individuals who are most likely to buy their advertiser's product or service. Through Google they know what you have searched for and deliver ads for that. Amazon knows what you buy and suggests products based upon that. Facebook know a great deal about your life through your posts, you friends, your messages as well as any web site you sign in using your Facebook credentials. By matching email addresses, mobile phone numbers, IP addresses, advertisers can identify who you are and where you live. Superimposed upon this system is a network of data brokers who buy and sell data from online companies and assemble disparate pieces of data into a profile of individuals that undoubtedly include you. There is hardly any regulation of this data ecosystem. For an example, read the linked New York Times articles on data apps and the data they provide and respond to the questions below. A Brief History of How Your Privacy was Stolen Grindr and OkCupid Spread Personal Details, Study Says http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/blogs-podcasts-websites/brief-history-how-your-privacy-was-stolen/docview/2233877088/se-2?accountid=14580 https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy.umgc.edu/docview/2336818351?accountid=14580 ● Do you find any of these particular practices to be ethically questionable? What are those practices? ● Why do you think these practices are unethical using one of the ethical theories in your toolkit? ● Are you surprised or alarmed that so much of your personal data is available in this ecosystem? ● Do you think the system ought to be changed to eliminate these practices and, if so, what changes would you suggest?
Answered Same DayJun 25, 2024

Answer To: I have attached the assignment below. there are 3 discussions, each should be around 250 words. Need...

Sanjukta answered on Jun 25 2024
12 Votes
Week 4 Discussion
This is the extreme case of negligence and also ethics. However, as it happened in a hospital where people arrive for re
ceiving proper treatment and return home healthy.
The situation that is highlighted in this case study is quite serious and in a situation like this silence is not at all morally acceptable, people have a duty to speak up. Rob Spears violated the ethical responsibility in terms of informing the employer that he did not get vaccinated. Moreover, risking the lives of his dialysis patients as the dialysis patients are specifically susceptible to the Covid-19 virus. However, in a situation like I will be directly confront Rob. In the first place I will be doing some research with the vaccination card that was provided by him and see if it is fake or not    . If it is found out that the vaccination card is fake then I will at that time recommend to terminate Rob. It can be stated that although I do not feel right to terminate Rob as it might not be the answer in this situation but seeing his callousness about not caring regarding the fake vaccination card will be a proper step against him. This is one of the most careless acts as he is in the medical field and should know better about the impact it can have on the patients. The situation may seem quite small but when someone is putting themselves, their co-worker, and patient’s health at jeopardy that is the point where main issue takes place. Despite his relationship with everyone in the centre and work ethics he disobeyed and...

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