I have attached the assignment and below are some instructions.
1. Students should download the word document above that provides the template with the questions that students must use. Please do not change the format of the template.
2. Student's need to add their name and student number to the header.
3. Answer all 10 questions as succinctly as you can.
4. Download the rubric as this will guide you in what is required in order to respond to each question.
5. You will need to sources a number of reliable sources such as peer reviewed articles, research and data in order to respond to the questions adequately.
6. Students will be penalised for referencing and utilisingunreliablewebsites (Wiki, Cliffsnotes, UK Essays are just some examples).
7. Ensure that all referencesused throughout your work are notes in your reference list on the final page usingAPA referencing.
HSC210 – Health Sociology Assessment Value: % Length: 2000 words Due Date: Monday: 12 Midnight (ACST Time) Week 12 Content – Short Answer Questions QUESTION High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail 1. What insights do post-modernist perspectives provide and what might this mean for health practice? A high level response should identify the post- modernist perspectives and focus on analyzing ONE perspective in relation to health practice. A high level response should not only explain what the perspective is but how the perspective relates to health practice and what the implications are on health practice in Australia. 2. Despite increases in funding, explain why in Australian Indigenous health outcomes are still an issue? Provide examples to illustrate your points. A high level response should identify where there has been increases in funding to Australian Indigenous health, before discussing how and why this remains an issue. A high level response will draw on examples to support your claims. 3. Psychiatry can be viewed as an institute of social control. Drawing on sociological theories and examples to discuss this statement. A high level response will explain why psychiatry can be viewed as an institute of social control. This should then identify what sociological theories can be drawn on to analyse this in relation to health. At least one particular theory should then be further analysed to explain how and why this statement can be true in the context of Australian healthcare. 4. What are the benefits and limitations of e- health? A high level response will briefly define e-health before discussing the benefits and limitations of e-health. A high level response will draw on examples to illustrate their ideas. 5. How does ideology and politics shape health outcomes? Draw on examples such as the PBS to illustrate your points. A high level response should define ideology in a political context. High level responses will also discuss how political ideology can impact health outcomes, drawing on examples to illustrate their ideas. The PBS should features as one example. 6. Certain mechanisms of functionalist theory are utilised today. Discuss these while highlighting the main assumptions and limitations of functionalism. A high level response should provide a brief description of functionalist theory identifying what concepts of the theory are most relevant today in the context of healthcare. A high level response will also explain both the assumptions and limitations of the theory in relation to health. 7. What is medical dominance and how does the medical profession achieve medical dominance? A high level response should identify what medical dominance is and how and why the medical profession is able to achieve this. A high level response should also explain what the possible implications of medical dominance are within the health context. 8. Explain the concept of discourse and explain how it is relevant to health and biomedicine. Draw on examples to highlight you points. A high level response should provide a definition of discourse as it relates to health and biomedicine. It should also provide at least 2 examples to highlight how and why this is important to understand in the context of health. 9. What is multi-culturalism and how might health needs differ for immigrants and refugees to people who are born in Australia? A high level response should identify what multiculturalism is along with reasons for what their health needs may be and why they might be different to people born in Australia. Response should also details possible implication on healthcare in regards to this and draw on the research and data to highlight your points. 10. What are the social determinants of health and how do they help us understand the dynamics of globalisation and inequity? A high level response should identify what the SDH are and which ones are relevant to the context of globalisation and inequity in health (in Australia). The response should also explain how the SDH can help better understand globalisation and inequity and possible implications in relations to health. Presentation Element High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Good responses will have no spelling errors, as these can be easily corrected with proofreading. They will also consistently adopt either the UK (preferred) or US spelling conventions rather than fluctuate in between (except where a direct quotation is used). Good responses will use wording precisely - whether the wording is relatively simple or technical, the main focus is on using appropriate wording for the context. Language should also reflect that used by the authors that the response is drawing upon. First person should not be used in academic writing. Good responses will have sentences that make sense and link well to the previous and following sentences. The subject will also be made clear at all times e.g. when using ‘this’ to refer to something it should be abundantly clear what ‘this’ actually is. Good responses will have paragraphs that are not too long and have a clear topic sentence that articulates a key idea, which is then discussed/reinforced in the remaining sentences in the paragraph. They should also flow from one to the next with sentences that start with phrasing such as: “Given the previous point…” or “A related issue is…”) Good responses will adhere to the assessment guidelines: the use of Calabri 11 font with 1.5 line spacing and use the correct word document template REFERENCING Element High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail REFERENCE LIST CORRECTLY/CONSISTENTLY PRESENTED Good responses will have a match between the in-text references and the reference list entries, will have correct spelling, and will be consistently punctuated and formatted according to the relevant APA style guide. ACADEMIC SOURCES Good responses will draw on research from academic sources that have a review process, rather than obscure websites or ‘study notes’ websites which present a secondhand perspective. A good assessment will also use at least one reading from the unit readings list THOROUGHNESS OF IN-TEXT CITATIONS Good responses will clearly indicate with in-text citations the work of authors they are drawing upon. Where one author is referenced for multiple points, each main idea is referenced rather than just at the end of a paragraph. The responses will also mix direct quotations and paraphrasing, or adapting ideas to your own words. http://libguides.cdu.edu.au/cdureferencing/apa http://libguides.cdu.edu.au/cdureferencing/apa STUDENT NAME_STUDENT NUMBER_ HSC210_Written Assessment STUDENT NAME_STUDENT NUMBER_ HSC210_Written Assessment Please ensure you follow the instructions provided in Assessment THREE in the assessment sections on learnline. Question 1 What insights do post-modernist perspectives provide and what might this mean for health practice? Question 2 Despite increases in funding, explain why in Australia, Indigenous health outcomes are still an issue? Provide examples to illustrate your argument. Question 3 Psychiatry can be viewed as an institute of social control. Draw on sociological theories and examples to discuss this statement. Question 4 What are the key benefits and limitations of e-health? Question 5 How does ideology and politics shape health outcomes? Draw on examples such as the PBS to illustrate your points. Question 6 Certain mechanisms of functionalist theory are utilised today. Discuss what they are and highlight the main assumptions and limitations of functionalism. Question 7 What is medical dominance and how does the medical profession achieve medical dominance in Australia? Question 8 Explain the concept of discourse and explain how it is relevant to health and biomedicine in Australia. Draw on examples to highlight you points. Question 9 What is multi-culturalism and how might health needs differ for immigrants and refugees to people who are born in Australia? Question 10 What are the social determinants of health and how do they help us understand the dynamics of globalisation and inequity? Draw on examples in the Australian context to illustrate your key points. References 3 | Page