Introduction to Film Final Essay Please answer ONE of the three questions below. ***Please see the calendar for the deadline for submission via Blackboard*** 1. “Actors are appreciated for their...

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Introduction to Film Final Essay Please answer ONE of the three questions below. ***Please see the calendar for the deadline for submission via Blackboard*** 1. “Actors are appreciated for their performance style, but this can be enhanced by their persona and other film production choices.” Discuss in relation to one film of your choice. 2. “Editing creates meaning.” Discuss in relation to one film of your choice. 3. “Every aspect of film sound is a choice that delivers atmosphere, characterization and narrative information.” Discuss in relation to one film of your choice. Essay length: 4 pages (The length does not include your title page and abstract page, but does include your bibliography). You should: • Demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen film, citing sources such as reviews, interviews or articles written about it. • Use appropriate terminology and apply concepts from the textbook reading. • Remember, comparison to other films can sometimes be useful! Essay Guidance For your own research purposes, it is recommended you familiarize yourself with media resources (newspaper websites, Netflix, YouTube, other online sources, libraries with tapes and DVDs to borrow, the Communication and Media Studies Department Office, etc.) Formatting in the APA style, including specifically: • Microsoft Word document • Double spaced (between lines) • Size 12 font (Times New Roman) • Citations must be included throughout your writing (preferably attached to quotes). • A bibliography is required Content and Structure • An introduction and conclusion is recommended • Include numerous specific examples with detailed descriptions. • Incorporate terminology and concepts learned from the text book • Quote text books and other sources as appropriate (for example, the class textbook, other textbooks, articles, reviews, interviews or reports gathered online, DVD materials, etc.) Essay Submissions • Submissions are on time and via Blackboard – don’t be late! • In these essays you are expected to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic using appropriate terminology, and with appropriate citations of sources. Remember, comparison between different media texts can sometimes be useful. General Grading Expectations 90-100 • Original and thought provoking analysis engaging with the concepts • Convincing and clear argument • Many effective and detailed examples • Excellent research (numerous well-chosen sources, well quoted) • Correct formatting 80-89 • Clear discussion, showing a good understanding of the concepts • Some coherence between examples and points • Some useful research • Some good understanding of the concepts • Mostly correct formatting 60-79 • Not a convincing understanding of the concepts • Few useful examples • Lacking clear argument • Limited suitable research • Formatting issues For any questions regarding planning your essay or essay expectations, please feel free to email me: Dr. Alex Symons [email protected]
Answered Same DayMay 04, 2021

Answer To: Introduction to Film Final Essay Please answer ONE of the three questions below. ***Please see the...

Malvika answered on May 07 2021
160 Votes
Editing Creates Meaning
Editing is an important and inseparable part of any media form like newspapers, magazines, television programs or movies. Editing is used to impr
ove the things that need to be shown and also to create meaning. In movies, editing makes them more interesting and realistic by showing the correct shot at the correct angle. It is also used to show the emotions of the actors which allows the audience to connect with the actors and feel what they feel. Editing is really important as the movie business depends on the editing and the audience would connect with the movie only if they are able to empathize as mentioned by Frierson (2018).
The Technique of Editing
In simple words, editing is the process which selects and combines shots into an overall work of art. Editing can be simple as it just connects one scene with the other but it can be complex as it has the ability to change the meaning for the entire scene or work. The movie after editing is so fluid that no audience would be able to notice any editing.
In the past, the pioneers of editing used to cut the film strips and pasted them together. But, editing has come a long way since then and now-a-days the advancements in the computer program allow the editors a new range of expression that could not be imagined before. All this has led to editing becoming an art form mentioned Fairservice (2019).
Editing is a powerful tool and an edit or cut can give several different effects to the editor. Simple editing or basic cuts can put a patchy work of art in chronological order that makes it a movie and audience feel it’s a sequence of events. This process of putting the movie in chronological order creates a different meaning for the work.
Editing can also be used to create a new meaning when the two different shots are placed one after the other. The audience gets an idea that the second shot is...

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