Answer To: BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research Student Name Student Id BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead...
Soumi answered on Jan 10 2021
BSBRES801 Initiate and Lead Applied Research
Student Name Student Id
Initiate and Lead Applied Research
Assessment 1
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The degree of communication skills of trainers within an organisation tends to affect its productivity, performance and quality of coordination that directs the company in the right direction. The communication skills help in forming taskforce for collective performance providing. In addition, the assessment of communication skills determine the frequency of direction forwarding and being a vital part of workforce management, the knowledge of communication skills of the employees help in developing strategies that are accurate as well as effective. The strategies, if formulated and executed properly, the degree of internal communication among the several layers of organisational hierarchy tends to provide scope for betterment.
The current project undertakes the aims of assessing the degree of communication skill of employees as well as their trainers within the organisational context of The Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD). AITD was established in 1971 and had been one of the most reputed and high quality-training organisation, which is providing its training services to multiple countries, making an international approach. The organisation has also been very active in terms of providing its services in Australia. In order to provide the best in class training for the staffs, the organisation has incorporated a taskforce for the training purposes that include, teachers, trainers, mentors, coordinators and many more. The diverse range of the taskforce requires best in class communication skills, so that the teaching instructions and guidelines are forwarded properly to the learning organisational trainers as well as employees, offering effective learning (AITD, 2019).
Research purpose:
The purpose of the research is to consider the chosen organisation as the practice environment for the formulating strategies for improving the Language, literacy and numeracy of the training staffs in regards to their communication skill with their counterparts within the organisation.
Research questions:
Based on the purpose of the current research, the following questions can be formulated
· What are the factors affecting LLN in an organisational working environment?
· How to formulate LLN strategies for improving communication within organisational setting?
Hypothesis being investigated:
Language, literacy and Numeracy play a significant role in enhancing the degree of communication required in educational organisation for better service offering and must be included in strategies.
Context within which the research will be carried out:
The context of a research, in which it is, conducted acts as a prime factor that regulates the outcome of the research. It is worth the mention that the nature of each type of context has their own impact pattern on the outcome and hence must be considered in exclusive ways for a given research. Among the prime contexts that are actively responsible for affecting the current research the following are most relevant.
· Geographical Context:
The geographical context of a research derives its importance from the physical exclusiveness of the surrounding environment, in which the research is conducted. As affirmed by Ferretti and Montibeller (2019), geographical context directly influences the physiological, human and economic activities of a particular place that regulates the lifestyle of the respondents that are the prime base of data findings and responses to the research quarries. It is found that in places, where the landscape is even, the transport tends to be refines, the economic activities easy to conduct, the lifestyle of the inhabitants as well as the attitude of the employees premium, making the standard of LLN high, which benefits research conduction. On the opposite side, the uneven landscape and adverse environment makes the lifestyle less sophisticated, economy moderate and communication necessary for the adversity in technological implications. In the current research, the geographical context of Australia is deemed important. In Australia, as mentioned by Sutter et al. (2019), the diversity in the landscape has made its impact evident as different organisations are seen affected by it in different degrees.
Australia is located within the tropical climate zone and therefore, it caters to ample rainfall, heat and cold in the country. The country also encompasses landscape that has desserts, forests, tableland, coastal plains and mountains in certain parts. In the context of the current research, which aims at finding the LLN improvement strategies in the country, it can be seen that in the coastal plains and in the rural mountain ranges, the languages used are different and so is the degree of skills. As identified by Rawhouser et al. (2019), in rural areas of Australia, the LLN of the employees tend to be on the higher side as they rely on cooperation of the members of a taskforce and use technological aid less. The source of employee being accumulated from local communities make the language and lifestyle aspects similar for majority of the taskforce, which develops a refiner LLN standard. As the geographical diversity remains stark in different regions of Australia, employee travelling from one place to another for a living becomes unfruitful. The economy as well as dwelling environment differs drastically in different parts of the country, making it difficult to adjust for employees of one place travelling to another, becoming a part of a taskforce, having people from different geographic locations, which again makes the consideration of geographical context important for the current research. The current research is conducted in the region of New South Wales (NSW), therefore, it is found that the consideration of the local geographic characteristics are evident, which tends to be plain on most part and a high living standard and strong communication level in terms of language, literacy and numeracy (NSW Government, 2016).
· Cultural Context:
As people of a particular location make use of the geographic attributes and available resources, economic activities develop along with practices that reflect the amalgamation of the mentioned aspects in a collective format, namely, developing cultural context of a place. As opined by Caligiuri et al. (2019), the cultural context shapes the lifestyle of people living in a place, which includes the economic, political and social activities, thereby, making it important for research purposes, when deemed as a context. The cultural context of a person, as perceived from the perspectives of LLN within organisational setting make worth consideration as cultural background sheds light on the preference of the person, which again are very specific and...