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Assignment: Researched Purchase Proposal Research project, page 2 of 9 Formal Research Purchase Proposal Report Assignment with Checklist, Organization Template, Evaluation Form, and Weekly Planner Point Value: 175 Minimum Requirements: Basic Report (Intro. to conclusion) at 10 pages with 6 borrowed, credible sources, all documented in either MLA or APA style. The research paper assignment and related assignments will develop and demonstrate the following skills: Objectives: · Deliver a written deliverable that meets an identified need to satisfy the expectations of an identified decision maker. · Produce a coherent, purposeful, and persuasive proposal that methodically arrives at a logical, reasonable recommendation. · Demonstrate your understanding of document design, including graphics, page layout, and page editing. · Document your secondary sources consistently, using either APA or MLA formatting. · Present the finished deliverable in accordance with formal requirements, including all necessary front matter appropriate to business/technical style. Requirements: 1. Use either MLA or APA style (never both); refer to our handouts from Course Documents or The Owl at Purdue for details: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ 2. first page with student name and complete assignment and course information. 3. header with student name and page numbers. 4. expository essay structure: introduction with thesis, body and conclusion. 5. secondary research (borrowed) to be 6-source minimum, including graphics that are referred to and labeled. 6. Refer to page 5 of this file for all requirements. The following are your Due Dates for the research paper and related assignments, all due on Saturday Midnight of the week listed: Regular Term: Week Four – Final draft due of research proposal memo. Week Eight – Annotated bibliography due. Week Ten – Final draft of research paper due. Summer Term: Week Two– Final draft due of research proposal memo. Week Four – Annotated bibliography due. Week Five – Final draft of research paper due. From the two possible scenarios, select one that best applies to your own present circumstance to write about: · At home, you would like to correct a pre-existing problem, prevent possible future problems, improve living conditions, or develop a new area of interest in hobbies or leisure activities. You have standards (criteria) that a product must meet, such as safety, comfort, convenience, health, cost-efficiency, financial gain, or improved morale. Because you want the approval of your domestic partner (spouse, roommate), you will need to research and compare similar product models, and ultimately recommend for purchase the model that you feel best suits the household’s needs and standards. · At work, you would like to correct a pre-existing problem, prevent possible future problems, improve working conditions, or develop a new area of interest in operations or marketing. You have standards (criteria) that a product must meet, such as safety, comfort, convenience, health, cost-efficiency, financial gain, or improved morale. Because you require the approval of your manager, you will need to research and compare similar product models, and ultimately recommend for purchase the model that you feel best suits the company’s needs and standards. Caution: Do not research one-of-a kind subjects that are not manufactured products and cannot be reasonably compared; this will include, but is not limited to, flora, fauna, art, music, antiques, relics, or services. Services may support products but cannot be the topic of the purchase proposal as individual results will vary as individual humans (fauna) deliver the services. Proceed as follows in drafting your report: Introductory Paragraph(s): First, identify a real-life issue of personal or professional interest and consider a manufactured product that will correct, improve, or develop your interest, directing the discussion to a directly involved audience. Then set forth and define 3 specific criteria; regard criteria as priorities or standards that you require of a product. For example, if you want to purchase a mid-size SUV, you may prioritize cost, safety, and performance as issues that will most influence your purchase decision. Next, narrow your research to 3 or 4 manufacturers’ makes or models, comparing similar products. For example, you might compare Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4, and Jeep Liberty. Body: Organize the research using a criterion-based structure, one criterion at a time. First, define each criterion, and then present research of makes or models relevant to criterion, followed by findings of how individual makes or models measure up to criterion. Your research should be a combination of primary and secondary sources, properly cited in MLA or APA form. Conclusion: Summarize findings, and ultimately, if a particular product satisfies your criteria, you should recommend it, and persuade your audience to approve of its purchase. Appendices: Finally, present supplemental research materials and a Works Cited page in MLA or APA form. Researched Purchase Proposal Check List: The Researched Purchase Proposal is a formal report, and therefore, will also include supplemental details. The final complete report should be presented in this order with these additional requirements: I. Front Matter (elements that precede the body of a formal report): 1. ______ Letter of Transmittal in memo form 2. ______ Title page with audience specified 3. ______ Informative Abstract/Executive Summary 4. ______ Table of Contents, from Summary to Appendices, as well as list of tables and/or illustrations II. Body: 5. ______ Introductory paragraph describes need, proposal, criteria, and models. 6. ______ Criterion-based structure. Organize the paragraphs by your 3 criteria, devoting one section to each criterion. Begin each section with a definition paragraph for each criterion, proceeding with the criterion-relevant information paragraphs of the 3 or 4 models/makes you are comparing, and concluding with a findings paragraph for each criterion, summarizing the makes/models that measured most favorably in the comparison. Organize your report and label by headings and subheadings. Criterion X ¶ Definition of X. ¶ Research of model 1 according to X criterion. ¶ Research of model 2 according to X criterion. ¶ Research of model 3 according to X criterion. ¶ Findings of best model according to X criterion. Criterion Y ¶ Definition of Y. ¶ Research of model 1 according to Y criterion. ¶ Research of model 2 according to Y criterion. ¶ Research of model 3 according to Y criterion. ¶ Findings of best model according toY criterion. Criterion Z ¶ Definition of Z. ¶ Research of model 1 according to Z criterion. ¶ Research of model 2 according to Z criterion. ¶ Research of model 3 according to Z criterion. ¶ Findings of best model according to Z criterion. 7. _______ Borrowed sources to include a personal interview. 8. _______Conclusion paragraph(s). Summarize findings and present product recommendation to intended audience. III. Back Matter (elements that follow the body of a formal report): 10. _______ Appendix B Logic Box or Decision matrix See student examples. 11. _______ Works Cited in MLA. See student examples. 13.________ Research paper evaluation form---See next page. Research Paper Rubric Bonus for On-Time Submission+ 20 Needs Work Mastery Total /175 1. Front Matter a. Letter of Transmittal in memo form 05 b. Title page with audience Identification. 05 c. helpful Table of Contents. 05 d. informative, complete Abstract/Executive Summary 05 2. Composition, Research & Back Matter a. The intro ¶ reveals background, criteria, and scope, updated from original proposal. 10 b. consistent organization throughout. Headings and subheadings are labeled with unified, relevant paragraphs, following the criterion-based structure, including definitions and sub findings. 15 c. The conclusion provides a summary of findings, decision box, and offers a persuasive explanation of recommendation. 10 and expression are correct, formal, literal, concise and contribute to clarity. 20 e. Report meets the length & source requirement. 20 f. Borrowed information is substantial, and sources are current, credible, relevant. 20 g. All sources used are properly cited and consistently documented in either MLA or APA form. 50 h. Graphics images and appendices are provided and correctly labeled. 10 Regular & Summer Term Weekly Planner Regular Term Planner Week indicate completion ( List topic in Generating Ideas for Research Submit 4 ideas to instructor by Week Two. Look at the student example research proposals in Course Documents for example. One or Two Select Topic. Become familiar with your topic. Conduct general background reading on topic, which you will mention in your proposal, so take notes of titles. Narrow/modify focus. Consider who your primary
Answered 3 days AfterMay 23, 2023

Answer To: I have attached

Deblina answered on May 27 2023
40 Votes
Last Name:    2
Title: Research on Selecting a Home Security System
Introduction    4
Evaluation    5
Criteria 1: Safety    5
Criteria 2: Convenience    6
Criteria 3- Cost efficiency    7
Primary Research    9
Conclusion    10
Works Cited    11
Executive Summary
This report focuses to research on the effective device of security system that can be implemented in the home for the purpose of security in the home. This
research shall explore various manufacturers and the models to identify the best product that meets the specific criteria of safety, convenience, and cost efficiency. The first criteria of safety emphasize the need for the home security system that offers robust features to protect against unauthorized entry and ensure the overall security of the premises. The second criteria focus on convenience that ensures the significance of user-friendly experience and easy integration with the existing home system. The third criteria are cost efficiency that addresses the need for the product that offers value for money.
Home security is a paramount concern for many individuals and families. With the effective increase in the number of burglary and theft incidents it is effective to invest in the reliable and authentic security system that provides peace of mind and ensures the safety of both the property and its occupants. This research shall explore various manufacturers and the models to identify the best product that meets the specific criteria of safety, convenience, and cost efficiency. The first criteria of safety emphasize the need for the home security system that offers robust features to protect against unauthorized entry and ensure the overall security of the premises. This includes advanced security system and reliable locks to deter the potential intruders and provide early detection of any suspicious activity. The second criteria focus on convenience that ensures the significance of user-friendly experience and easy integration with the existing home system. A home security system should be easy to install, or control that allows the residents to efficiently manage and monitor the home security from anywhere and at any time. Integration with the smartphone apps and other smart home devices further enhances the convenience. The third criteria are cost efficiency that addresses the need for the product that offers value for money. The upfront cost of the security system as well as any ongoing maintenance expenses should be reasonable and justifiable considering the features and benefits that are provided. Long-term cost efficiency is a crucial factor to consider when selecting a home security system.
To compare and evaluate different manufacturers and models we will focus our research on three prominent options: the Ring Alarm Security Kit, the SimpliSafe Home Security System, and the ADT Pulse. By analysing these products based on their safety features and convenience of use along with the aspect of cost effectiveness, it is contextual to recommend the most suitable option that meets the household's needs and standards, ensuring improved home security and providing peace of mind for all the residents.
In an increasingly uncertain world ensuring the safety and security of our home has become a top priority. To address this concern this research is prominent for selecting security system that will effectively safeguard our property and provide peace of mind for the household. To make informed decisions the evaluation is based on the three essential criteria safety, convenience, and cost efficiency. The research will focus on the three manufacturers and their respective models: the Ring Alarm Security Kit, the SimpliSafe Home Security System, and the ADT Pulse. The system has garnered recognition for their features and capabilities making them viable options to consider. By comparing and analysing these models we can determine the most suitable choice that meets our standards and ensures improved level of home security (Van Vinh et al.).
Criteria 1: Safety
Safety, refers to the ability of the home security system to provide robust features and measures that protect against unauthorised entry and ensure the security of the property and provide early detection of any substations activity.
Ring Alarm Security Kit
This device includes of base station, keypad, contact sensors, motion detectors and a range of extender. It offers 24/7...

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