I have an expert who did the assignment that has to with this assignment. Please make sure it the same expert that will do this all my assignment in this course because he/she will know exactly what to do for each assignment. This was the first assignment order number 78906
Draft Introduction, Problem Statement, and Research Design During the first 2 weeks of this course, you selected a topic and drafted a hypothesis for your proposed study. This week, you will write a draft introduction and problem statement for your research proposal, as well as describe the general research design for your study. When describing your design, you will include the research hypothesis you prepared in Unit 2, making any necessary revisions to it based on the feedback you received from your professor. Write an introduction, problem statement, and research design that include the following: 1. Introduction: 1–2 pages including: a. An introduction to the issue to be studied, explaining the specific location where the issue has risen to the level of a problem. Describe the actions or behaviors that are occurring as a result of the situation. Include citations and references for sources documenting the problem in the given study location, as well as citations for any statements of fact. b. The introduction is designed to grab the reader’s attention and focus it on the importance of the study and the immediate application that study results would have to policy and practice. It should provide initial impressions of the goal of your study and outline a road map for what is to follow in a research proposal. 2. Problem Statement: 3–4 sentences including: a. A short description that clearly and concisely explains how you plan to study the problem, explaining why the specific study you are proposing is necessary to address the problem. b. Identification of who or what would be the study subjects, where the study would take place, and the proposed time period over which the study would occur, including realistic start and end dates. The completed statement should fully address each of the SMART criteria as outlined in the unit readings. 3. Research Design: 3–5 sentences including: a. Research Purpose: A description of the research purpose (exploration, description, explanation, and/or evaluation). b. Variables and Hypothesis: Identification of the key independent and dependent variables, and inclusion of the study research hypothesis or hypotheses, following any necessary revisions based on prior feedback from your professor. c. Research Goals: A statement about the intended impact the study would have on policy practice, explaining how the results could be used towards resolving the problem in the study location. Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper and list them on your reference page, consistent with APA guidelines. Remember, applied research is not common knowledge, so it is important to cite to all of your sources of information.