nding 4 ot xe taFor cramp: hs wos your aestion, do’ sk nly fochl les.e Survey partiiome tin be gven toa eR Tere oior none of the options on the survey.© You will then create a physical display of...

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nding 4 ot xe ta For cramp: hs wos your aestion, do’ sk nly fochl les. e Survey partiiome tin be gven toa eR Tere oi or none of the options on the survey. © You will then create a physical display of the data in the form of a Venn diagram. This display should be no smaller than 11” X 14” and should be. neatly done. © In addition you will describe, in both words and numerical value, the. following sets. a. AUB e Aus b. AnB AUB o Auc © UnBUC d. ANBNC h. (AUBNC Rubric: [ To 1 2 Ts Ta Ts Detar Incomplete | Undearand [Under | Sepoy | Adequate | exceptional orvery | soppy sloppy Ven Diagram ka Tol [fema = [ w = comet corer cone Verbal ow} Tol escriptions | comet | comet __| Numerical qo] correct x correct Answers Student | Sawba Chocolate | _Differant favor 1 v v 2 v v 5 v a v 5 v 0 v 7 v 5 BD 10, 1 v n 1 10 Is I 1. v v 16 v v 15 v v 20! v Vv 21 v 2 v 25) v v 2 v v 25, v 3 27 2 2s, 50. 51 v 5 E 34 v ES E3 57. 5 ED v a0, aL v a v a3. 44, v a5, a v 47. [3 a.
Answered Same DayDec 12, 2022

Answer To: nding 4 ot xe taFor cramp: hs wos your aestion, do’ sk nly fochl les.e Survey partiiome tin be...

Supriya answered on Dec 12 2022
47 Votes
Question: Which of the ice-cream flavours do you like?
A. Vanilla
B. Chocolate
C. Strawb
erry or Different flavour
In the Venn diagram
Set A: Vanilla is liked (represented by blue circle)
Set B: Chocolate is liked (represented by red circle)
Set C: Strawberry or Different flavour is liked (represented by green circle)
The universal set of 50 students is represented by a black square.
One of the students did not participate in the survey.
Included are both .pptx and .docx version of Venn diagram.
a. : is the set of all students who like either vanilla or chocolate ice-creams. It will contain all students who either belong to set A or set B. The numerical value is
b. : is the set of...

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