I have a visual basic code that converts numbers to roman numerals. If I input a decimal, I need the error message to display (I already have it, i think). I need to remove the rounding ability from...

I have a visual basic code that converts numbers to roman numerals. If I input a decimal, I need the error message to display (I already have it, i think). I need to remove the rounding ability from the program. How do I do that? Ex: input is 2.83; output should be the error message instead of 2 or 3 I received help doing this. But could someone explain why the letter "b" is used? Why couldn't I use the name of the input textbox?

Here is the code written out: Private Sub Button1 Click(sender As Object, e As Event Args) Handles Button1.Click Dim b As Integer Dim result As String b = Val(number. Text) Select Case by Case 1 result = "I" Case 2 result = "II" Case 3

Result = "III" Case 4 result = "IV" Case 5 result = "V" Case 6 result = "VI" Case 7 result = "VII" Case 8 result = "VIII" Case 9 result = "IX" Case 10 result = "X"

Case Else result = "Not in range 1-10" End Select roman. Text = result End Sub

Private Sub Button2 Click (sender As Object, e As Event Args) Handles Button2.Click number. Text = "" roman. Text = "" number. Focus () End Sub Private Sub Button3_Click (sender As Object, e As Event Args) Handles Button3.Click Me. Close () End Sub End Class


May 19, 2022

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