I have a assessment due on 25th may coming monday.
assessment two oral presentation Assessment Two: Group and Individual Professional Presentation— Individual Written Report Marking Criteria Marking Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail Introduction Excellent introduction; articulates the purpose including the aims and objectives, the preview, and general context in a superior manner 2.55- 3.0 Marks Exceed expectations; clearly articulates the purpose including the aims and objectives, the preview, and general context; one of the components could have been more specifically stated. 2.25-2.52 Marks Meets expectations; fair introduction; the purpose including the aims and objectives, the preview, and general context; two of the components could have been more specifically stated. 1.95-2.22 Marks Average introduction; all three of the components could have been more specifically stated. 1.5-1.92 Marks Below expectations (one or more of the parts of the introduction are missing) or non-existent introduction. 0-1.47 Marks Annotated Bibliography Excellent annotated bibliography; All five of the entries articulate the introduction, aims and research methods, findings and conclusion and usefulness in a superior manner. 8.5-10 Marks Exceed expectations; All five of the entries articulate the introduction, aims and research methods, findings and conclusion and usefulness; one of the entries could have been more specifically stated. 7.5-8.4 Marks Meets expectations; fair introduction; All five of the entries articulate the introduction, aims and research methods, findings and conclusion and usefulness; two of the entries could have been more specifically stated. 6.5-7.4 Marks Meets average expectations; All five of the entries articulate the introduction, aims and research methods, findings and conclusion and usefulness; all the entries could have been more specifically stated. 5.0-6.4 Marks Below expectations (does not include all five entries) or non- existent introduction. 0-4.9 Marks Reflection Excellent reflection; the reflection describes both positive and negative group processes in addition to demonstrating a significant degree of insight. 4.25-5.0 Marks Exceeds expectations; the reflection describes both positive and negative group processes in addition to demonstrating some level of insight. 3.75-4.20 Marks Meets expectations; the reflection is descriptive of both positive and negative group processes; minimal insight is provided. 3.25-3.70 Marks Meets average expectations; the reflection describes both positive and negative group processes. 2.5- 3.25 Marks Below expectations; the reflection neither describes positive nor negative group processes. 0-2.45 Marks Conclusion Excellent conclusion; restates the topic and explains the significance/purpose of the topic in addition to summarizing the main points. 2.55- 3.00 Marks Exceeds expectations; restates the topic and explains the significance/purpose of the topic in addition to summarizing the main points; one of the three areas could have been more strongly developed. 2.25-2.52 Marks Meets expectations; restates the topic and explains the significance/purpose of the topic in addition to summarizing the main points; two of the three areas could have been more strongly developed. 1.95-2.22 Marks Meets average expectations; restates the topic and explains the significance/purpose of the topic in addition to summarizing the main points; All of the three areas could have been more strongly developed. 1.5-1.92 Marks Below expectations; one or more of the parts of the conclusion are not included. 0-1.47 Marks Recommendations Excellent Recommendations; recommendations are addressed at a high level of detail and are both practical and realistic. 4.25-5.0 Marks Exceed expectations; recommendations are addressed at a strong level of detail and are both practical and realistic. 3.75-4.20 Marks Meets expectations; recommendations are addressed at a high level of detail and are both practical and realistic. One of the recommendations could have been Meets average expectations; recommendations are addressed at a high level of detail but are not both practical and realistic. 2.5- 3.2 Marks Below expectations; both recommendations are poorly developed. 0-2.45 Marks more strongly developed. 3.25- 3.70 Marks References All references conform to the APA format. All five references are present. 4.25-5.0 Marks Most of the reference conform to the APA format. All five references are present. 3.75- 4.20 Marks There are systematic errors within the references. All five references are present. 3.25-3.70 Marks There are systematic errors within the references. Less than five references are present. 2.5-3.2 Marks No references are identified. 0-2.45 Marks Sentence-level speaking outline Excellent sentence-level speaking outline. The outline is clearly structured based upon the required format. The appropriate level of detail is provided. No errors in written communication. 4.25-5.00 Marks The sentence-level speaking outline is clearly structured. The level of detail is lacking in some areas. Uses the required format. No errors in written communication. 3.75-4.20 Marks The sentence-level speaking outline structure needs improvement. The level of detail is generally underdeveloped. Uses the required format. No errors in written communication. 3.25-3.70 Marks The sentence-level speaking outline it does not use the required structure. There is a distinct lack of detail. There are errors in written communication. 2.5-3.2 Marks The sentence-level speaking outline is not submitted. 0-2.45 Marks Team Charter Excellent team charter; significant insight is demonstrated in the responses to the areas identified within the charter proforma. 2.55-3.00 Marks Exceeds expectations; some insight is demonstrated in the response to the areas identified within the charter proforma. 2.25-2.52 Marks Meets expectations; all the areas within the proforma have been addressed. 1.95-2.22 Marks Meets average expectations; all the areas within the proforma have been minimally addressed. 1.5-1.92 Marks Below expectations; not all of the areas within the proforma have been addressed/proforma not included in the report. 0-1.47 Marks CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 1 ǀ School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group and Individual Professional Presentation and Individual Written Report Task Description General Overview: This assessment is a simulation of a professional business presentation. Most organizations today will share information through the communication genre of the professional business presentation. This assessment will help you improve your competency in both written and professional business presentational communication. In addition, this assessment allows you to participate in and reflect upon group processes and interactions. This assessment has TWO PARTS. 1. Individually Written Report; 2. Group Recorded Video. You must follow the guidelines for this assessment as set out in this document and the accompanying video. Case Study: You are a manager and your boss has asked you to give a presentation about communication to members of your team. Your team’s communication skills are generally good, but you and your boss feel that these skills can be improved. You are an expert in the field of business communication, having successfully undertaken a Unit in Effective Business Communications. Each member of the group may pick one of the following areas: 1. Organisational communication 2. Small group/Team Communication 3. Intercultural Communication Having chosen a general area, you must then narrow the area to focus upon a specific topic or area within the general area. For example, if you have chosen to focus upon organisational communication, you could narrow the area to focus upon the topic of informal internal organisational communication. A broad focus on the general area will not result is a ‘high’ mark for this assessment. It is a good idea to consult with your tutor/lecturer about your topic—either in your Zoom lecture/tutorial/workshop or via email. You will need to identify 5 academic journal articles about your chosen topic. These articles will be discussed in the Individually Written Report and serve as evidentiary support within the presentation. Within your part of the presentation, you will need to include the following information: 1. The first part of your individual main point will define and explain the communication topic. 2. The second part of your individual main point will discuss the significance of the topic in terms of effective business communication practices. Assessment Weight: This assessment is worth 55% of your overall mark for this unit Groups: During the week three tutorial you will be able to sign up to be one member of a group of three. You may only present with those individuals enrolled within your tutorial—no exceptions. Failure to sign up for a group will result in your final mark being delayed. If you have not done so, please sign up to a group. There is a tutorial/workshop forum set up so you can ‘meet’ others enrolled. Participating in this forum may help you find other people with whom you wish to work. Due date: The Individually Written Report is due on Monday Week Eleven 11.55 PM (Brisbane Time) and Recorded Group Presentation is due Monday, Week Twelve at 11.55 PM (Brisbane time). CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 2 ǀ School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group and Individual Professional Presentation and Individual Written Report Access to TASAC and the Unit Coordinator(s) will only be available (subject to demand) until 6:00 PM (Monday-Friday), so please think about submitting early in order to avoid any potential problems or issues. A five percent per day (2.75 points) deduction will be applied to assessments submitted late. References: The assessment must include 15 academic references (assumedly