I have 3 sales pre call planning worksheet needed to be filled out by this 3 brochures each worksheet for each brochures

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I have 3 sales pre call planning worksheet needed to be filled out by this 3 brochures each worksheet for each brochures

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Answered 3 days AfterMay 22, 2023

Answer To: I have 3 sales pre call planning worksheet needed to be filled out by this 3 brochures each...

Shubham answered on May 26 2023
36 Votes
Customer: Family member of the patient with end-stage Alzheimer
Title: Information and Support to Patients for overcoming Communication Breakthroughs
Call Objective:
The call
objective includes providing information and support to customer regarding Cornerstone Hospice's services. It refers to nonverbal patients that are suffering from Alzheimer's and other dementia-related diseases. The goal includes addressing the concern and explaining sensory experiences offered by Cornerstone Hospice. This ensures communication and encourage for considering and reaching out for the assistance.
Fact Objective:
The fact objective requires providing with accurate information about Cornerstone Hospice's approach that includes communicating with nonverbal patients. It includes explaining sensory experiences like aromatherapy, music therapy, visual arts and tactile stimulation. This involves explaining specially trained staff evoking emotions and memories. It can be used for long-term memory using gentle stimuli (D’Cunha et al. 2019). The goal includes helping customers in understand the effectiveness of techniques in facilitating meaningful connections.
1. Introduction
· Greeting customers and expressing empathy for situation.
2. Explanation of Approach
· Describing sensory experiences that are offered by Cornerstone Hospice.
3. Benefits
· Discussion on relief from anxiety and frustration experienced by patients and families.
4. Overview of Services
· Provides overview of hospice care services provided by Cornerstone Hospice.
5. Addressing Concerns
· Provide reassurance for Cornerstone Hospice for providing care seven days a week.
6. Encouragement
· Highlighting importance of seeking support from professionals
Need, goals and challenges...

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