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Microsoft Word - MKT202_T1_1019_Assessment_3_V1 Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: MKT202 Subject Name: Marketing Research Essentials Assessment Title: Market Research Proposal Assessment Type: Individual 1000 word (+/- 10%) Weighting: 35% Total Marks: 35 Submission: Via Turnitin Due Date: Week 13 Your Task Develop a detailed market research proposal. Assessment Description Identify an organisation relevant to the topic chosen for assignment one. For example, if you chose “brand switching in Telcom Industry” then you can pick an organisation like Telstra or Optus. Assume that the management of the selected organisation has requested a research proposal based on the research problem identified in Assessment one. As an Executive representing a research agency, your task is to prepare a research proposal covering following aspects. Research proposal topic o A concise indication of the proposed research Table of content Background o Provide a brief description of the topic and the organisation. This section should also include a summary of the management/ business problem and the research problem. Remember, you are providing the proposal at this company’s request. Therefore, no need to write excessively about them. Research Objectives Research method o The research method should capture the following Desk research (secondary research): an indication of the proposed approach. Qualitative research: composition of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and/or Depth Interviews (Dis) with sufficient rationale. Quantitative survey: sampling method, sample size, and sample composition. Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Overall, a clear indication of data collection tools. o This section is a critical focus area. You need to provide adequate justification and engage literature in justifying the research method. Course material from weeks three and eight can provide some guidance. Research analysis o A brief indication of how the data will be analysed (refer course material from week nine). Timelines o A Gantt chart indicating the different stages and timelines for the research project. Confidentiality o Approach to maintaining the confidentiality of respondents, findings, ESOMAR, etc. Assessment Instructions Minimum 5-6 scholarly references. Please avoid Wikipedia, SlideShare, etc. type of sources. Important to discuss the proposal format with the lecturer. Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information. Late assignment submission penalties Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School’s “late assignment submission penalties” policy. Number of days Penalty 1* - 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total marks available 10 - 14 days 50% deducted from the total marks available. After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s). Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students *Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after the deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty For more information, please read the full policy via https://www.kbs.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/KBS-Assessment-Policy-v4.5_incl-SC-form-and- Med-Cert_final.pdf Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment Marking Guide Criteria NN (Fail) 0%- 49% P (Pass) 50%-64% CR (Credit) 74%-65% DN (Distinction) 75%-84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% Focus and content (6 marks) Weak sense of focus. Rationale and context are either wholly or largely unclear, and the proposal suggests a lack of knowledge of the area under consideration. Little or no understanding of methodology/methods selected. A sound sense of focus and rationale, though some elements of this may be unclear. There is a basic knowledge of the area under consideration, as well as the methodology/methods selected. A clear sense of focus and rationale throughout. Good knowledge of the area under consideration, as well as the methodology/methods, selected. A very good sense of focus throughout with the overall intention and rationale clear at every point. Strong knowledge of the area under consideration, as well as the methodology/methods, selected. Excellent sense of focus throughout. Consistently high levels of understanding of the area under consideration with excellent rationale and context. The methodology/methods selected are critically positioned throughout. Proposed methodology and, sample selection (15 marks) An inappropriate selection of methodology, sample selection not defined at all. Some relevant proposed methodology, a limited critical understanding of research and sampling methods and techniques with the overall focus and structure of the proposed research are not consistent. Clear and relevant methodology demonstrates a basic understanding of research and sampling methods and techniques with the overall focus and structure of the proposed research being consistent. Appropriate links to the focus and structure of the proposed research have been made. Demonstration of solid understanding of the relevant research methodologies, strong understanding of sampling methods and techniques with the overall focus and structure of the proposed research consistent. Solid links have been made to the focus and structure of the proposed research. Demonstration of exceptional understanding of the relevant research methodologies, through an understanding of sampling methods and techniques with the overall focus and structure of the proposed research consistent. A strong and appropriate critical stance is taken, with excellent and consistent links to the focus and structure of the proposed research. Approach to analysis, timelines, and confidentiality (9 marks) Insufficient indication of the approach to data analysis and schedules. Did not discuss confidentiality related aspects. Basic coverage of the approach to analysis of data. Presented a Schule but lacks detail. Some mention of confidentiality related issues. Good coverage of analytical methods and indicated relevant approaches that can be adopted. Presented the research schedule well. The indicated the research stages logically and covered confidentiality related aspects sufficiently. Presented data analysis related aspects well. Summarised the most suitable analysis approach and presented a detailed schedule using a Gantt chart. Good coverage of confidentiality related aspects. Excellent coverage of analytical methods/ approaches sufitable for the different types of data collection methods. A detailed research schedule and comprehsive coverage of confidentiality related aspects. Organisation/ synthesis (5 marks) The organisation and structure of the research proposal are poor. The expression is unclear, and claims are rarely supported by evidence. Referencing is weak, as are spelling and grammar. The organisation and structure of the research proposal are satisfactory, though there are areas which lack clarity. The expression is generally good enough and claims are mainly supported by evidence, though again there are gaps. Referencing may require some improvement, likewise with spelling and grammar. The organisation and structure of the research proposal are sound. The expression is good and most of the arguments made are supported by evidence in a logical and sequenced way. Referencing, spelling and grammar are all sound. The organisation and structure of the research proposal are very good. The expression is strong, with arguments supported by evidence in a logical, sequenced and consistent way. Referencing, spelling and grammar are all strong. The organisation and structure of the research proposal are excellent. The expression is excellent throughout, with arguments supported by evidence in a logical, sequenced and consistent way. Referencing, spelling and grammar are all exemplary. The impact of brand personality on buying decision (PROPOSAL) Introduction: The marketing practice of making a tag, sign or strategy that classifies and distinguishes a good from any other goods. An actual brand tactic gives any company a key advantage in progressively competitive marketplaces. Branding can be done in many ways and using the brand personality is one of those. This proposal is to discuss about the implication of using a brand personality to the brand and its impact. Literature Review: The idea of product partaking any personality that can be defined in rapports of a set of qualities is projected by Martineau in 1958 and has been established by brand and customer investigators (Kapferer, 2005). Plummer (1994) recommended that a brand might be described based on three key extents: physical qualities, practical features, or reimbursements related to the consumption and personality qualities related to the brand. As stated by the brand individuality