i). ​Explain active earth pressure, draw Mohr Circle and give equation for determination of total earth pressure under active condition (Pa/b) per unit width of wall.(ii)​The soil behind a cantilever...

i). ​Explain active earth pressure, draw Mohr Circle and give equation for determination of total earth pressure under active condition (Pa/b) per unit width of wall. (ii)​The soil behind a cantilever retaining wall has following properties under at rest condition, σ1 = 400kPa, σ3 = 200kPa, Cohesion c’= 110kPa, angle of internal friction Φ’=30°. Plot Mohr circle for at rest condition and also plot failure envelope (τ = c + σn.tanΦ’). Also calculate (a) Minimum value of σ3 for full active condition. (b) Value of active earth pressure coefficient Ka for full active condition. (c) Angle at which soil will fail under full active condition. Use graph paper for Mohr circle plot and paste image on solution in the answer.

Jun 10, 2022

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