I drew a bunch of samples to get my points across in this chapter, and I hope it was worth it. Now it’s your turn. Develop a sampling exercise to test one of the following claims: 1. The sampling...

I drew a bunch of samples to get my points across in this chapter, and I hope it was worth it. Now it’s your turn. Develop a sampling exercise to test one of the following claims:

1. The sampling exercise at the beginning of the chapter was based on a bell-shaped distribution of population data, and the resulting sampling distribution was bell-shaped (eventually). However, if the population data distribution were not bell-shaped (i.e., highly skewed to the left or to the right), drawing samples from this population would still eventually produce a bell-shaped sampling distribution.

2. The sampling exercise at the beginning of the chapter used sample sizes of 5. Drawing larger samples would result in a sampling distribution with a smaller standard error.

3. Larger samples produce better estimates of the standard error than smaller samples do.

May 22, 2022

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