Requirements · In one full page, minimum, thoroughly summarize, detail, and explain the event and its purpose.· Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Explain each in detail.·...

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I could not share the video of my professor but I was able to copy the Subtitles from the video which covers the requirements of the project. You will find that below

Requirements · In one full page, minimum, thoroughly summarize, detail, and explain the event and its purpose. · Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Explain each in detail. · Remember to select a company or create your own for the event. · SUBMIT the Overview of Event using the required template · WEEKLY · Deliverable POINTS Fully Detailed 15 Creativity 5 Presentation 5 TOTAL 25 My professor video subtitles: · Welcome back everyone, this is the video for the group projects are the one day virtual conference. · 00:11So, for your groups, you will be creating for after the midterms this will be for the for the midterm to the final you'll have a one day virtual Conference and that you've seen over the last few years we've been on zoom. · 00:22And zoom is such a great platform in Dennis hundreds of platforms, that you can use, but I want you to focus on this one, because it is accessible to everyone and it is free you can't their subscription you can pay a higher. · 00:34usability from different things, but you're going to have a business leadership Development Conference using this platform zoom for. · 00:41200 different participants okay again here comes a show and tell every single week you're going to show me and tell me about what you're doing each of the different areas okay. · 00:51Again, all the errors are required you can't leave anything out on any one of these requirements. · 00:55Again, the overview for this talking about what it's going to be so again, we know what the subject matter is. · 01:01Then we've got to find speakers we're going to have appropriate things you got to be an appropriate area as well, too, so we're on zoom, how do we create this this virtual platform into something that's tangible it's engaging as well too so you're going to have a conference plan. · 01:16Okay, the overview plan for the for the entire virtual conference of what you're going to do you're going to be overview, in the event in itself. · 01:23But this is specifically about that conference plan so talking about the speakers. · 01:26Who are the speakers, one of the topics, one of the brakes with activities that you're going to have for them is there being a social aspect for that. · 01:32I think the gamification will you have different activities and fun events that you're going to be adding that's an important part you're going to be using the Congress plan and the conference plan template for that specific week. · 01:44Now for marketing again, even though it's a virtual event, you still have to market it and it's important to understand. · 01:49where people are looking for things so you're going to be creating these types of things as well to your explanation of the marketing and marketing and using the marketing template you got to make an ad. · 01:59For marketing to people and in any way, shape or form that you wanted to market so Kevin advertising for something as well too. · 02:08Registration okay you're going to go through the registration process on page seo for the participants. · 02:13What are you going to register, how you register them as well, are you going to use the zoom platform, you can have a separate platform for them to register that you're going to input them into zoom. · 02:22Or is this that you just sending out a link right there's certain different many different ways that you can do that it's important to make sure that you're going through that process. · 02:29Now I run a show or run a show says is not for guests are the people who are out there in the virtual world as for those of us were planning. · 02:38We know who's coming up who's speaking again, you can Google this Google runner show. · 02:44As the what's happening, where it's going to be the information that we need the person that's doing it, how long it's going to be. · 02:49The technology that they need, as well, too, and how long it's going what's going on every single minute that this conference is going on, you can plan that now, here comes a different part of the project that is going to be individual Okay, this is a each group member will complete this. · 03:03Beyond the zoom platform, there are hundreds upon hundreds of platforms i've researched, many of them so i'm very well aware of that. · 03:12But I want you to pick out five different ones, I want you to do some research and find five different ones, so that you're aware of other platforms that are out there. · 03:18you'll probably find the most popular ones, first, if you do a Google search okay there's a listing of hundreds of them. · 03:25But the top ones will typically come up first google's most people are using but there's other ones that didn't functionalities that. · 03:30You may use so keep thinking about this as you're not going to use zoom as part of that I can go into that here as well, too, and each of you will submit your own separate assignment for this with the platforms template. · 03:41Now, every time you do any type of event or care what it is we have some type of service, sometimes it will do for smaller events i'll do it personally hey would you think of the event, or do you think of this but. · 03:51it's always a formal process so important part is you're going to be creating a survey, to find out what they thought about maybe the platform they. · 03:58talked about schedule talked about different activities and events and engagement, you want to find out what that is you'd be using you explaining that, as well as using this incident survey template. · 04:08And then finally at this will be at the end of the course itself, you have two things in this one, you have a reflection that you will be doing. · 04:14As well as a group, evaluation, so I want you to do a one page summary about what you liked what you didn't like it's in the template itself and that reflecting template but also. · 04:24You can have a current valuation that you complete as well to just keeping everybody accountable that's the important part about that as well too. · 04:31And then week 10, we will have a group meeting for that as well, now we take you into canvas real quick. · 04:40To make sure that you know where all the information is for that so again. · 04:43we're here in the modules page and scroll down at the top there and here's the virtual conference here's all the templates that you'll use for those as well too. · 04:50And in each of the assignments you'll see those as well to their pieces just for your own information as well, so please let me know if any questions quarter a great course of doing Requirements · In one full page, minimum, thoroughly summarize, detail, and explain the event and its purpose . · Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Explain each in detail. · Remember to select a company or create your own for the event . · SUBMIT the Overview of Event using the required template · WEEKLY · Deliverable POINTS Fully Detailed 15 Creativity 5 Presentation 5 TOTAL 25 My professor video subtitles: · Welcome back everyone, this is the video for the group projects are the one day virtual conference. · 00:11 So, for your groups, you will be creating for after the midterms this will be for the for the midterm to the final you'll have a one day virtual Conference and that you've seen over the last few years we've been on zoom. · 00:22 And zoom is such a great platf orm in Dennis hundreds of platforms, that you can use, but I want you to focus on this one, because it is accessible to everyone and it is free you can't their subscription you can pay a higher. Requirements  In one full page, minimum, thoroughly summarize, detail, and explain the event and its purpose.  Answer the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Explain each in detail.  Remember to select a company or create your own for the event.  SUBMIT the Overview of Event using the required template  WEEKLY  Deliverable POINTS Fully Detailed 15 Creativity 5 Presentation 5 TOTAL 25 My professor video subtitles:  Welcome back everyone, this is the video for the group projects are the one day virtual conference.  00:11So, for your groups, you will be creating for after the midterms this will be for the for the midterm to the final you'll have a one day virtual Conference and that you've seen over the last few years we've been on zoom.  00:22And zoom is such a great platform in Dennis hundreds of platforms, that you can use, but I want you to focus on this one, because it is accessible to everyone and it is free you can't their subscription you can pay a higher. EVENT PLANNING VIRTUAL CONFERENCE - Overview Date of Submission HOS 310 Special Events Fall 2022 GROUP MEMBERS DELIVERABLE First Name Last Name Work Completed OVERVIEW OF EVENT REFERENCES 6
Answered 1 days AfterOct 14, 2022

Answer To: Requirements · In one full page, minimum, thoroughly summarize, detail, and explain the event and...

Parul answered on Oct 16 2022
69 Votes
Date of Submission
HOS 310 Special Events
Fall 2022
    First Name
    Last Name
    Work Completed
By the virtue of this assignment, we would host a leadership conference comprising of senior leaders in business, working professionals, professors and students. This conference will largely revolve around the concept of Women in Leadership. We have created our own company, Elixir that promotes awareness about diversity and women’s inclusion in business especially at the top leadership level.
Description of the Group Project
We plan to organize one-day virtual conferences using online platforms like Zoom. A total number of participants anticipated in this conference is around 200.
Purpose of the Event
Take a look around in your industry or any industry for that matter, in every industry and majority of companies, and we all can see that the quantum of women leaders, is not more than 20%. Furthermore, the majority of...

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