I could not find Information System course in course tab so That's why I put IT. this Assignment is Information system assignment (IS).follow thisAssignment DeliverablesThis assignment has five...

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I could not find Information System course in course tab so That's why I put IT. this Assignment is Information system assignment (IS).

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Assignment Deliverables

This assignment has five deliverables. Each deliverable is to use your assigned Topic/Scenario/Dilemma as instructed. YouMUSTdo all of them on time.

Topic Assignment:

  1. Each person has been assigned a topic randomly

Creating Presentation Slides for the Kaltura Presentation

Your presentation slides should:

  • Clearly introduce your topic, not the given scenario, and describe why it is relevant to us.

  • Describe some societal issues, pros and cons, and some intended and unintended consequences - remember this is on the topic itself NOT the scenario.

  • Mention future aspects and/or pending and/or necessary developments concerning your topic (or speculations on these). If you speculate on future aspects, you must support your opinion with citations and/or strong rational arguments.

  • One slide mustinclude your actual assigned scenario and ethical dilemma

  • Have good appearance – are your slides well organized, easy to read, without errors, and do they highlight your points without being cluttered?

  • Citations: useinline citations(e.g., [1]) that refer to the references on a bibliography slide for any supporting information

  • Bibliography: there must be at least 3 sources/references but there is no maximum number of references, but you must support the information you include in your slides; include the full reference citations in APA or MLA format – see the “Understanding Citations” link on Canvas

  • Length: You should have 6-10 slides, not including any bibliography slides at the end. (Your actual presentation should take 6-10 minutes.)

  • Your presentationMUSTinclude your scenario and Ethical Dilemma on a slide before the references.

  • You should
    include any analysis using an ethical theory or any codes of ethics.

  • Must follow grading rubric (attached in file)

MY assigned a Current Events topic, Scenario, Ethical Dilemma.

Censorship in Education (Limiting course topics)

Scenario: The president of a university has been approached by a very large donor who is offering to donate 250 million

dollars to the university. But the donor insists he will not give any money if the school continues to offer certain literature

courses that he considers distasteful. The president is considering accepting the donation even though it means adhering to

the donor’s conditions.

Dilemma: Is it ethical for the president of the university to accept the donation?

extra info

You do noy have to record Your voice Just have to compilate PowerPoint slide.

special request for tutor - (after done assigment on one page put what to talk in pretransition for example slide 1 --- this slide 2 this I can not allow to read word to word from slides so please if You can do it on one peace paper as outline what should I talk.)

    Answered 12 days AfterOct 09, 2022

    Answer To: I could not find Information System course in course tab so That's why I put IT. this Assignment is...

    Amar Kumar answered on Oct 14 2022
    63 Votes
    This is Your Presentation Title
        in education
    Censorship at universities can take the form of altering or deleting teaching methods or resources that students use to learn about topics like evolution and creationism.
    Censorship may also affect how pupils study and
    how educational organizations such as universities run.
    When it comes to censorship in Universities, there are several variables at work that might all have an impact on how students learn and how universities function as educational institutions. Censorship in universities typically takes the form of eliminating or changing instructional strategies or resources. These resources could cover subjects that some find offensive,[1] such as the debate over evolution vs. creationism, or those authorities and parents have generally agreed are unsuitable for our kids.
    The majority of the time, censorship in American universities focuses on social and religious problems, and many contentious items are challenged. The restriction of criticism of the government in other countries would coexist with politics and religion in the public eye. Our censorship, however, typically stems from worried parents who do not want their children to be exposed to a worldview that differs from their own, not the government. Today, universities spend a lot of time talking about book censorship.
    Why it is important?

    The majority of the time, school censors think that censorship is the most straightforward, secure, and well-known method of preventing pupils from reading or viewing sexual material
    phrases or pictures that are frightening, instigating, titillating, overpowering, or seditious and that could obstruct, forbid, obscure, distract attention from, or contradict what is meant to be taught in the classroom.
    School censorship must be backed up by concrete evidence of harm to students, instructors, or school property, whether it be physical, social, or emotional. To avoid discomfort, humiliation, extra teaching effort, or parental protest, censorship is insufficient. If students present speeches, writings, or illustrations that are unpleasant, foolish, cruel, false, illogical, or otherwise faulty,[3] they should not be suppressed; rather, they should be used in a kind, prudent, and intentional way as the topic of a lesson on crafting persuasive messages. Discussions of defective message content, intent, motive, and potential or actual repercussions are included in excellent lesson plans.
    It shields kids from objectionable material.

    It could make teaching a little simpler.
    It shields kids from objectionable material.
    Children are impressionable and lack the mental and emotional maturity to distinguish between good and negative things. They will thus accept these ideas as normal and won't think twice about incorporating them into their life if they are constantly exposed to objectionable ideas like terrorism,...

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