I chose“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” as my economic policy. Here is what I need. In Phase 2 of your paper, analyze your economic policy in terms of its appropriateness for the...

I chose“The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” as my economic policy. Here is what I need. In Phase 2 of your paper, analyze your economic policy in terms of its appropriateness for the market failure problem it was intended to correct. Identify the pros and cons of the policy and its actual/potential impact on the economy. Create an appropriate economic graph to show the intended impact on the economy.The recommended page length for Phase 2 is 2-3 pages. Be sure to cite all references and follow APA format.ECN 201 Macroeconomics Research PaperGrading RubricPointsPointsPossibleEarnedPurpose Statement ItemPurpose Statement is concise andaddresses all five planning questions.Topic approval from instructor. 10Yes Yes/No Phase 1 Content – IntroductionThe introduction provides sufficientbackground on the topic and previewsmajor points.All key elements of the assignmentare covered in a substantive way. Clearly identifies policy and the issue it isintended to correct. The paper links theory to relevantexamples of current experience andeconomic practice and uses thevocabulary of the theory correctly. 202020Phase 2 Content – Report All key elements of the assignmentare covered in a substantive way. Clearly analyzes policy and the issue it is 18 intended to correct. Graph included. The content is comprehensive,accurate, and/or persuasive.The paper provides researchedinformation about case topic fromcredible sources and backsconclusions with sources.The paper links theory to relevantexamples of current experience andeconomic practice and uses thevocabulary of the theory correctly.Major points are stated clearly; aresupported by specific details,examples, and are organizedlogically. 16161616 Phase 3 Content – ConclusionAll key elements of the assignmentare covered in a substantive way. Clearly explains unintendedconsequences of the policy. Graphincluded. The content is comprehensive,accurate, and/or persuasive.The paper provides researchedinformation about case topic fromcredible sources and backsconclusions with sources.The paper links theory to relevantexamples of current experience and 20181818 Comments economic practice and uses thevocabulary of the theory correctly.Major points are stated clearly; aresupported by specific details,examples, and analysis; and areorganized logically.The conclusion is logical, flows fromthe body of the paper, and reviewsthe major points. 1816APA Format The paper, including the title page,reference page, tables, andappendices, follow APA guidelines forformat. Phase 15Phase 27Phase 38 The paper is laid out with effectiveuse of headings, font styles, andwhite space. Phase 15Phase 27Phase 38 Mechanics, Organization, & StyleDemonstrates knowledge and use ofwriting mechanics (sentencestructure, grammar, punctuation,capitalization, spelling, etc) toenhance readability. Phase 15Phase 27Phase 38 Paragraph and sentence transitionsare present and logical and maintainthe flow throughout the paper. Thetone is appropriate to the content andassignment. Phase 15Phase 27Phase 38 Late Penalty if Applicable Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Total Points Purpose Statement 10Phase 180Phase 2110Phase 3140PAPER TOTAL340

May 15, 2022

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