disburse d orDecember 31.(6) Savings account with Allied Bank, P900,000 as: tion fuiP480,000 of which was earmarked for an equipmen livered = in2022. You were able to verify that this amount...

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I can't copy the assignment, but I will send pictures. The answers that I need the most are for the problem numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10.

disburse d or December 31. (6) Savings account with Allied Bank, P900,000 as: tion fui P480,000 of which was earmarked for an equipmen livered = in 2022. You were able to verify that this amount was actually disbursed March 2022. (7) Petty cash fund, with imprest balance of P20,000. Your count of the fund on January 4, 2022 revealed the following fund composition: Bills and coins, P12,000; paid petty cash vouchers, all dated December 2021, P6,800; IOUs from employees, with no supporting petty cash vouchers, P1,200; and a check drawn against MetroBank checking account in the amount of P5,300 covering Meralco bill for the period November 29 to December 30, 2021. (8) Checks from customers in settlement of account, both on sales invoices for the month of December 2021, totaling P85,000. The checks were verified to have been recorded in the December cash receipts journal, although one check for P25,000 was dated January 8, 2022 All the checks proved to be good when subsequently deposited. REQUIRED: (a) Prepare all the necessary audit adjusting entries as a result of the foregoij oing. (b) Determine the amount that will be reported as “Cash ang Cosh Four on the December 31, 2021 statement of financia/ position Equivalents 4 3 . a i ow oe { 1207 40 PUD 3p Je Aueduwon ay Aq PEY0OLI2AO 133 Pet Bulmer uf i IMOJ|O) BY)» 1 : PRISACISIP B13M 10113 BuIMO 5 7 1 IMO}iD} 3! | 006d 000021 d io) Pus 000'0 00008 4 04, 000'0TT dd 00000 d. xelawo asuadxy oon 000/06 000082" ou] 20 ein) 21024 suonesado oJ oid 000'00E d 000085 d adxg dAgensiuILIpY pue bulps ssa 000'0€ 00008 AWoou] |ejoL 00002 d 00000F d 3woour bunesado BRO 000°0S¥ 000009 140.d soi 000024 d 000'000'T d : $3/e5 30 150) 020C T20C $9105 *$00q SJ Ul S8|eS JO 350) dn Jes Apeaue sey Auedwod aunses3 Jey) Jaypny awnssy 1Z0Z ‘TE 42quaad je sauua bunsnipe ypne aiedaid :g3¥INo3Y “070 ‘TE 19qWad3Q U0 Nod AI0JUSAUL jeaisAyd au ul papnjoul Jou sem asipueypiaw dy “120 AJenuer Ul papiodal sem 0z0z 42quadeq ul paseyd.nd as|pueyiaw 10} 000'€STd 40 a|qeAed junodde uy ‘8 -000°0€d AQ PRIISIBA0 SEM Ul 'TZ0T JO PUP ay} je pue ‘000'15d Aq pajeisiapun sem 3 0Z0Z JO PUB aU 38 ‘000'Tkd Aq PRIRISIOpUN SEM 610 40 pua au 38 AIOJUIAUT -19.1100U1 9q 03 S1e3A 3313 Ise] 3 10} SILIOJUDAUL PISNED aney jeu sanpeooid BueI-AI0JUBAUL S}} Ul 10113 pasaAcdsIp AuedwioD ainseid "L -sabieyd uonenaidsp JO uoneuiwielep SY Ul junoooe juswdinb3 ayy ul adueleq Buipud au 01 %07T JO 2181 © soidde Auedwod @UL -pobieyp 0s Jam TZOZ Ut 000'05d pue 0z0z Ut 000°09d © Junouwe au ul sieday “120Z Pue 020T Buunp junodde Lauawdinbg ay3 03 pafiseyd A[SN0aU0LId U33q Pey juawdinba 03 siiedal Aeuipi0 ‘9 -uiod Buiddiys G04 St wi) be "ZZ0T Ul paJoAIRp M 000'092d Bunsod 5poob PAIR BUY YDIYM 104 Inq ‘1207 Buninp d pey yum 000'0bEd JO SlUnowe papnput 1Z0T 104 Soles 'S iui] 1) ul STUIWIIDISSI — T 49} DY) = 0000081 sbujuse3 pauieisy 000002" jende) paANgLIL0D 0000091 soniiger] JuLIND-UON [2301 000°00t'T sanger] usin |e0L 00000£'s 51955y JUSLND-UON [101 000'00€ 2d sy9sse Juan [2101 i J] wad 12 SjUBWRIElS [ePURUY SY UI Bumojjoy au paviodas AgedwoD 15210 USPS Sul g§ Wwa|qoid £PaIeISIBN0 10 poEISIBpUN 1207 ‘T€ 1oquIa2aq 18 SaAIGeY [£307 34) om yoni moy sod (P) (pasersiono 10 PajEISIBPUN [707 ‘TE 19qUIBd3Q JB SIaSse [230] ay diam yanu Moy 101 ©) £PaIRISIIN0 JO pajeIsIapuUn 0Z0Z “TE JaquIaoaq Je S1esse [210] dy} 4am yonu Moy 104 @) 10207 pue 1207 ‘TE 1oquiadaq papus SIesk Sy] 40] BUIOOU] BAISUBYB.ALI0D JO SJUSUWISIEIS aAneledwod paaiiod aJedald (e) :pannbay ‘Sa Xe} BWodul 210ub] “LpuoLL 353123U 3} 0} Bulpunol ‘s1eak aAY JO BJ) |nJasn e 12/0 poujew aul-iybiens ay fuisn paandwod si uonenaidaq -asuadxa ue se Auedwod aul Aq papiodal Sem 000/02d 40 3500 uonejeIsul "0z0zZ ‘1 Ang uo 3010 aAnensiuiwpe sj uo juswdinbs pajiesul Auedwod ayy -fscquaAul Buipua 0Z0T Wol PORIWO BIOM ‘ISASMOY ‘spoob ay -0Z0Z Ul PIAISI3I Sem 3010AUI ssaiddns ayy asneasq ‘0z0¢ ul saseydind se popi0d34 3M 170 U Auedwod ay} Aq paAiadal pue 0Z0T 1quiadeq uw uogeugssp €0d4 paddius ‘000'GTd ‘esipueypiowl Jo Sseyaund -zz0z ui Ajuo spew 21am sauRARp ubnoyye ‘sajes 03 paypan asm 170 Ul S43WI0ISND WOLj PRAIRORI 000°06d JO SSOUBADY » 000'SZ 0007 asuadxa sabem pany 0008 00027 3]qRAISIR 1S13]UI PANDY 000797 00012 Judi predaud 000'8 4d 00¥'9 d SLIOJU] UOISSIWIWOD pauleaun 0zoz 120¢ ;yeajon0 paonpoidai si Junodde sbuiuies pauiersy ay; (g) "AieApadsas «ez0z PUe T20C ul pied usym Ppapiodal Bsem APAIPRdSal 000’00Td 3% 000°09d ©} puunowe zZ0Z Pue TZOT JO PUS Yj Je paIe[asp Spuspiag (5) "Seah 8 JO 341] IYIsSN pajewnss ue pey juawdinba SL *san|eA [enpisal Buipebaisip pue yjuow 1saieau ayy 03 papunol ‘poyRw aui-ybrens ayy buisn juswdinba pue jueld ‘Apsdoid su Je sajepaidap Auedwod aul *95uadxa SB papi0dd) Sem JUNoWe ay 0202 !1¢ 3snbny Uo 000°08d Bunsod suiyoew e paseyoind Auedwod ayy (3) 000'¥9 2202 J0 pu3 000'82d 120¢ 40 pu3 .Jeak ay Buunp saseydind se papiodad Apadoid usaq pey spoob assy) -unoo [eoisAyd ay3 Woy PSRILLO SI9M pUBJeaA Je Jisuel) Ul 319M YJIYM Spoos © 000'8 00007 000'ST awodul pausesun 000'%C 000'8T 000°ZT sasuadxa piedald 000°9C 000'0€ 000°2€ 3W0oU} P3NIDY 000°0¢d 000'5Zd 000'0Zd Ssasuadxd Pandy Tet Te0C 0z0C :SMOJ|0J SB 91am PaRIWO sjunowe ay | *pusieaA je s|elsssep pue sjenuode aziubodal 03 pajie) pouad Jeak-sa.y3 ay} Buunp Auedwod ayy (2) °000°08€ 720 000’0Z€ 120C (000'0S2)d 0202 11224 au 10} (ss0]) youd papoday (1) :uoneuwojul Bumoyjoy 313 Pasopsip uoneulwexs JOA "0Z0Z U! 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Answered 1 days AfterOct 12, 2022

Answer To: disburse d orDecember 31.(6) Savings account with Allied Bank, P900,000 as: tion fuiP480,000...

Rochak answered on Oct 14 2022
64 Votes
Answer 7:
a. Corrected comparative statements
    Cost of Sales
Gross Profit
    Other Operating Income
    Total Income
    Less: Selling and Administrative Expenses
    Less: Depreciation
    Profit from Operations before Interest and Income Tax
    Interest Expense
b. Total Assets were understated in 2020 by 73,000
c. Total Assets were understated in 2021 by 63,400
d. Total Liabilities were understated in 2021 by 90,000
Answer 8:
a. Profit = Unused supplies - Repairs + Depreciation – Loss on trading securities - Interest
= 15,000 – 85,000 + 8,500 – 20,000 – 90,000
= -171,500
Profit was ‘overstated’ by 171,500 for 2020
b. Retained earnings were ‘overstated’ by 171,500 on December 31, 2020
c. Non-Current Assets = Unused supplies + Fair value of securities adjustment
= 24,000 + 50,000
= 74,000
Non-current assets was ‘understatement’ by 74,000 at December 31, 2021
d. Retained Earnings = Unused supplies + Depreciation + Gain on trading securities - Interest
= 24,000 + 8,500 + 50,000 – 72,000
= 10,500
Therefore, retained earnings should be credited by 10,500 for correcting purpose
e. Retained earnings should be 1,628,500
Answer 9:
a. Compute
1. Correct profit/loss
    Reported Profit

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