i am uploading my assignment as it is a portfolio and weightage 100%. As i have already done it but j wanted you to refine and polish it so if you read the template 4 points i have written leave the...

i am uploading my assignment as it is a portfolio and weightage 100%. As i have already done it but j wanted you to refine and polish it so if you read the template 4 points i have written leave the 5th one and do the 6th as well as refine it and polish it.

Application Idea

Our app is an augmented reality based indoor navigation app. After considering on recent problems that the world is facing these days, we finalise three ideas ,of them we end up choosing this indoor navigation app. Navigation systems are one of the most common location-aware services, and many people use them on a daily basis. Providing location information through a user-friendly interface is crucial in a navigation system, as is the accurate determination of user locations and target locations.  As we are very familiar with the navigation systems  ,apps like google maps, we get very used to and very much depended on. Nevertheless, experiments have revealed that Global Positioning System (GPS) is not suitable for enclosed areas due to the satellite signals being attenuated higher than 1dB per meter of structure. And Everyone has, at some point, been lost inside a large convention centre, struggled to find their gate at the airport or been late to a lecture, because they couldn’t find the right room at the university. Therefore, proving a user-friendly interface in a navigation system is vital to reducing navigation errors, as well as the time required for a user to understand that navigation information. Augmented Reality (AR) is particularly well-suited as a user interface for location-aware applications and is used to superimpose computer-generated graphics on the real view of the user to create the effect of mixture of virtual and reality. Taking into account these factors and after doing market research we were all set to move ahead.It appeared bit hard to implement at first, as we haven’t introduced with most feasible solution in navigating indoor buildings till yet. So, me including my group took it as a challenge that we will bring to knees. The recent appearance of smartphones featuring GPS receivers, digital compasses, and accelerometers has made it more feasible to build practical AR applications for mobile devices. Furthermore, for this idea to work on, we needed a building inside of which we can build, test or implement our project. Everyone came up with such different ideas as we all have full access to the malls, or our university accommodation halls, but, my idea was to choose Wilfred brown building as we all are computer science department students and it is always accessible for us so we could easily think to build our project on it. Everyone really likes that idea; we then took permission from our personal tutor and he agreed. We later on came up with different names and “BruNav” was chosen after voting was done by everyone.

Continuous Deliverables (Bare Pass)




Personalised Time Plan/ Group Project Mindset Questionnaire




Time plan was very helpful task as I scheduled  everything at the very beginning of the year that encouraged me to organise myself.But I missed the Group Project minset questionnaire because i was absent that day due to illness.

Placement Adver / Gap Analysis




This task helped me setting the objective, also proved a reflector to me as I got to know what are the skills I am good at, and where am I lacking in order to meet the requirements for a job.

CV / Covering Letter




I used to wonder how a better CV can be written as I was guided a lot by this task and now at that end of the year I have developed a lot of skills and now I have perfectly edited my CV.

Demonstrate Git Skills




It was good to work on git and achieve some skills as it was very helpful for the group project task throughout the year, still I lack understandings of git.

Basic Android Application




I completed this task and submitted the video as well but the application was not running on my laptop due to memory purpose. My code was ready UI design was ready but the emulator was not coming up I trid to add some virtual device as well but it didn’t come up so I had to submit the video for code and UI only.I tried on my friend’s device later on and it worked.Overall it was a good experience to work on android studio got to develop some developer skills, able to build such a big application at the end of the year.

Other continuous deliverables e.g. individual app idea



Throughout the term.

Project Management

The management of the project was quiet adequate. We connected on Watsapp and then set up our weekly meetings. Our scheduled weekly group meetings were usually before the tutor meeting so that we come up with the achievements, new ideas and the problems and their solutions in order to discuss with the tutor. We use Trello which is collaboration tool that organizes our projects into boards. In one glance, we get to know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. Therefore, considering the facts that who is good at programming, who will do the front end , back end, research and other related tasks we devided and prioritise the tasks to everyone along with the due dates.Slack was also used if any of the members have got any kind of query then it was easy to connect with anyone there.We did use Skype as well if any of the members couldn’t make the meeting he/she would join us through it.Therefore,the development part was done on the meetings that we used to do weekly.Additionally, we used github for the testing and evaluation purposes, as soon as anyone is done with the task they upload it to the github so that everyone can pull the project ,do testing and add their contents in order to modify it.On the other hand, we used google drive to keep record of our files and to make sure they are safe.In this manner, keeping the agile methods in mind our project was managed.

Software Development

I worked on Xcode that is a development tool, developed by Apple for developing software for Mac operating system, such as, iOS devices, watchOS and as well as tvOS. As it was a new platform for me I found some difficulties first but after watching youtube tutorials I managed to explore it.Xcode is more conveinient and much faster platform then android studio so it was fun working with it. But, unfortunately we had to change our platform back to android studio due to some technical problems,that was bit challenging to start everything from scratch.I got to learn lot of new development skills with Xcode, being a macOS user I would like to develop new application in future. On the other hand, there are some other applications like unity, placenote and ARCore as well that I was not familier with.but I managed to learn by surfing on internet and watching you tube tutorials. ARCore provides developers with a set of tools, helping build beautiful modern AR applications with no need to spend a lot of time to proprietary AR code and making it operational on all necessary devices.New things learnt by using ARCore is motion tracking, environmental understanding,light estimation to determine device’s position and the world around it and detecting and recording the feature points. Placenote extends the functionality of ARKit by wrapping its tracking capabilities in a cloud-based computer vision and machine learning API as well as offering cloud storage solutions. Placenote also allows for additional metadata to be stored alongside the recorded feature points.But the challenging part was to save these feature points and cloud anchors for more than 24hours, everyone research on it a lot,and at the end we are not able to figure it out.But, one of my colleagues has managed to save the anchor point for at least 24 hours.On contrast, instead of using anchor points we decided oto work on longitude and latitude, I didn’t contributed on that.On the other hand I was working on shortest path finding algorithm that is an A* Algorithm.It was choosen to find the shortest path to a given destination within the area that was being navigated.It was quiet difficult task that needed plethora research. I first made flow chart then started workin on the pseudo code then finally came to the coding part that took ages.It was fun working on this algorithm, I improved my coding skills as well as algorithmic skils as there were times when I stuck and couln’t figure out the errors. The challenging point was that to implement it on our project, then after researching somehow I managed to get it implemented.It could have been better if I would ask for the help , as soon as I got stuck somewhere,to any of the members as it would save time.

May 18, 2022

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