Homework 1 This homework will help you learn how to run a C program and visualize the output To Do First: How to run a C program 1. Watch the Video about how to run a C program in Visual studio. 2....

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I am taking a Intro to Programming course and need help with the homework assignments

Homework 1 This homework will help you learn how to run a C program and visualize the output To Do First: How to run a C program 1. Watch the Video about how to run a C program in Visual studio. 2. Watch the video about how to run a C program using the online compiler Exercise 1: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. #include int main() { printf("Name : Alexandra Abramov\n"); printf("DOB : July 14, 1975\n"); printf("Mobile : 99-9999999999\n"); return(0); } Exercise 2: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. #include int main() { printf("######\n"); printf("#\n"); printf("#\n"); printf("#####\n"); printf("#\n"); printf("#\n"); printf("#\n"); return(0); } Homework 2 This homework will help you learn how to run a C program and visualize the output To Do First: How to run a C program 1. Watch the Video about how to run a C program in Visual studio. 2. Watch the video about how to run a C program using the online compiler Exercise 1: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. /** * C program to convert temperature from degree fahrenheit to Celsius */ #include int main() { float celsius, fahrenheit; /* Input temperature in fahrenheit */ printf("Enter temperature in Fahrenheit: "); scanf("%f", &fahrenheit); /* Fahrenheit to celsius conversion formula */ celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9; /* Print the value of celsius */ printf("%.2f Fahrenheit = %.2f Celsius", fahrenheit, celsius); return 0; } Exercise 2: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. /** * C program to convert days in to years, weeks and days */ #include int main() { int days, years, weeks; /* Input total number of days from user */ printf("Enter days: "); scanf("%d", &days); /* Conversion */ years = (days / 365); // Ignoring leap year weeks = (days % 365) / 7; days = days - ((years * 365) + (weeks * 7)); /* Print all resultant values */ printf("YEARS: %d\n", years); printf("WEEKS: %d\n", weeks); printf("DAYS: %d", days); return 0; } 1 Homework 3 To Do First: How to run a C program 1. Watch the Video about how to run a C program in Visual studio. 2. Watch the video about how to run a C program using the online compiler Exercise 1: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. #include int sum (int, int); //function declaration int main (void) { int total; printf("\n\n Function : a simple structure of function :\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------\n"); total = sum (5, 6); //function call printf ("The total is : %d\n", total); return 0; } int sum (int a, int b) //function definition { int s; s=a+b; return s; //function returning a value } 2 Exercise 2: What is the output of the following code. Use any of the steps in “To Do First” to run the following code and take a screen shot of the output and paste it in a word document. /* * Write a program in C to find the square of any number using the function. */ #include double square(double num) { return (num * num); } int main() { int num; double n; printf("\n\n Function : find square of any number :\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("Input any number for square : "); scanf("%d", &num); n = square(num); printf("The square of %d is : %.2f\n", num, n); return 0; } Exercise 3: Ex3.c: Write a C program to print a block E using hash (#). Your program is expected to look like the following: ###### # # ###### # # ###### Homework 5: Chapter 5: Repetition and Loop Statements Exercise 1: What is the output of the following code? This program in C display the first 10 natural numbers. #include void main() { int i; printf("The first 10 natural numbers are:\n"); for (i=1;i<=10;i++) {="" printf("%d="" ",i);="" }="" printf("\n");="" }="" exercise="" 2:="" what="" is="" the="" output="" of="" the="" following="" code.="" write="" a="" c="" program="" to="" find="" the="" sum="" of="" first="" 10="" natural="" numbers.="" #include=""> void main() { int j, sum = 0; printf("The first 10 natural number is :\n"); for (j = 1; j <= 10;="" j++)="" {="" sum="sum" +="" j;="" printf("%d="" ",j);="" }="" printf("\nthe="" sum="" is="" :="" %d\n",="" sum);="" }="" exercise="" 3:="" what="" is="" the="" output="" of="" the="" following="" code?="" this="" c="" program="" accepts="" two="" integers="" and="" check="" whether="" they="" are="" equal="" or="" not.="" #include=""> void main() { int int1, int2; printf("Input the values for Number1 and Number2 : "); scanf("%d %d", &int1, &int2); if (int1 == int2) printf("Number1 and Number2 are equal\n"); else printf("Number1 and Number2 are not equal\n"); } Exercise 4: What is the output of the following code? /* FIGURE 5.8 Displaying a Celsius-to-Fahrenheit Conversion Table */ /* Conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit temperatures */ #include /* Constant macros */ #define CBEGIN 10 #define CLIMIT -5 #define CSTEP 5 int main(void) { /* Variable declarations */ int celsius; double fahrenheit; /* Display the table heading */ printf(" Celsius Fahrenheit\n"); /* Display the table */ for (celsius = CBEGIN; celsius >= CLIMIT; celsius -= CSTEP) { fahrenheit = 1.8 * celsius + 32.0; printf("%6c%3d%8c%7.2f\n", ' ', celsius, ' ', fahrenheit); } return (0); } Exercise 5: What is the output of the following code? /* FIGURE 5.4 Program to Compute Company Payroll */ /* Compute the payroll for a company */ /* This exercise computes the Company Payroll. */ #include int main(void) { double total_pay; /* company payroll */ int count_emp; /* current employee */ int number_emp; /* number of employees */ double hours; /* hours worked */ double rate; /* hourly rate */ double pay; /* pay for this period
Answered 18 days AfterApr 07, 2022

Answer To: Homework 1 This homework will help you learn how to run a C program and visualize the output To Do...

Rakthi answered on Apr 26 2022
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Homework 1
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Exercise 2
Homework 2
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Homework 3
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