ANOVA FOR ALL 3 STATES (2) One factor ANOVA MeannStd. Dev XXXXXXXXXX28,803,241.00 39,743,260.881 Estimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population XXXXXXXXXX14.63 30.231 Estimate; SEX...

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I am having a difficult time interpreting and explaining the ANOVA. The categories of data are as follows: total population, age group of 25-34 years, unemployment rate, and household income between $100,000 - $149,999. The assignment is to chose between the three states listed, and pick which one is a better state to open an investment firm.

ANOVA FOR ALL 3 STATES (2) One factor ANOVA MeannStd. Dev 7200818.46666666628,803,241.00 39,743,260.881 Estimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population 7200818.46666666614.63 30.231 Estimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 years 7200818.4666666664.07 30.551 Estimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - Unemployed 7200818.46666666614.17 30.971 Households; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,999 7,200,818.47 1213,673,201.735 Total ANOVA table SourceSS dfMSF p-value Treatment1,866,658,637,234,880.000 3622,219,545,744,962.0000 26.22.0002 Error189,862,265,201,561.000 823,732,783,150,195.2000 Total2,056,520,902,436,450.000 11 Post hoc analysis p-values for pairwise t-tests Estimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - UnemployedHouseholds; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,999Estimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 yearsEstimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population 4.07 14.17 14.63 28,803,241.00 Estimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - Unemployed4.07 Households; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,99914.17 1.0000 Estimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 years14.63 1.00001.0000 Estimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population28,803,241.00 .0001.0001.0001 Tukey simultaneous comparison t-values (d.f. = 8) Estimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - UnemployedHouseholds; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,999Estimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 yearsEstimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population 4.07 14.17 14.63 28,803,241.00 Estimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - Unemployed4.07 Households; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,99914.17 0.00 Estimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 years14.63 0.00 0.00 Estimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total population28,803,241.00 7.24 7.24 7.24 critical values for experimentwise error rate: 0.053.20 0.014.38 Comparison of Groups Estimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total populationEstimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 yearsEstimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - UnemployedHouseholds; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,9993914481814.94.5999999999999996152746911414.53.513.11979579114.54.099999999999999614.42880324114.6333333333333334.066666666666666414.1666666666666667200818.46666666597200818.46666666597200818.46666666597200818.4666666659 Sheet1 GEO.display-labelEST_VC03EST_VC19EST_VC243HC01_EST_VC09 GeographyEstimate; TOTAL NUMBER OF RACES REPORTED - Total populationEstimate; SEX AND AGE - 25 to 34 yearsEstimate; EMPLOYMENT STATUS - Population 16 years and over - In labor force - Civilian labor force - UnemployedHouseholds; Estimate; $100,000 to $149,999 California3914481814.94.615 Texas2746911414.53.513.1 New York1979579114.54.114.4 California 5832577.8821800661.6285871722.7 Texas3983021.53961418.993598453.934 New York2870389.695811627.4312791206.531
Answered Same DayDec 26, 2021

Answer To: ANOVA FOR ALL 3 STATES (2) One factor ANOVA MeannStd. Dev XXXXXXXXXX28,803,241.00 39,743,260.881...

Robert answered on Dec 26 2021
119 Votes
The null hypothesis is 0 1 2 3 4:H      
A one way ANOVA is performed in Excel. Go to Exce
l, click on data analysis, and select one way
ANOVA. Enter the input range, click Ok. The final output is as follows.
The test statistic is F=26.22 which is large enough. The ANOVA analysis states...

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