assessment two oral presentation ASSESSMENT ONE QUIZ MARKING CRITERIA High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail The answer accurately defines the conceptual component(s); in addition to providing...

I am going to have an online quiz. only one question but I do not know yet. Duration will be 30 mins. How are you guys can help?

assessment two oral presentation ASSESSMENT ONE QUIZ MARKING CRITERIA High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail The answer accurately defines the conceptual component(s); in addition to providing an accurate example of the concept. The explanation accurately states how the example illustrates the definition. The answer accurately defines the conceptual component(s); in addition to providing an accurate example of the concept. The explanation requires further elaboration. The answer accurately defines the conceptual component(s); the example is general. The explanation lacks specificity. The answer accurately defines the conceptual component(s); the example is inaccurate. The explanation is superficial. The definition is incorrect; the example is accurate. Microsoft PowerPoint - Week One.pptx 26/02/2019 1 BUSN 20017 – Effective Business Communications Week One: Introduction to the Unit and the Communication Process By Dr. Cait White (rev. 3) Week One The first week’s content introduces you to this unit and focuses upon understanding communication and its role as a professional competency. By the end of this week you should understand your role and responsibilities as an active member of this leaning community and the communication process and its importance as a professional competency. Week One Topics • Understanding the Importance of Professional Communication • Defining Communication • Recognizing your Communication Intentions • Conceptualizing the Different Levels of Communication • Appreciating the Historical Development of Models of Communication • Comprehending Communication Principles and Misconceptions 26/02/2019 2 Contact Details Unit Coordinator and Brisbane Campus Lecturer: Dr. Catherine (Cait) White Email: [email protected] Your first point of email contact is your campus lecturer. Issues relating to coordination of the unit should be addressed to the unit coordinator ([email protected]) We will try to respond to your emails within 24 hours. Active Membership in this Learning Community • Check your email on a regular basis • Engage in professional communication with your peers and lecturers • Integrity—both individually and as a member of a group • As a 6-credit post graduate unit there is an overall time commitment of an average of 12.5 hours of study a week. • Attendance—you are expected to attend your assigned lectures and tutorial – International students, on an international visa, must maintain at least an 80% attendance record Unit Topics Week 1: Introduction to the Unit and the Communication Process Week 2: Non-verbal Communication, Listening and Communication Competence Week 3: Communication and Media Choice within the Workplace Week 4: Genres of Academic Written Communication Week 5: Genres of Academic Written Communication- cont. Week 6: Written Genres of Professional Communication 26/02/2019 3 Unit Topics Week 7: Oral Genres of Professional Communication Week 8: Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Week 9: Persuasive and Influential Communication Week 10: Communicating within Organisational Teams and Groups Week 11: Organisational Communication Week 12: Intercultural Communication Assessment Tasks Assessment One: Quizzes Assessment Two: Oral Presentation. Assessment Three: Individual Essay Communication: What Could go Wrong? 26/02/2019 4 Communication—A Place to Start • Communication is the conveyance of meaning though its encoding in messages by interlocutors and the transmission, reception and interpretation of these messages by the interlocutors Why Study Business Communication? Communication is at the heart of coordinating and sustaining organisations and professional cooperation. Said another way, communication is an organising element in organisational life. Professional Communication and Ethics (Archee et al. ,2015) • Ticehurst and Ross-Smith (1998, p. 3) define professional communication “as intentional communication that has the objective of achieving strategic goals within organisational or professional contexts”. – Clear – Honest – Democratic – Respectful – Logical 26/02/2019 5 Communicating • Identity management • Social goals • Instrumental goals Communication Levels • Intrapersonal • Interpersonal • Inter/Intra/Public organizational • Intercultural/cross cultural/international Shannon and Weaver’s Model 26/02/2019 6 Schramm’s Model Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise Interlocutor/Communicator • Constructing and transmitting (verbal/non- verbal/graphical) • Interpreting and responding (Verbal/non- verbal/graphical) 26/02/2019 7 Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise – Creativity • Socially negotiating meaning – Constraint • Conversational maxims: Rules to which participants in conversations must conform in order to understand and be understood by co-participants. • Our messages are constructed spoken words, by non-verbal channels, numbers, and images. These words, non-verbal channels, numbers are constructed as data, information, knowledge, representation, and symbols all of which create meaning through an interpretive process negotiated and constructed by interlocutors. • The Treason of Images by Magritte. 26/02/2019 8 Throwing a Ball Versus Throwing a Cat This is end well This is not going to end well Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise • Communication modes: Ways of communicating including both face-to-face and mediated communication • Face-to-face (oral/non-verbal) • Mediated communication – Telephone(landline), mobile, SMS, social media, video conference, email, zoom. . . . • Affordance—The design aspect of an object which suggests how the object should be used. • Social affordance: Properties of an object that enable or constrain interaction, depending upon the social norms in different situations. 26/02/2019 9 A Chopstick by another Name is. . . What are the Social Affordances of Email? 26/02/2019 10 Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise • Environmental • Social • Cultural • Individual Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise 26/02/2019 11 • Personality • Emotions • Experiences • Biases • Stereotypes Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Inter (ACTION) Inter (ACTION) Constructing and Transmitting Interpreting and Responding Physiological and Psychological Noise Physiological and Psychological Noise Principles • Communication is intentional and unintentional • It is impossible not to communicate • Communication is irreversible • Communication is unrepeatable • Communication is contextual Misconceptions • Meaning is in words • More communication is better • Communication will solve all problems • Communication is simple • Communication is natural 26/02/2019 12 In Review • Understanding the Importance of Professional Communication • Defining Communication • Recognizing your Communication Intentions • Conceptualizing the Different Levels of Communication • Appreciating the Historical Development of Models of Communication • Comprehending Communication Principles and Misconceptions – NEXT WEEK: Non-verbal communication, listening and communication competence References and Bibliography Adler, R. B., &Towne, R. F. (2017). Looking in looking out. (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Archee, R., Gurney, M., Mohan, T. (2015). Communicating as professionals. South Melbourne: Victoria Cengage Learning Australia. Bolton, R. (1979). People skills: How to assert yourself, listen to others, and resolve conflicts. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Brink, K. E., & Costigan, R.R. (2015). Oral communication skills: Are the priorities of the workplace and AACSB-accredited business programs aligned? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14(2), 205- 221. Cooren, F., Kuhn, T. R., Cornelissen, J. P., & Clark, T. (2011). Communication, organizing, and organization: An introduction to the special issue. Organization Studies, 32, 1149–1170. Guirdham, M. (2015). Work communication: Mediated and face-to-face practices. London: Palgrave. Keyton, J., Caputo, J., Ford, E., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S., Liu, T., . . . Wu, C. (2013). Investigating verbal workplace communication behaviors. Journal of Business Communication, 50(2), 152-169. Iosub, I., & Platon, E. O. (2016). Theoretical features regarding the evolution over time of the main communication models used for the study of mass communication. Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 6, 751-758. Spitzberg, B. H. & Cupach, W. R. (1984). Interpersonal communication competence. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Spitzberg, B. H. & Cupach, W. R. (1989). Handbook of interpersonal competence research. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. Unit Lecture Notes CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | BUSN20017ǀ Week One Lecture Notes | School of Business and Law | Term 1, 2018 | Page 1 | CQUniversity Australia ǀ Unit Lecture Notes By Dr. Catherine White CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C | BUSN20017 ǀ Effective Business Communication | Central Queensland University (CQU) School of Business and Law CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Effective Business Communication CQU School of Business and Law P a g e | 2 BUSN20017: Effective Business Communication Week One Lecture Content Contents Introduction ..........................................................................................
Mar 28, 2021BUSN20017Central Queensland University

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