Extracted text: H.W1: Using the equivalent frame method, analyze a typical interior frame of the flat plate floor system shown in the figure below, in the longitudinal direction only. The floor system consists of four panels in each direction with a panel size of 7x6 m. All panels are supported by a 500x500 mm. Columns, 3.7 m long. The service live load is 3 kN/m2 and the service dead load is 6 kN/m2 (including the weight of the slab). Use f = 21 MPa and f, = 420 MPa. A slab thickness of 220 mm is used. 250m m 7.0m 7.0m 7.0m 250mm 6.0m 6.0m All columns : 500x500 mm IT IT 7.0 m 7.0 m Section A-A