.. |the_dog_api| replace:: TheDogApi
.. _the_dog_api: https://thedogapi.com/
Appendix: Working with RESTful JSON APIs
.. contents::
API Tools in Starter Code
.. |api_tools| replace:: ``Tools``
.. _api_tools: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/api/Tools.java
All of the RESTful JSON API examples presented in the appendix utilize the |api_tools|_
class that's provided in the starter code. You are not required to use that class, but
you may find that it makes some things a little easier to work with (e.g., working with
JSON-related objects produced by Gson).
The examples utilize static imports in order to make some of the methods in the
|api_tools|_ class available without qualifying calls with the class name (e.g.,
make it possible to call ``get(~)`` instead of ``Tools.get(~)``). Here are the
lines for those static imports:
.. code:: java
import static cs1302.api.Tools.get;
import static cs1302.api.Tools.getJson;
import static cs1302.api.Tools.UTF8;
API Example: Open Library Search API
The |openlib_api|_ is nice because it does not require you to
register with the API provider to get an API key -- an API key is not required. According to
the API documentation, the endpoint is this URL::
Basic usage includes what looks like three mutually exclusive parameters, ``q``, ``title``,
and ``author``. The table below provides an example for each parameter as well as a link
to an interactive example of a potential response (via Code Beautify):
.. |openlib_ex1| replace:: Example 1
.. _openlib_ex1: https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer?url=https://openlibrary.org/search.json?q=the+lord+of+the+rings
.. |openlib_ex2| replace:: Example 2
.. _openlib_ex2: https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer?url=https://openlibrary.org/search.json?title=the+lord+of+the+rings
.. |openlib_ex3| replace:: Example 3
.. _openlib_ex3: https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer?url=https://openlibrary.org/search.json?author=tolkien
========== ========================= ================================ ================
Parameter Example Value Query String [1]_ Example Response
========== ========================= ================================ ================
``q`` ``the lord of the rings`` ``?q=the+lord+of+the+rings`` |openlib_ex1|_
``title`` ``the lord of the rings`` ``?title=the+lord+of+the+rings`` |openlib_ex2|_
``author`` ``tolkien`` ``?author=tolkien`` |openlib_ex3|_
========== ========================= ================================ ================
.. [1] Remember, the ``value`` in ``param=value`` contained in a query string needs
to be url-encoded. If you are using the |api_tools|_ class, then ``Tools.UTF8``
is provided to make calling ``URLEncoder.encode(value, Tools.UTF8)``; unlike the
version of ``encode`` that takes a ``String`` for the encoding, the overload that
takes a ``Charset`` does not throw any checked exceptions.
The API documentation says the JSON response should look something like this::
"start": 0,
"num_found": 629,
"docs": [
To perform a regular search (using parameter ``q``) for "the lord of the rings,"
you might use something like the following:
.. code:: java
String endpoint = "https://openlibrary.org/api/search.json";
String url = endpoint + "?q=" + encode("the lord of the rings", UTF8));
try {
JsonElement root = getJson(url);
int numFound = get(root, "numFound").getAsInt();
System.out.printf("numFound = %d\n", numFound);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} // try
The API documentaton says that each document in the list of ``docs`` should look
something like this::
"cover_i": 258027,
"has_fulltext": true,
"edition_count": 120,
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"author_name": [
"J. R. R. Tolkien"
"first_publish_year": 1954,
Suppose the document in the example above is at index ``2`` in the ``docs``
array. You might access some of its members using something like the
following (assuming the same ``root`` from the previous code example):
.. code:: java
// example 1
boolean hasFulltext = get(root, "docs", 2, "has_fulltext").getAsBoolean();
String title = get(root, "docs", 2, "title").getAsString();
.. code:: java
// example 2
JsonElement doc2 = get(root, "docs", 2);
boolean hasFulltext = get(doc2, "has_fulltext").getAsBoolean();
String title = get(doc2, "title").getAsString();
The starter code also includes an example using this API in the
|open_library_search_api|_ class. That example does little to no error
.. |open_library_search_api| replace:: ``OpenLibrarySearchApi``
.. _open_library_search_api: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/api/OpenLibrarySearchApi.java
API Example: TheDogApi
This API requires you to register with the API provider to
get an API key -- an API key is required; see the API's |the_dog_api_auth|_
page for information on how to register for a key.
.. |the_dog_api_auth| replace:: Authentication
.. _the_dog_api_auth: :https://docs.thedogapi.com/authentication
Once you have your API key, you will want to store it in a ``.properties`` file
so that it's not hard-coded in your program. For example, you might store the
API key in ``resources/config.properties`` like this::
An example of how to read the values from ``resources/config.properties``
is provided in the starter code
We will assume that your code retrieves your API key and stores it in a string
using some code similar to this:
.. code:: java
final String apiKey = config.getProperty("thedogapi.apikey");
According to the API documentation, the endpoint for TheDogApi is this URL::
This API provides different "methods" that are accessed via different paths
relative to the endpoint::
The table below provides an example for some of he methods; you should consult
the API documentation for information about other potential methods:
================== ================= ========================= ================
Method Description Query String Example Response
================== ================= ========================= ================
``/breeds`` List the Breeds ``?api_key=KEY`` |dogapi_ex1|_
``/breeds/search`` Search for Breeds ``?api_key=KEY&q=golden`` |dogapi_ex2|_
================== ================= ========================= ================
.. |dogapi_ex1| replace:: Example 1
.. _dogapi_ex1: https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer/cbba90d7
.. |dogapi_ex2| replace:: Example 2
.. _dogapi_ex2: https://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer/cb771263
Below is an example of what the JSON response for the ``/breeds`` method looks like.
Notice how the outer-most element refers to a JSON array and not a JSON object. This
particular response contains an array of objects::
"id": 1,
"name": "Affenpinscher",
"bred_for": "Small rodent hunting, lapdog",
"breed_group": "Toy",
"life_span": "10 - 12 years",
"temperament": "Stubborn, Curious, Playful, Adventurous, Active, Fun-loving",
"origin": "Germany, France",
"reference_image_id": "BJa4kxc4X",
"image": {
"id": "BJa4kxc4X",
"width": 1600,
"height": 1199,
"url": "https://cdn2.thedogapi.com/images/BJa4kxc4X.jpg"
To request the list of breeds using the ``/breeds`` method,
you might use something like the following:
.. code:: java
String endpoint = "https://api.thedogapi.com/v1";
String method = "/breeds";
String url = endpoint + "?api_key=" + apiKey);
try {
JsonElement root = getJson(url);
int numFound = get(root).getAsJsonArray().size();
System.out.printf("numFound = %d\n", numFound);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} // try
Suppose you want to access the breed object at index ``1`` in the array.
You might access some of its members using something like the
following (assuming the same ``root`` from the previous code example):
.. code:: java
// example 1
String breedName = get(root, 1, "name").getAsString();
String breedOrigin = get(root, 1, "origin").getAsString();
.. code:: java
// example 2
JsonElement breed1 = get(root, 1);
String breedName = get(breed1, "name").getAsString();
String breedOrigin = get(breed1, "origin").getAsString();
.. #############################################################################
.. copyright and license information
.. |copy| unicode:: U+000A9 .. COPYRIGHT SIGN
.. |copyright| replace:: Copyright |copy| Michael E. Cotterell, Bradley J. Barnes, and the University of Georgia.
.. |license| replace:: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
.. _license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. |license_image| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--NC--ND%204.0-lightgrey.svg
:target: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. standard footer
.. footer:: |license_image|
|copyright| This work is licensed under a |license|_ license to students
and the public. The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily
reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University
System of Georgia.
Appendix: Creating Games in JavaFX
.. contents::
Game Engine in Starter Code
.. |cs1302_game_game| replace:: ``Game``
.. _cs1302_game_game: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/game/Game.java
The starter code includes the |cs1302_game_game|_ class, an abstract parent class
for games written as JavaFX components. You are not required to use this class,
but you may find it useful due to the way it handles keyboard-related events.
You might think of the |cs1302_game_game|_ class as a lightweight game engine
that let's you describe a game according to repeated iterations of an internal
game loop that executes on the JavaFX Application Thread (JFXAT) -- iterations
of the game loop and the JFXAT loop are interleaved by use of a ``Timeline``
to minimize the chances of the app appearing frozen.
To create a game, you create a concrete subclass of |cs1302_game_game|_
that overrides the ``update`` method. That method describes one iteration
of the game loop. Some things you might do in this method include:
1. Inspect the current state of the game.
2. Add or remove child nodes.
3. Change the position of child nodes.
.. |jfx_region| replace:: ``Region``
.. _jfx_region: https://openjfx.io/javadoc/11/javafx.graphics/javafx/scene/layout/Region.html
The concrete subclass that you create indirectly extends the JavaFX
|jfx_region|_ class -- please read the documentation for the |jfx_region|
class to see everything that's available.
An example of a simple game that is built by extending the |cs1302_game_game|_
class is presented in the next appendix section.
Example Game: DemoGame
.. |cs1302_demogame| replace:: ``DemoGame``
.. _cs1302_demogame: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/game/DemoGame.java
The |cs1302_demogame|_ class in the starter code illustrates how to create
a game by extending the |cs1302_game_game|_ class. Also, a |cs1302_demogame|
object is included in the ``OmegaApp`` class, which means that you can
run an instance of the game by running the starter code.
.. #############################################################################
.. copyright and license information
.. |copy| unicode:: U+000A9 .. COPYRIGHT SIGN
.. |copyright| replace:: Copyright |copy| Michael E. Cotterell, Bradley J. Barnes, and the University of Georgia.
.. |license| replace:: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
.. _license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. |license_image| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--NC--ND%204.0-lightgrey.svg
:target: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. standard footer
.. footer:: |license_image|
|copyright| This work is licensed under a |license|_ license to students
and the public. The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily
reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University
System of Georgia.
Appendix: Git Feature Branch Workflow
.. contents::
================= ======================================================
Resource Description
================= ======================================================
|git_scm_docs|_ alternative to the manual pages for `git`
|pro_git|_ (book) contains a lot of good examples
|sink|_ (book) excellent introduction to version control by Eric Sink
================= ======================================================
Introduction to the Workflow
The basic idea behind the **Feature Branch Workflow** is that all feature
development should take place in a dedicated branch instead of the ``main``
branch. Not only does this workflow make it easier to list what features
you've added by inspecting the log, it also means the ``main`` branch never
contains broken code! It also makes it easier for you to stop working on
a feature if you don't think it's going to work out.
Before reading the rest of this appendix section, please refer to your
notes from the |gitscm_branching|_ reading in *Pro Git*.
.. |gitscm_branching| replace:: 3.1 Git Branching - Branches in a Nutshell
.. _gitscm_branching: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell
Rule of Thumb
Before you checkout a branch or pull changes from a remote repository,
you should always make sure that whatever branch you're in is fully
committed. You can always ``git status`` to check.
Start Working on a Feature
You should use a new, separate branch for each new feature or bug you
work on. Give your branch a short name. In the command below, we chose
``short-feature-name``, but you should choose something that makes more
sense for the feature you intend to work on.
.. code::
$ git checkout main
$ git checkout -b short-feature-name
Work on a Feature
While in your feature branch, update, add, commit, and push changes
as you make progress. Try to write `good log messages `__
that are also short and sweet. Most features involve multiple commits;
let the log tell the story of your feature development.
Merge the Feature Branch into main
Once your feature works, it's time to merge the branch back into ``main``.
We recommend that you follow the "Rule of Thumb" mentioned earlier, then
use the following commands directly inside your ``cs1302-omega`` directory:
.. code::
$ git checkout main
$ ,/prepare-merge.sh short-feature-name
$ git merge short-feature-name
$ git pull origin main
$ git push origin --all
The ``prepare-merge.sh`` script appends a timestamp to your ``README.rst`` in
the ``main`` branch, then stages and commits that change. This ensures
that ``main`` and your feature branch have divergent histories, which makes
the merge look a little nicer in your log.
.. #############################################################################
.. resources
.. |git_scm_docs| replace:: Git Reference Manual
.. _git_scm_docs: https://git-scm.com/docs
.. |pro_git| replace:: Pro Git
.. _pro_git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
.. |sink| replace:: Version Control by Example
.. _sink: https://ericsink.com/vcbe/index.html
.. copyright and license information
.. |copy| unicode:: U+000A9 .. COPYRIGHT SIGN
.. |copyright| replace:: Copyright |copy| Michael E. Cotterell, Bradley J. Barnes, and the University of Georgia.
.. |license| replace:: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
.. _license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. |license_image| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-CC%20BY--NC--ND%204.0-lightgrey.svg
:target: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
.. standard footer
.. footer:: |license_image|
|copyright| This work is licensed under a |license|_ license to students
and the public. The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily
reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University
System of Georgia.
OPTS="-q -e" # quiet and produce execution error messages
JFX="-Dprism.order=sw" # specify the software renderer
set -ex
mvn $OPTS clean
mvn $OPTS compile
mvn $OPTS exec:java $JFX $@
MAIN_CLASS = cs1302.arcade.ArcadeDriver
run: compile
export MAVEN_OPTS=-Dprism.order=sw; \
mvn -e exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="$(MAIN_CLASS)"
mvn -e compile
mvn clean
mvn javadoc:javadoc
# Attribution List
Proper attribution should be given for all assets (e.g., art, sound, music, etc.) that is not
authored by members of your project team.
## Assets
* The Palm of Alpha Tau Omega
- `resources/readme-banner.png`
- Alpha Tau Omega. 1880. "The Palm of Alpha Tau Omega"
- https://flic.kr/p/oeYPsZ
- Public Domain
* Idle Cat
- `resources/sprites/cat_idle.gif`
- dogchicken. 2012. "Cat Fighter Sprite Sheet"
- https://opengameart.org/content/cat-fighter-sprite-sheet
- CC-BY 3.0
# Deadline
Modify this file to satisfy a submission requirement related to the project
deadline. Please keep this file organized using Markdown. If you click on
this file in your GitHub repository website, then you will see that the
Markdown is transformed into nice looking HTML.
## Part 1: App Description
> Please provide a firendly description of your app, including the app
> category that you chose, and the primary functions available to users
> of the app.
## Part 2: New
> What is something new and/or exciting that you learned from working
> on this project?
## Part 3: Retrospect
> If you could start the project over from scratch, what do
> you think might do differently and why?
cs1302-omega is a final project for CSCI 1302.
Michael E. Cotterell
[email protected]
Bradley J. Barnes
[email protected]
CSCI 1302 @ UGA
Project description and skeleton code are copyright © Michael E. Cotterell, Bradley J. Barnes, and the University of Georgia.
${env.USER} ${project.name}
#!/bin/bash -ex
git checkout main
echo "* $(date)" >> README.rst
git commit -am "preparing to merge $*"
.. project information
.. |title| replace:: Omega
.. |slug| replace:: **cs1302-omega**
.. |semester| replace:: Spring 2021
.. |version| replace:: v2021.sp
.. |team_size| replace:: 1
.. |banner| image:: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/raw/main/resources/readme-banner.png
:alt: Image from page 400 of "The Palm of Alpha Tau Omega" (1880)
.. deadlines
.. |deadline1| replace:: SAT 2021-05-08 (MAY 08) @ 03:30 PM EST
.. |deadline2| replace:: SUN 2021-05-09 (MAY 09) @ 03:30 PM EST
.. |deadline3| replace:: MON 2021-05-10 (MAY 10) @ 03:30 PM EST
.. deadline section links
.. _deadline1: #deadline-option-1-sat-2021-04-08-may-08--1155-pm-est
.. _deadline2: #deadline-option-2-sun-2021-05-09-may-09--1155-pm-est
.. _deadline3: #deadline-option-3-mon-2021-05-10-may-10--1155-pm-est
.. notices (need to manually update the urls)
.. |team_size_notice| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Team%20Size-1-informational
:alt: Team Size |team_size|
.. |approval_notice| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/Approved%20for-Spring%202021-success
:alt: Approved for: |version|
CSCI 1302 - |title| |version|
|approval_notice| |team_size_notice|
This document contains the description for the |slug| project assigned to the
students in the |semester| CSCI 1302 classes at the University of Georgia.
**Please read the entirety of this file before beginning your project.**
.. contents::
This project has **three deadlines options**. Students who perform their final
submission via the submit command before the date/times listed below automatically
receive the associated Submission-Based (SB) extra credit. The amended late penalty
that is described in the "|final_pols|_" section does not start applying until
after the final date and time listed.
===== ===============
Bonus Deadline Option
===== ===============
| +10 |deadline1|_
| +5 |deadline2|_
| +0 |deadline3|_
===== ===============
Academic Honesty
You agree to the Academic Honesty policy as outlined in the course syllabus and the
University honesty website. Furthermore, you must adhere to the copyright notice and
licensing information at the bottom of this document.
If any updates to this project are needed after it is released, then they will
be announced on Piazza. Updates related to correcting typos will probably
not be announced unless they change the meaning of some requirement.
Project Description
Your goal is to implement, from scratch, a GUI application in Java 11 using JavaFX 11
that incorporates a preponderance of the topics introduced in this course in a way that
demonstrates that you have met the learning outcomes related to those topics.
To get started, you must **pick one** the following app categories for this
1. External API Tool; or
2. Arcade Game.
A brief description of each category is provided below.
External API Tool
Integrate two or more external RESTful JSON APIs into your app so that your users don't need
to utilize multiple services themselves to get the information or content that
they want. Your app needs to do more than just download and display responses
from the external APIs, it needs to combine the responses in some meaningful
- Services like the |openlib_api|_, |the_cat_api|_, |the_dog_api|_, |poke_api|_, etc.
provide **free access** to their RESTful JSON APIs -- a RESTful JSON API is one that
you can access with an ``InputStreamReader`` and parse with a JSON library like Gson.
For this project, you may only use RESTful JSON APIs and no other kinds of APIs.
.. |the_dog_api| replace:: TheDogApi
.. _the_dog_api: https://thedogapi.com/
.. |the_cat_api| replace:: TheCatApi
.. _the_cat_api: https://thecatapi.com/
.. |poke_api| replace:: PokeApi
.. _poke_api: https://pokeapi.co/
.. |openlib_api| replace:: Open Library Search API
.. _openlib_api: https://openlibrary.org/dev/docs/api/search
- Some of these API services do require you to register with them to gain access to
an "API key" -- an API key is usually just a special string that is unique to you
that must be incorporated into how you request the JSON response. For example,
suppose you have an API key for |the_dog_api|_ stored in ``API_KEY``, then you
might use the following URL when requesting the JSON for a list of breeds
(see |the_dog_api_breeds|_):
.. code::
"https://api.thedogapi.com/v1/breeds?apikey=" + API_KEY
.. |the_dog_api_breeds| replace:: ``/breeds``
.. _the_dog_api_breeds: https://docs.thedogapi.com/api-reference/breeds/breeds-list
- If you choose this app category, then you should read the "|working_with_apis|_"
appendix section before you write any code.
Arcade Game
Find a classic |arcade_game|_ that interests you and implement your own version
of it. The visuals and game mechanics must be easily recognizable and consistent with
traditional implementations of the game you chose. You are required to utilize either
keyboard event handlers or mouse event handlers that aren't related to one or
more buttons.
.. |arcade_game| replace:: arcade game
.. _arcade_game: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcade_game
- We have included a simple example of a JavaFX component for a game in
|cs1302_game_DemoGame|_ -- it's actually used in the starter code that's provided
for this project. It utilizes the abstract parent class called |cs1302_game_Game|_
that provides some neat features like a main game loop and support for
continuously holding down a key.
.. |cs1302_game_DemoGame| replace:: ``cs1302.game.DemoGame``
.. _cs1302_game_DemoGame: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/game/DemoGame.java
.. |cs1302_game_Game| replace:: ``cs1302.game.Game``
.. _cs1302_game_Game: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/src/main/java/cs1302/game/Game.java
- You are not required to utilize |cs1302_game_Game|_; however, feel free to adapt it into
your abstract parent class in the ``cs1302.omega`` package. All of the things that you
have learned about JavaFX still apply, but it's likely that your arcade game will have
less buttons and more moving images.
- If you choose this app category, then you should read the "|working_with_games|_"
appendix section before you write any code.
Now that you have chosen an app category from the list above, you still have a lot of
flexibility with regard to the functionality and visuals of your app. So long as your
app actually functions and you meet the other requirements, you are free to make the
app look and feel however you want (keep it appropriate).
Remember, part of software development is being given a goal but not necessarily being
given instruction on all of the details needed to accomplish that goal. For example, even
though working with things like keyboard events, mouse events, or API keys have not
been explicitly covered in class, you may need to are going to need to look up how to
do these things in order to complete this project.
Learning Outcomes
Here are some of the learning outcomes for this project:
* Plan, design, implement, test, debug, and deploy a complete object-oriented software solution in Linux/Unix environment (1302-LO1).
* Utilize inheritance and polymorphism in a software project (1302-LO3-LO4).
* Develop a GUI for a software project (1302-LO7).
* Implement exception-handling in a software project (1302-LO8).
* Understand and apply language basics using an OOP language (1302-LO11).
.. |freqs| replace:: Functional Requirements
.. _freqs: #functional-requirements
A functional requirement is *added* to your point total if satisfied.
This assignment is worth 100 points.
Primary Functions (90 points)
Your app will have some general
requirements related to its functionality that depend on the app category
that you chose.
Here are the category-specific requirements:
:External API Tool:
For an **External API Tool**, this means that your app integrates two or
more external RESTful JSON APIs based on user input and combines the
responses in some meaningful / interesting way. It also means that
users can do whatever it is you say your app can do in the description
that you provide for your app as part of Deadline 3.
:Arcade Game:
For an **Arcade Game**, this means that the visuals and game
mechanics are easily recognizable and consistent with traditional implementations
of the game you chose, and that you utilized either keyboard event handlers
or mouse event handlers that aren't related to one or more buttons. It also means
that users can do whatever it is you say your app can do in the description
that you provide for your app as part of Deadline 3.
Multiple Uses per Execution (10 points)
After the application is started,
your application should allow a user to perform the primary function provided
by the app an arbitrary number of times without requiring them to exit and
rerun the application. By arbitrary, we mean that there is no limit to how
many times the user may do this.
Here are the category-specific requirements:
:External API Tool:
For an **External API Tool**, this usually means that the user is
able to query the API(s) more than once without restarting the
:Arcade Game:
For an **Arcade Game**, this usually means that when a game ends,
the program does not terminate; instead, the user is able to start
another game should they desire to do so.
Non-Functional Requirements
A non-functional requirement is *subtracted* from your point total if
not satisfied. In order to emphasize the importance of these requirements,
non-compliance results in the full point amount being subtracted from your
point total. That is, they are all or nothing.
User-Friendly Experience (10 points)
The windows of your application
should not exceed a pixel dimension of ``1280`` (width) by ``720`` (height).
Additionally, except for reasonable delays resulting from X forwarding, your
application should not hang/freeze or crash during execution.
If a grader encounters lag, then they will try to run your application
locally after first checking that it compiles on Odin.
Local Assets / Resources (10 points)
All assets (e.g., images), except
for assets discovered using an external API, need to be pre-downloaded and
placed either in the ``resources`` (not ``src/main/resouces``) or a directory
under ``resources``. **This will help make your app faster.** Here are some
examples that illustrate the relationship between the path for a resource
and the ``file:`` URL that you need to use in your code:
========================= ================================
Resource URL
========================= ================================
``resources/icon.png`` ``"file:resources/icon.png"``
``resources/foo/img.png`` ``"file:resources/foo/img.png"``
========================= ================================
Code Style Guidelines (20 points)
You should be consistent with the style
aspect of your code in order to promote readability. Every ``.java`` file that
you include as part of your submission for this project must be in valid style
as defined in the |styleguide|_. All of the individual code style guidelines
listed in that document are part of this single non-functional requirement.
Like the other non-functional requirements, this requirement is all or nothing.
The |styleguide|_ includes instructions on how to use the ``check1302``
program to check your code for compliance on Odin.
.. |styleguide| replace:: CS1302 Code Style Guide
.. _styleguide: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-styleguide
In-line Documentation (10 points)
Code blocks should be adequately documented
using in-line comments. This is especially necessary when a block of code
is not immediately understood by a reader (e.g., yourself or the grader).
Attribution (10 points)
Proper attribution should be given for **all assets**
(e.g., art, sound, music, etc.) that you include in your project, especially assets
that you did not personally author. All such attributions needs to be placed in the
``meta/ATTRIBUTION.md`` file.
For each asset that you authored, please provide the following information:
.. code::
* Asset Name
- `resources/path/to/file`
- Your Name. Year.
For each asset that you did not personally author, please provide the following
.. code::
* Asset Name
- `resources/path/to/file`
- Author. Year.
- License
Don't forget to stage and commit your ``meta/ATTRIBUTION.md`` file after you
update it!
Final Project Policies
.. |final_pols| replace:: Final Project Policies
.. _final_pols: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega#final-project-policies
Final Project == Final Exam
Per university policy, each student must be provided the opportunity to stand
for a final examination as part of the completion of a full instructional term,
and instructors have the authority to design and administer the final examination
for a course in whatever manner is appropriate. In CSCI 1302 this semester,
**the final project that described by this document will be treated as the final
examination** since the grade and feedback that a student receives for this
assignment is a summative evaluation of the entire term's work.
Final Submission Deadline
Please take care to note the date/time for final submission deadline,
**Deadline 3**. In particular, the deadline time is 03:30 PM, which is earlier
in the day compared to previous projects.
Amended Late Work Policy
For both logistical and policy-related reasons, the usual late work policy
will not apply for this project, and **no late submissions will be accepted after
11:59:59 PM on MON 2021-05-10 (May 10)**.
You can still submit late for partial credit, but late submissions will only be
accepted between **03:30:01 PM -- 11:59:59 PM on MON 2021-05-10 (May 10)**;
submissions received during that time frame will incur the standard
penalty for one day late. Final submissions received after the acceptance
window will not be graded.
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Since this project affords you more flexibility with respect to the content of your
app, you are reminded that, as a UGA student, you must conduct yourself in accordance
with the |uga_ndah|_.
.. |uga_ndah| replace:: Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
.. _uga_ndah: https://eoo.uga.edu/policies-resources/ndah-policy/
Private GitHub-hosted Git Repository
Each student is required to setup a private GitHub-hosted Git repository
for their project with the CSCI 1302 course instructors for this semester
added as collaborators. **Instructions are provided later in this document.**
Working on a Local Machine
If you decide to work on part or all of the project on your local machine,
then it's your responsibility to ensure that your environment is compatible
with the versions of software on Odin. No technical assistance will be provided
by the instructional staff to accommodate this beyond the information provided
in this policy statement. Remember, **your code still needs to compile and
run on Odin** per the "Development Environment" absolute requirement. That is,
if your submission does not compile on Odin, then that will result in an
immediate zero for the assignment. A list of the relevant software versions
currently in use on Odin (at the time of this writing) is provided below for
* **Apache Maven 3.8.1**
* **Java 11.0.10** (vendor: Oracle Corporation; **not OpenJDK**)
* **OpenJFX 11.0.2** (note: should get handled by Maven)
How to Download the Project
.. |ssh_keys| replace:: Setting up SSH Keys
.. _ssh_keys: https://git.io/fjLzB#setting-up-ssh-keys
**Downloading the starter code for this project requires more steps compared
to earlier projects.** These instructions assume that you have completed the steps
in "|ssh_keys|_" to setup your public and private key pair on Odin and GitHub.
1. If you have not done so already, you should create a
free GitHub-hosted private Git repository for your project under
your GitHub account called ``cs1302-omega`` and note its SSH URL.
Here is an example:
.. image:: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/raw/main/resources/readme-newrepo.png
Remember to note the SSH URL!
In the remaining instructions, ``REPO_SSH`` refers to the SSH URL for the
private repository you created on GitHib.
2. Add the course instructors instructors as collaborators to your private
GitHub repository using the instructions provided in the |reading_github_setup|_
reading. Here are the usernames for the course instructors.
* |mepcotterell|_ -- Dr. Cotterell
* |bjb211|_ -- Dr. Barnes
Be sure to add **both** instructors.
There may be a multi-day delay before one or both of the instructors accepts your
collaboration invite. Don't panic; the instructors will accept the invites as
soon as they can.
3. Clone your empty private repository to your Odin account.
.. code::
$ git clone REPO_SSH cs1302-omega
You should now have a directory called ``cs1302-omega`` in your present
working directory.
If you get an authentication error, then that means that you did not setup
your public and private key pair on Odin and GitHub prior to following these
instructions. Instructions for this are provided in the "|ssh_keys|_" reading.
4. Setup a remote link the repository containing the starter code.
A sequence of commands is provided below. You should
make every effort to understand what each command is doing
*before* you execute the command::
$ cd cs1302-omega
$ git branch -M main
$ git remote add starter https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega.git
$ git pull starter main
If you followed these instructions correctly, then your present working
directory (you should still be inside ``cs1302-omega``) now contains the
starter code and a ``.git`` directory.
5. You should think of the ``cs1302-omega`` directory on Odin as your local
copy of the project. As you add, stage, commit, branch, etc., those changes
are only local to that copy of the project -- they do not automatically
appear on the GitHub page for your repository. To send changes to GitHub,
follow these steps:
1. Use ``git status`` to ensure that you are on the ``main`` branch and
fully committed. If you're not, then take the necessary steps to
make sure that you are.
2. Try to pull changes from GitHub (this may require you to manually
merge in the case of a conflict; that's okay -- merge, commit, then
$ git pull origin main
3. Push changes to GitHub::
$ git push origin main
In your browser, revisit your GitHub-hosted private Git repository.
Instead of an empty repository, you should now see the starter code.
You can follow the steps above any time you want to send your local
changes to GitHub.
If you have trouble getting any of this to work, then try asking
on Piazza or see someone during office hours.
6. Clean, compile, and run the starter code using the provided
``compile.sh`` script::
$ ./compile.sh
Here is the expected output, which also shows the related Maven
commands, should you wish to type them out manually::
+ mvn -q -e clean
+ mvn -q -e compile
+ mvn -q -e exec:java -Dprism.order=sw
By default, the project is setup to automatically run the
``cs1302.omega.OmegaDriver`` class. If you wish to run another
driver class, then you can provide the ``-Dexec.mainClass``
option after the script name::
$ ./compile.sh -Dexec.mainClass=cs1302.api.PropertiesExample
Any other command-line options that you add after the
script name will be added to the end of the ``mvn`` command
that executes ``exec:java``.
Submission Instructions
Deadline Option 1: |deadline1|
Same instructions as the |deadline3|_ deadline.
Deadline Option 2: |deadline2|
Same instructions as the |deadline3|_ deadline.
Deadline Option 3: |deadline3|
For this deadline, you're required to **include the your final project code**
and **update to your deadline file**:``meta/DEADLINE.md``.
1. Update your project's ``meta/DEADLINE.md`` Specific instructions
for what to include in the update are contained in the file itself.
2. Merge all of your work in progress into to the ``main`` branch,
then tag your ``main`` branch for this deadline as described below.
1. Ensure that whatever branch you are on is **fully committed**
(i.e., ``git status`` says there is nothing to commit).
2. Checkout the ``main`` branch.
.. code::
$ git checkout main
3. If needed, merge changes into ``main`` from the branch
you were working on following the instructions provided
in the "|git_feature_workflow|_" appendix section.
4. Tag your ``main`` branch by executing the commands below:
.. code::
$ git tag -am "deadline" deadline
$ git push origin --all
$ git push origin --tags
Take special care to ensure that your fully-committed ``main``
branch reflects the project you wish to submit. Compare your
log to the log on GitHub. If your GitHub repository does not
have the most recent version of your project, then you may
need to do a ``git push origin main`` while on your ``main``
If you need to make more commits and retag, then use an ``a``, ``b``,
``c``, ... suffix in the tag names (e.g., ``deadline-a``,
``deadline-b``, etc.).
Evidence of branching and merging **is encouraged** for this deadline.
When inspecting your Git log, the graders would like to see that
you made proper use of ``branch``, ``checkout``, and ``merge`` to
work on portions of your project prior to including those changes in
your ``main`` branch. More detailed instructions are provided in
the "|git_feature_workflow|_" appendix section.
4. **CRITICAL:** For this deadline, you also need to submit on Odin!
Use the ``submit`` command to submit your project on Odin for this
1. Check for style guide violations:
.. code::
$ find cs1302-omega/src/main/java -type f -name "*.java" | xargs check1302
If there are style guide violations, then checkout a new branch,
fix your code, commit, test your program, potentially fix some
more, commit, then checkout ``main`` and merge in the beautiful
code from the branch you were just in. You should also retag and
push your ``main`` branch as described elsewhere. Once you have no
style guide violations, you can proceed to the next step.
2. Perform your final submission:
.. code::
$ submit cs1302-omega csci-1302
If you have any problems submitting your project, then please
contact the CSCI 1302 Support Team by sending a private post
to "Instructors" via the course Piazza as soon as possible.
.. rubric:: **JavaFX**
* `JavaFX 11 API Documentation `__
* `JavaFX 11 Bookmarks `__
* `CSCI 1302 JavaFX Tutorial `__
.. rubric:: **Git**
.. |git_feature_workflow| replace:: Git Feature Branch Workflow
.. _git_feature_workflow: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/APPENDIX_GIT.rst
* |git_feature_workflow|_
.. rubric:: **RESTful JSON APIs**
.. |working_with_apis| replace:: Working with RESTful JSON APIs
.. _working_with_apis: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/APPENDIX_API.rst
* |working_with_apis|_
.. rubric:: **Games**
.. |working_with_games| replace:: Creating Games in JavaFX
.. _working_with_games: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-omega/blob/main/APPENDIX_GAME.rst
* |working_with_games|_
.. |cs1302_gallery| replace:: cs1302-gallery FAQ
.. _cs1302_gallery: https://github.com/cs1302uga/cs1302-gallery#appendix---faq
Below are some frequently asked questions related to this project.
You may also find the |cs1302_gallery|_...