Answer To:
Dinesh answered on Oct 21 2021
1. After zip file extraction, open command prompt on a folder.
2. run " npm install " to install all the neccessary node packages.
3. Run "node main.js" to run the program
// Promopt package to handle console input
const prompt = require("prompt-sync")({ sigint: true });
// Chalk package to styling of the terminal
const chalk = require('chalk');
// Initialization
console.log("You've gone fishing! Try to maximize the value of your caught fish.",
"\n You can fish for six hours (till 12:00pm) and can catch at most 10 lbs of fish."));
// Stroing all fish value
let allFishes = {};
// Generating random fish name, weight and it's value
function generateFish() {
const fishes = {
firstName: ["white", "sea", "Red", "Grey", "Blue", "Black", "Yellow", "Enormous", "Small", "Big", "Giant"],
secondName: ["Pacific", "Finley", "Floaty", "Hulk", "Angel", "Alpha", "Bermuda", "Spotted", "Tetra", "Atlantic"],
fish: ["Mackeral", "Salmon", "Trout", "Lobster", "shark", "Tilapia", "Tuna", "Billfish", "Catfish", "squid", "Snapper"],
let fishFullName = fishes.firstName[Math.floor(Math.random() * fishes.firstName.length)] + " " +
fishes.secondName[Math.floor(Math.random() * fishes.secondName.length)] + " " +[Math.floor(Math.random() *]
let weight = ((Math.random() * 1000) / 100).toFixed(2);
let value = ((Math.random() * 1000) / 100).toFixed(2);
allFishes = {}; = fishFullName;
allFishes.weight = weight;
allFishes.value = value;
return `You caught a ${fishFullName} and it's weight = ${weight} lbs and it's value = $${value}`;
// Random clock generation
function ClockRandom(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
randomMin = ClockRandom(00, 60);
// Array to store catched fishes
const catchedFish = [];
// How many hours can fish
let hour = 6;
let min = 0;
// Store currently catched fish details for further process
let catchFishCount = 0;
let catchFishWeight = 0;
let catchFishValue = 0;
let totalFishWeight = 0;
let totalFishValue = 0;
// Loop to check the time and weight of the fish
while (hour < 12 && catchFishWeight < 10) {
const fish = generateFish(); // generating random fish array
if (min < 10) {
console.log(chalk.yellow.bold(`The time is ${hour}:${min}0am. So far you've caught: ${catchFishCount} fish, ${catchFishWeight.toFixed(2)} lbs, $${catchFishValue.toFixed(2)}`));
} else {
console.log(chalk.cyan.bold(`The time is ${hour}:${min}am. So far you've caught: ${catchFishCount} fish, ${catchFishWeight.toFixed(2)} lbs, $${catchFishValue.toFixed(2)}`));
if (min + randomMin >= 60 || hour >= 12) {
hour = hour + 1;
min = 60 - min;
} else {
min += randomMin;
// Action
const action = prompt(`Your action: [c]atch or [r]elease?`);
if (action === "c") {
// If keeping the fish add values into array
console.log(`Keeping the fish - ${}!`);
catchFishWeight += parseFloat(allFishes.weight);
catchFishValue += parseFloat(allFishes.value);
} else if (action === "r") {
console.log(`Releasing the fish - ${}!`);
} else {
console.log("Choose correct option, try again");
// If time over
if (hour === 12) {
console.log(chalk.redBright("The time is 12:00pm. Times up!"));
console.log(chalk.redBright(`You caught ${catchFishCount} fish:`));
for (let i = 0; i < catchedFish.length; i++) {
let storedFish = catchedFish[i];
totalFishWeight += Number(storedFish.weight);
totalFishValue += Number(storedFish.value);
console.log(chalk.cyanBright(`* ${}, ${storedFish.weight} lbs, $${storedFish.value}`));
console.log(chalk.yellowBright.bold(`Total weight: ${totalFishWeight.toFixed(2)} lbs`));
console.log(chalk.yellowBright.bold(`Total value: $${totalFishValue.toFixed(2)}`));
// If weight is more
if (catchFishWeight >= 10) {
console.log("This fish will increase the limt of 10 lbs, so you release it.");
const endGame = prompt(`Press [enter] to...