to the assignment. Its written in clojure for this assignment and wondering if you guys are able to do this

1 answer below » to the assignment. Its written in clojure for this assignment and wondering if you guys are able to do this
Answered 1 days AfterMar 26, 2021

Answer To: to the assignment. Its...

Pulkit answered on Mar 28 2021
150 Votes
(ns Main
(:import (clojure.lang Symbol)))
;generates a list containing n number of lst items
(defn generate [n lst]
(= n 0) ()
:else (cons lst (generate (- n 1) lst))
;a general purpose method to construct an expression using a logical operator and other expressions
(defn createExpr [act lst]
(empty? lst) nil
(empty? (rest lst)) (first lst)
:else (list act (first lst) (createExpr act (rest lst)))
;create an expression using a logical and operator and other expressions
(defn andexp [& rest]
(createExpr 'and rest)
;create an expression using a logical or operator and other expressions
(defn orexp [& rest]
(createExpr 'or rest)
;create an expression using a logical not operator and an expression
(defn notexp [e1] (list 'not e1))
;(println (orexp 'a))
;(println (type (orexp 'a)))
;(println (orexp true 'a))
;(println (type (orexp true 'a)))
;(println (orexp true 'a false))
;(println (andexp 'a))
;(println (andexp true 'a))
;(println (type (andexp true 'a)))
;(println (andexp true 'a false))
;(println (type (andexp true 'a false)))
;(println (notexp 'a))
;get's the first list in the expression
(defn get-inner-list [expr]
(empty? expr) nil
(and (empty? (rest expr)) (list? (first expr))) (first expr)
:else (get-inner-list (rest expr))
;(println (get-inner-list '(and false (or true))))
;(println (type (
get-inner-list '(and false (or true)))))
;return the original expression with the values substituted in
(defn copy [expr]
(if (empty? expr)
(def default (into () (into () expr)))
(empty? default) nil
(or (empty? (rest (rest default))) (list? (rest (rest default)))) default
:else (do
(= (count default) 2)
(list (nth default 0) (copy (rest default)))
(list (nth default 0) (nth default 1) (copy (first (rest (rest default)))))
;substitute all values to a key for a given expression
(defn deep-substitute [expr key-value-pair]
(map #(cond
(seq? %) (deep-substitute % key-value-pair)
:default (key-value-pair % %))
;(println (deep-substitute '(and x (or x (and y (not z)))) '{x 4}))
;(println (type (deep-substitute '(and x (or x (and y (not z)))) '{x 4})))
;return the original expression with the values substituted in
(defn build-expression [expr keys-to-map hashmap]
(empty? keys-to-map) nil
(empty? (rest keys-to-map)) (deep-substitute expr (hash-map (first keys-to-map) (get hashmap (first keys-to-map))))
:else (build-expression (deep-substitute expr (hash-map (first keys-to-map) (get hashmap (first keys-to-map)))) (rest keys-to-map) hashmap)
;(println (build-expression '(and x (or x (and y (not z)))) '(x) '{x 4}))
;(println (type (build-expression '(and x (or x (and y (not z)))) '(x) '{x 4})))
;substitue a predicate in an expression with the the replacement
(defn substitute [expr key-value-pair]
(copy (map #(key-value-pair % %) expr))
(defn replace-pred [expr pred repl]
(some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) (list expr))) (substitute (list expr) (hash-map pred repl))
(some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) expr)) (substitute expr (hash-map pred repl))
:else expr
;(println (replace-pred '(and false (or true)) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (type (replace-pred '(and false (or true)) '(or true) 'true)))
;return the original expression with the values substituted in
(defn build-replace-expression [expression pred repl]
(not (list? expression)) expression
(empty? (rest expression)) (first expression)
(or (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) (list expression))) (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) expression))) (replace-pred expression pred repl)
:else (cond
(> (count expression) 2) (list (nth expression 0) (build-replace-expression (nth expression 1) pred repl) (build-replace-expression (nth expression 2) pred repl))
:else (list (nth expression 0) (build-replace-expression (nth expression 1) pred repl))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and false (and false (or true))) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (and false (or true))) (and false (and false (or true)))) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (or true)) false) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (and false true)) (and false (and false (or true)))) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (and false (or true))) (and false (and false true))) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (or true)) false) '(or true) 'true))
;(println (type (build-replace-expression '(and false (and false (or true))) '(or true) 'true)))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and false (and false (not false))) '(not false) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(and (and false (not false)) false) '(not false) 'true))
;(println (type (build-replace-expression '(and false (and false (not false))) '(not false) 'true)))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(not (not false)) '(not false) 'true))
;(println (build-replace-expression '(not (not false)) '(not false) 'true))
;(println (type (build-replace-expression '(not (not false)) '(not false) 'true)))
;returns whether or not the predicate was found in the expression
(defn pred-present [expr pred]
(or (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) (list expr))) (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) expr))) true
:else false
;(println (pred-present '(and false (or true)) '(or true)))
;search all the levels of an expression to try an find a matching specific expression : parameters are a predicate and an expression
(defn deep-search [expr pred]
(not (list? expr)) false
(or (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) (list expr))) (some? (some (fn [x] (= pred x)) expr))) (pred-present expr pred)
:else (do
(> (count expr) 2) (or (deep-search (nth expr 1) pred) (deep-search (nth expr 2) pred))
(> (count expr) 1) (deep-search (nth expr 1) pred)
:else expr
;(println (deep-search '(and false (and false (or true))) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (or true)) false) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false true) false) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and false (and false true)) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (and false (or true))) (and false (and false (or true)))) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (and false true)) (and false (and false (or true)))) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (and false (or true))) (and false (and false true))) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (and false true)) (and false (and false true))) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (or true)) false) '(or true)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (or true)) false) '(or false)))
;(println (deep-search '(and false (and false (not false))) '(not false)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (not false)) false) '(not false)))
;(println (deep-search '(and (and false (not false)) false) '(not true)))
;(println (deep-search '(not (not false)) '(not false)))
;(println (deep-search '(not (not false)) '(not false)))
;(println (deep-search '(not (not false)) '(not true)))
;make a hashmap for the all the new bindings that need to be made with the default true value
(defn make-default-bindings [left-over-keys]
(empty? left-over-keys) nil
(empty? (rest left-over-keys)) (hash-map (first left-over-keys) true)
:else (merge (hash-map (first left-over-keys) true) (make-default-bindings (rest left-over-keys)))
;return the symbol in a list if one is there
(defn get-symbol-list [lst]
(empty? (remove (fn[x] (= 'not x)) (remove (fn[x] (= 'or x)) (remove (fn[x] (= 'and x)) (remove false? (remove true? (flatten lst))))))) '()
:else (copy (remove (fn[x] (= 'not x)) (remove (fn[x] (= 'or x)) (remove (fn[x] (= 'and x)) (remove false? (remove true? (flatten lst)))))))
;(println (get-symbol-list '(and false (and false (or true)))))
;(println (type (get-symbol-list '(and false (and false (or true))))))
;(println (get-symbol-list '(and false (and false (not false)))))
;(println (type (get-symbol-list '(and false (and false (not false))))))
;(println (get-symbol-list '(not (not false))))
;(println (type (get-symbol-list '(not (not false)))))
;(println (get-symbol-list '(x (not false))))
;(println (type (get-symbol-list '(x (not false)))))
;(println (get-symbol-list '(x (not y))))
;(println (type (get-symbol-list '(x (not y)))))
;create a method to get neighboring element / list to a matching predicate
(defn get-neighbor [expr arg1 arg2]
(not (list? expr)) nil
(and (some? (some (fn [x] (= arg1 x)) expr)) (some? (some (fn [x] (= arg2 x)) expr))) (first (remove (fn[x] (= arg1 x)) (remove (fn[x] (= arg2 x)) expr)))
:else (cond
(> (count expr) 2) (if (not (nil? (get-neighbor (nth expr 1) arg1 arg2)))
(get-neighbor (nth expr 1) arg1 arg2)
(get-neighbor (nth expr 2) arg1 arg2)
(> (count expr) 1) (get-neighbor (nth expr 1) arg1 arg2)
:else expr
;(println (get-neighbor '(or true (and true (not z))) 'or 'true))
;(println (type (get-neighbor '(or true (and true (not z))) 'or 'true)))
;(println (get-neighbor '(or (and true (not z)) true) 'or 'true))
;(println (get-neighbor '(or (and true (not true)) (and true (not z))) 'or 'true))
;(println (get-neighbor '(and true (or (and true (not true)) (and true (not z)))) 'or 'true))
;(println (get-neighbor '(and true (and (and true (or true (and true (not z)))) (and true (not z)))) 'or 'true))
;create a method to get neighboring element / list to a matching predicate
(defn find-neighbor [expr arg1 arg2]
(not (list? expr)) false
(and (some? (some (fn [x] (= arg1 x)) expr)) (some? (some (fn [x] (= arg2 x)) expr))) true
:else (cond
(> (count expr) 2) (or (find-neighbor (nth expr 1) arg1 arg2) (find-neighbor (nth expr 2) arg1 arg2))
(> (count expr) 1) (find-neighbor (nth expr 1) arg1 arg2)
:else false
;(println (find-neighbor '(and true (and (and true (or true (and true (not z)))) (and true (not z)))) 'or 'true))
;make a table with conditions to check for when simplifying the expressions
(defn property-simplification [expr]
(def keys-to-map '())
(if (not (nil? (get-symbol-list expr)))
(def keys-to-map (distinct (get-symbol-list expr)))
(= (count keys-to-map) 0) (cond
(or (= (count expr) 1) (not (list? expr))) expr
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'or 'true)) (deep-search expr (list 'or 'true (get-neighbor expr 'or 'true)))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'or 'true (get-neighbor expr 'or 'true)) 'true))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'true 'or)) (deep-search expr (list 'or (get-neighbor expr 'true 'or) 'true))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'or (get-neighbor expr 'true 'or) 'true) 'true))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'or 'false)) (deep-search expr (list 'or 'false (get-neighbor expr 'or 'false)))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'or 'false (get-neighbor expr 'or 'false)) (get-neighbor expr 'or 'false)))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'false 'or)) (deep-search expr (list 'or (get-neighbor expr 'false 'or) 'false))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'or (get-neighbor expr 'false 'or) 'false) (get-neighbor expr 'false 'or)))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'and 'false)) (deep-search expr (list 'and (get-neighbor expr 'and 'false) 'false))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'and (get-neighbor expr 'and 'false) 'false) 'false))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'false 'and)) (deep-search expr (list 'and 'false (get-neighbor expr 'false 'and)))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'and 'false (get-neighbor expr 'false 'and)) 'false))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'and 'true)) (deep-search expr (list 'and (get-neighbor expr 'and 'true) 'true))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'and (get-neighbor expr 'and 'true) 'true) (get-neighbor expr 'and 'true)))
(and (and (= (count expr) 3) (find-neighbor expr 'true 'and)) (deep-search expr (list 'and 'true (get-neighbor expr 'true 'and)))) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr (list 'and 'true (get-neighbor expr 'true 'and)) (get-neighbor expr 'true 'and)))
(deep-search expr '(or true)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or true) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(or false)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or false) 'false))
(deep-search expr '(and true)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(and true) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(and false)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(and false) 'false))
(deep-search expr '(or true true)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or true true) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(or false false)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or false false) 'false))
(deep-search expr '(or true false)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or true false) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(or false true)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(or false true) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(and true true)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(and true true) 'true))
(deep-search expr '(and false false)) (property-simplification (build-replace-expression expr '(and false false) 'false))
(deep-search expr '(and true false)) (property-simplification...

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