I find this article written for the Dallas Morning News to be both credible and valid. When reading... I find this article written for the Dallas Morning News to be both credible and valid. When reading most articles the first thing you have to look at, as far as credibility is the source. The Dallas Morning News is a credible source. As far as bias or not, the article itself does not seem to be bias towards one individual candidate or another. The article states quotes from several individuals. The quotes go both ways with all the individuals running for Dallas ISD. Although the race card was mentioned, I don’t believe that to be bias either. The facts (via direct quotes) were simply stated.

Again, here we are with YouTube, and generally I take what I see on YouTube with a grain of salt. But this is a CNN interview that was posted on YouTube, so I believe this to be a credible interview. Campbell Brown’s presentation of this subject of President Obama being or not being Muslim or an Arab was defiantly valid. I have a new found respect for her after watching this interview (and for McCain for his comment after the lady spoke). This video clip was defiantly not bias in any way. The point that Campbell Brown made was right on target in my opinion. Not bias, just simply stating a fact. Why do we have to make everything about race or religion? Yes I agree that we should know about people’s beliefs when deciding to vote, but the color of your skin or where you were born should not come into play. To me anyway, it doesn’t matter. What you represent, who your character is – that is what matters. Ok, first off this article is a commentary. That alone tells you that it will most likely be bias. And it was, I took this article to be very bias which immediately (in my opinion) loses not only credibility but validity. The commentary was straight forward – and maybe, maybe the truth about Staples the State Ag Commissioner. But none the less, this was defiantly bias article.


May 19, 2022

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