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HSE 310 Final Project Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: As a human services practitioner, you could be in a position where you will be required to address the identified needs of families, communities, or both. In such cases, you will need to assess the use of potential intervention models, develop strategies for addressing needs, and possibly assess the available appropriate resources to assist these families in negotiating the complex system of organizations in their communities. In doing so, you will be exposed to many situations that involve trauma, and thus prepare yourself by composing a self-care plan to ensure a lengthy career. The summative assessment for this course will require you to analyze a case scenario using family and community systems assessment models (i.e., sociograms, culturegrams, ecomaps, genograms, etc.). After analyzing the case, use the data derived to design family and community interventions, being sure to justify the use for all parties involved. Finally, you will be required to create a brief reflection that will examine the potential personal and professional impact that situations (such as the one presented in the case scenario) may have on you as a practitioner. In addition, you will briefly identify your emerging self-care plan. The overall objective of this assessment is to allow you to demonstrate your practice competencies and your enduring understanding of how family and community systems operate and change. Predicated on the systems’ foundational principle that when one thing in a system changes, the entire system changes, your completion of this assessment will allow you to craft a plan to create change that benefits the family and community in a dynamic way. Moreover, it will to allow you to reflect on and plan how to best maintain your wellness as you embark on your career in human services. Prompt: Submit a one-page draft of the Section I: Introduction to Case Scenario Part A (see critical elements below). Note that you will be completing Part B of this critical element as part of your final project, which is due in Module Seven. You will provide a brief overall assessment of the case scenario provided in the Final Project Document. The assessment must be based on your interpretation of the scenario provided, and identify the family and community system factors that are driving the negative issues in the scenario. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction to Case Scenario A. Provide a brief overall assessment of the case scenario, ensuring the following questions are answered: 1. What family and community system factors are driving the negative issues in the scenario? 2. What strengths are apparent in the family and community that can provide leverage to overcome the issues? 3. What small groups are present in the community that may help to facilitate change? 4. What advocacy efforts are being used at the community level? Guidelines for Submission: Your introduction to the case scenario must be submitted as a one-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. Rubric Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Family and Community System Factors Provides an accurate overview of the family and community system factors driving the negative issues in the scenario Provides an overview of the family and community system factors but is not entirely accurate or lacks relevant details Does not provide an overview of the family and community system 22 Family and Community Strengths Provides an accurate overview of the family and community strengths that provide leverage to overcome the issues Provides an overview of the family and community strengths but is not entirely accurate or lacks relevant details Does not provide an overview of the family and community strengths 22 Small Groups Identifies small groups in the community that may help to facilitate change Identifies small groups in the community but they will not help facilitate change or they lack relevant details Does not identify small groups in the community 22 Advocacy Efforts Summarizes advocacy efforts that are being used at the community level Summarizes advocacy efforts but they are not appropriate at the community level or they lack relevant details Does not summarize advocacy efforts 22 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 12 Earned Total 100%