Checklist for COM 110 Final Projects Did you, as an individual: ❑ Post your own writing to your individual subtopic page(s) in the wiki, at least 1200 words (no maximum limit)? This is the equivalent...

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: How will Artificial Intelligence change education in the future?Artificial Intelligence change education in the future?.

Checklist for COM 110 Final Projects Did you, as an individual: ❑ Post your own writing to your individual subtopic page(s) in the wiki, at least 1200 words (no maximum limit)? This is the equivalent of a 5-page term paper per person. (Posting your own work allows me to see who did each piece of writing or added the photos, etc.) ❑ Break the body of each subtopic page into individual paragraphs, each with one clearly stated main point? ❑ Post appropriate photos (or other multi-media content: video, audio, etc.) to every page, and credit them appropriately? And did you remember to use images which are Creative Commons licensed (with appropriate credits) or which you otherwise have a legal right to post, per our class discussions about copyright? Read and use material from at least three reputable and authoritative sources that you have found, including at least one scholarly source-- for example, a peer-reviewed journal article or scholarly book (or book chapter) published by a university press? ❑ Bring in references to material we read and discussed earlier in class, where appropriate, as additional sources? ❑ Incorporate APA style in-text citations for all material from your sources? Somewhere in your page(s), you should each include both direct quotations and information from sources that you have put in your own words, with appropriate citations. ❑ Add a list of references using correct APA style, listing only sources you reference in your writing? (This should not include the “annotations” from the annotated working bibliography assignment.) Please list references used on each subtopic page, which is easier for readers to reference while looking at the subtopic page. Include links to sources and test every link. ❑ Proofread your work? ❑ Copy and paste the text of your individual wiki page(s) into a Word document and check it using Spelling/Grammar Tools, and make appropriate corrections in the wiki? This does not replace a human proofreader and all suggestions it makes will not always be appropriate, but it can help you find places where your writing is not clear due to grammatical, spelling, and other errors. ❑ Compose a one-paragraph introduction to one group mate’s subtopic page, and post this on the other student’s page yourself in Week 15? Did this introduction introduce the ideas in the other student’s subtopic page and make a connection with one or more of the other subtopics in your group’s wiki? Did you put the header “Introduction” at Last updated 1/20/2020 2 the top of your introduction, and “by [name of student who wrote introduction]” at the end, and then skip a few blank lines before the other student’s subtopic text begins? ❑ Copy and paste the text of your own contribution to the wiki (including your subtopic, other writing you did) and your introduction to another student’s subtopic to a Word document? Topic - : How will Artificial Intelligence change education in the future?Artificial Intelligence change education in the future?. Checklist for COM 110 Final Projects Did you, as an individual: ❑ Post your own writing to your individual subtopic page(s) in the wiki, at least 1200 words (no maximum limit)? This is the equivalent of a 5-page term paper per person. (Posting your own work allows me to see who did each piece of writing or added the photos, etc.) ❑ Break the body of each subtopic page into individual paragraphs, each with one clearly stated main point? ❑ Post appropriate photos (or other multi-media content: video, audio, etc.) to every page, and credit them appropriately? And did you remember to use images which are Creative Commons licensed (with appropriate credits) or which you otherwise have a legal right to post, per our class discussions about copyright? Read and use material from at least three reputable and authoritative sources that you have found, including at least one scholarly source-- for example, a peer-reviewed journal article or scholarly book (or book chapter) published by a university press? ❑ Bring in references to material we read and discussed earlier in class, where appropriate, as additional sources? ❑ Incorporate APA style in-text citations for all material from your sources? Somewhere in your page(s), you should each include both direct quotations and information from sources that you have put in your own words, with appropriate citations. ❑ Add a list of references using correct APA style, listing only sources you reference in your writing? (This should not include the “annotations” from the annotated working bibliography assignment.) Please list references used on each subtopic page, which is easier for readers to reference while looking at the subtopic page. Include links to sources and test every link. ❑ Proofread your work? ❑ Copy and paste the text of your individual wiki page(s) into a Word document and check it using Spelling/Grammar Tools, and make appropriate corrections in the wiki? This does not replace a human proofreader and all suggestions it makes will not always be appropriate, but it can help you find places where your writing is not clear due to grammatical, spelling, and other errors. ❑ Compose a one-paragraph introduction to one group mate’s subtopic page, and post this on the other student’s page yourself in Week 15? Did this introduction introduce the ideas in the other student’s subtopic page and make a connection with one or more of the other subtopics in your group’s wiki? Did you put the header “Introduction” at Last updated 1/20/2020 2 the top of your introduction, and “by [name of student who wrote introduction]” at the end, and then skip a few blank lines before the other student’s subtopic text begins? ❑ Copy and paste the text of your own contribution to the wiki (including your subtopic, other writing you did) and your introduction to another student’s subtopic to a Word document?
Answered Same DayNov 23, 2021

Answer To: Checklist for COM 110 Final Projects Did you, as an individual: ❑ Post your own writing to your...

Dilpreet answered on Nov 25 2021
163 Votes
Running Head: Artificial Intelligence and Education in Future     1
Artificial Intelligence and Education in Future         3
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Artificial Intelligence and Education in Future    3
Conclusion    7
References    8
    With rapid evolvements in technology, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the education industry. In the technology-driven world of today, artificial intelligence is acting as one of the primary drivers of shaping the future of education. Educational institutions are racing up to catch with evolutions AI is bringing to the education sector. Artificial intelligence is making its presence being felt in the education industry quite strongly and has changed the traditional methods drastically. Undoubtedly, artificial intelligence has made education more personalised and convenient. Here, an effort has been to discuss the ways, in which artificial intelligence is likely to shape the future of education in the nearing future.
Artificial Intelligence and Education in Future
    Artificial intelligence has brought revolution to the education industry and has significantly changed the way we learn. Artificial intelligence can be thought of the as the future of the education industry capable of providing tailored education to the learners. With AI, learning can be more personalised and convenient for the students in the nearing future. It is clear that different individuals have different rates of learning and therefore, issues like these and several other issues can be easily handled. Artificial Intelligence is likely to shape the future of the education industry in the below mentioned ways.
Personalisation using Artificial Intelligence
    AI-enabled educations systems are being developed or being adopted by a number of universities to tailor and personalise learning for each learner based on their abilities and speed to grasp things (Holmes, Bialik & Fadel, 2019). With the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence, custom learning profiles of students can be built and maintained and customised learning material can be provided to the student accordingly. In the nearing future, wide range of material can be produced making use of a single curriculum with the help of assistance being provided by systems based on augmented intelligence. In addition to this, teaching can be personalised as well through AI with the help of conversational educational assistants, capable of personally answering the queries of different students.
Improving the Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness of Administrative Tasks
    With AI it is possible to automate several administrative tasks, which are otherwise complex and time consuming in nature. It becomes easier for educators to manage tasks and to avoid human errors, making processes easy and...

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