LEAD AND MANAGE ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE BSBLDR601 STUDENT ASSESSMENT TASKS Contents Introduction 3 Student assessment agreement 4 Assessment Task Cover Sheet 5 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 6...

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LEAD AND MANAGE ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE BSBLDR601 STUDENT ASSESSMENT TASKS Contents Introduction 3 Student assessment agreement 4 Assessment Task Cover Sheet 5 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 6 Assessment Task 1: Checklist 9 Assessment Task Cover Sheet 10 Assessment Task 2: Project 11 Assessment Task 2: Checklist 16 Final results record 19 Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 3 Introduction The assessment tasks for BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course. Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully. Assessment for this unit BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change describes the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage organisational change. For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:  Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.  Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project portfolio. Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 4 Student assessment agreement Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement. Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?  Yes  No Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?  Yes  No Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed  Yes  No Do you have any specific needs that should be considered  Yes  No If so, explain these in the space below. Do you understand your rights to reassessment?  Yes  No Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No Student name Student ID number Student signature Date Assessor name Assessor signature Date Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 5 Assessment Task Cover Sheet Student declaration To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses  I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).  I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.  I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. Student name Student ID number Student signature Date Assessor declaration  I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor name Assessor signature Date Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N Feedback Student result response  My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.  I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signature Date A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence. Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 6 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions Information for students Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:  review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Business Works Student User Guide  comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide  adhere with Peach Institute’s submission guidelines  answer all questions completely and correctly  submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced  submit a completed cover sheet with your work  avoid sharing your answers with other students. Assessment information Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:  where this task should be completed  the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task  whether or not this task is open-book. Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if Peach Institute has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that. i Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 7 Questions Provide answers to all of the questions below: 1. Explain four events or trends that may impact whether or not organisational objectives are achieved. 2. List at least five existing practices that may be used to guide organisational change. 3. Describe the process to conduct a cost-benefit analysis. In your answer, explain which methods are relevant and useful to complete the particular process step. 4. Explain how effective change management strategies can assist with embedding change in an organisation. Give an example of an effective change management strategy in your answer. 5. Outline one approach (or process) that can be used in the workplace to communicate and embed change. 6. Explain the risk management process. You may answer using a labelled diagram or in words (or both) and must include:  a definition of risk management.  a list or illustration of the steps in a risk management process.  a description of what each step involves (including methods). 7. Explain four options that an organisation may use to take to mitigate or control risks. 8. Complete the table below to identify and describe two organisational policies that may relate to change management and guide organisational change. Policy Description 9. Outline three examples of content that could be included in a communication and education plan. 10. Explain why promoting the benefits of organisational change should be included as part of a communication and education plan. Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 8 11. What is meant by “organisational behaviour” and how does it impact change strategies? 12. How does the external environment impact the change strategies used in an organisation? Provide an example to illustrate your answer. 13. List at least four components that should be included in a change management plan. Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 9 Assessment Task 1: Checklist Student’s name: Did the student provide a sufficient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? Completed successfully? Comments Yes No Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 12 Question 13 Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date: Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO No: 31822, CRICOS Provider No: 03604C, ABN: 82 106 814 439 10 Assessment Task Cover Sheet Student declaration To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses  I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).  I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.  I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. Student name Student ID number Student signature Date Assessor declaration  I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures. Assessor name Assessor signature Date Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N Feedback Student result response  My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.  I would like to appeal this assessment decision. Student signature Date A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence. Student Assessment Tasks BSBLDR601 - Lead and manage organisational change Bryan Peach Institute Pty. Ltd. T/A Peach Institute RTO
Answered 8 days AfterJun 23, 2022


Shubham answered on Jul 02 2022
91 Votes
Section 1: Identify organisational change requirements and opportunities    4
Section 2: Develop and manage an organisational change management plan    6
Section 3: Evaluate your change management strategy    10
    Student name:
    Business this assessment is based on:
    Documentation reviewed as preparation:
    Section 1: Identify organisational change requirements and opportunities
Provide a brief overview of the business or organisation you are basing your portfolio on.
What is the name of the business or organisation?
name of the business is Nature Care Products, which is based in Brisbane.
What is the main focus of the business?
The business is about manufacturing high quality beauty and skin care products, which are eco-friendly also.
Explain your organisation’s strategic goals (list at least two organisational objectives).
The strategic goals of the company are to expand the product range by 15% and to increase the profitability by 10%.
What role will you assume as you lead and manage organisational change?
What is your role and related responsibilities?
As a change leader I will be responsible for change management, making sure that organizational goals and objectives are achieved, the online retail opportunities are tapped, the hand sanitizing brand is well promoted so and production is optimized to match the market demand At last to automate the internal processes of invoicing.
How does your role and responsibilities relate to the execution of your organisation’s strategic goals?
The role which I am handling will help to increase the sales as internal processes will be automated the employees will get more time to focus on marketing activities, the production department will be able to increase the production with the help of robotics, due to improved invoicing system there will be reduced error improving the relationship with vendors and thus ensuring reaching of material on time. This all together will lead the change to the accomplishment of strategic objectives.
Identify the organisational requirements you must follow as you manage change.
Which organisational documents (e.g. policies and procedures) provide input on how you approach organisational change? e.g. Risk management, Record keeping, Strategic Plan etc.?
The risk management policy and record keeping documents are helpful in providing input for organizational change.
Are there any processes you need to follow (include reporting protocols to managers)?
These processes like adoption of new practices, bringing desired change in behaviour, reporting protocols etc. need to be followed strictly as they help in analysing the areas where the control is not effective or any resistance is arising. Reporting protocols helps to organize the data in timely manner and assist in decision-making.
Attach relevant documentation to this section of your portfolio.
Analyse the external environment of your organisation.
What is the political situation like (e.g. unrest, government support of small business, government policies)?
What is the current and predicted economic situation (e.g. state of local and other applicable economies, interest rates, exchange rates, employment rates etc.)?
Are there any social considerations (e.g. changing values, beliefs, attitudes and habits)?
How are technological advances affecting the business (e.g. internet, RPA, risk control)?
What are your competitors doing/achieving?
What does the market want?
    The political environment is stable in Australia and supportive for the business which are at small scale so they can grow.
    The disposable income with Australians I the motivation behind creating quality products.
    Demand for eco-friendly products and moving from chemical based product to nature inspired
    Online retail presence, and strengthening the distribution network are new focus
    The products are environment friendly and thus they are becoming popular in the country.
    The legal framework like compliances with policies and procedures, fair wage act, WHS, diversity and inclusion etc
Analyse the current internal environment of your organisation.
What are the barriers and threats to change in your organisation?
What are your organisation’s strengths that will contribute to it achieving its objectives?
What are the weaknesses in your organisation that may require change?
What new and innovative opportunities currently exist in your organisation?
SWOT Analysis
    · Experienced staff
· Ready to learn new
· Acceptance of new challenges
· Brand image in the market
    · Internal communication
· Identification of different forms of resistance
· Low motivation
    · To tap the potential in the form of new product development
· To increase production by Robotics process automation
    · Invoicing system as there are issues in it spoiling relations with vendors
· Lack of trust in management
· Fear of job security
Plan to meet with at least two stakeholders.
Who will you meet with?
I will meet with supplier and finance assistant.
How will you interact with the stakeholders to build and maintain effective working relationships?
The one to one personal interaction with stakeholders will be conducted so as to understand their concerns and build the trust that Nature Care is working towards finding the solution for their concerns. It will also be ensured that the loss they suffered will be scrutinised again and any differences identified will be compensated.
How will you use inclusive and collaborative techniques to negotiate change/opportunity priorities?
While negotiating with stakeholders it will kept in mind that the goal to be achieved by both parties should align with organizational objectives. It will help to derive more value out of it and distribute the benefit fairly between both the parties. It will focused as problem-solving method.
How will you use lateral thinking and exploration to develop new and innovative ideas (e.g. brainstorm)?
Brainstorming is the most popular method to encourage critical and creative thinking. When it is done on the presence of the team then through discussion best ideas are reflected and it becomes viable to understand their advantages and disadvantages. Being a change leader I will encourage the team to think of innovative ways to make change acceptable and easy for employees to adopt. The best ideas will be implemented and will be given name of the employee who suggested it.
Complete the table to summarise the outcomes of your meeting.
Note: If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your meeting with stakeholders to this section of your portfolio...

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