BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group written report and oral presentation assessment CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 1 ǀ School of Business...

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BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group written report and oral presentation assessment CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 1 ǀ School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ Task Description Assessment Type: Group written report and oral presentation assessment. Weighting: This assessment accounts for 40% of your final grade. You will receive the same score as your group members for the written report. The report is worth 30 points in total. · The presentation is marked based on your individual contribution. The presentation is based on 10 points in total. Due date: The assessment is due in Week 9 on Friday, September 14th, at 11:55 PM AEST At the time of submission, you will submit your report and your PowerPoint slides and speaking outline. There is a late deduction of 1.5 for each day after the date of submission of the written report and 0.5 point deduction per day after the due date for the PowerPoint slides and speaking outline. Length: The reports must be 3500 words in length. Two points will be deducted for those reports that are over or under by 200 words. Cover sheet: The assessment must include a cover page that contains the group’s individual names, student numbers, resident campus, assessment title, and lecturer and/or tutor. Style: The assessment must be double-spaced, 11 Point, Times New Roman. References: There is a minimum of 20 references. You must use the APA reference style. Other: The second assessment requires that you work in a group. You will be working with two other people from your tutorial, and I will sign you up to a group. This means that you probably will not be working with people that you know. You will need to introduce yourself to members of your group. You may wish to do so through the introduction forum. The groups will be posted in week three. During the fourth tutorial, the group will work on and submit a group charter on Moodle. This charter specifies who will do what and what will happen if a member of the group is not equitably contributing to the overall group output. You must submit the charter one week after your scheduled week four tutorial. Task description: In this assessment, you will both write a report based on the following case study and then present an oral presentation either during the lecture or tutorial. You will be assigned into a group of three by the lecturer/tutor. Each member of your group will focus upon and write on one of the issues. Do not simply cut and paste each persons’ contribution. The group needs to make sure that all of the parts fit cohesively together and read as one document. The presentation must be 15 minutes in length (each speaker speaks for 5 minutes). All group members must present during the presentation. You will present the information that you developed and wrote in the report. The flex students will present using Zoom. Case study: BeautyPro i1s an Australian multinational company that makes and distributes organic cosmetics both within Australia and overseas. The head office is based in Brisbane, Australia. You have recently been appointed as 1 BeautyPro is a fictitious organisation BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group written report and oral presentation assessment CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 2 ǀ School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ the country manager for China. Upon your arrival in China, you have noticed that the organisation is facing several intercultural communication challenges. The Problems: The three intercultural challenges are based upon: 1. Different cultural values and etiquette 2. Direct versus indirect styles of communication 3. Different cultural norms of decision making In conjunction with two other China-based Australian managers, you conduct academic research in order to understand these problems and come up with logical and practical recommendations. You and your team are tasked with writing a report to the CEO and executive group which discusses these problems and provides recommendations to solve these problems. You write the report using the following format. Outline of the report: 1. Table of contents 2. Introduction a. Significance of effective intercultural communication b. Identify the purpose of the report c. Preview the structure of the report 3. Analysis of the current situation (literature review of the three presenting issues) a. Intercultural challenge one b. Intercultural challenge two c. Intercultural challenge three 4. Conclusion—no new information should be presented here—just summarize what you have already discussed. 5. Recommendations—The recommendations should answer what should be done, who should do it, and how will the success or failure of the recommendations be measured? a. Recommendation one b. Recommendation two c. Recommendation three 6. References—Minimum of 25 (APA format) Outline of the presentation: 1. Introduction (First speaker) i. Attention-getting statement ii. Exigency of the topic iii. Preview of the structure iv. Thesis v. Transition to the next section 2. Analysis: i. Intercultural challenge one (First speaker) BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group written report and oral presentation assessment CRICOS Provider Code: 02219C BUSN20017 ǀ Assessment 2 ǀ Page | 3 ǀ School of Business and Law CQUniversity Australia ǀ i. Main point one 1. Evidence/example/explanation ii. Main point two 1. Evidence/example/explanation iii. Main point three 1. Evidence/example/explanation 2. Transition to challenge two ii. Intercultural challenge two (Second speaker) i. Main point one 1. Evidence/example/explanation ii. Main point two 1. Evidence/example/explanation iii. Main point three iii. Transition to the challenge three iv. Intercultural challenge three (Third speaker) i. Main point one 1. Evidence/example/explanation ii. Main point two 1. Evidence/example/explanation iii. Main point three v. Transition to the conclusion 3. Conclusion (Third speaker) i. Recap main points ii. Recap thesis iii. Transition to the recommendations 4. Recommendations i. Issue one (First speaker) i. What should be done, ii. Who should do it, and iii. How will the success or failure of the recommendations be measured? ii. Issue two (Second speaker) i. What should be done, ii. Who should do it, and iii. How will the success or failure of the recommendations be measured? iii. Issue three (Third speaker) i. What should be done, ii. Who should do it, and iii. How will the success or failure of the recommendations be measured? 5. Ask the audience if they have any questions that you can answer (Second speaker)
Answered Same DaySep 07, 2020BUSN20017Central Queensland University

Answer To: BUSN20017: EFFECTIVE BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Assessment Two: Group written report and oral...

Akansha answered on Sep 11 2020
164 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Effective business communication
Any business cannot survive without the right kind of communication.
Globalization has given rise to exchange of cultures and so to intercultural communication.
Different facets of cultures and countries give rise to the issu
es of intercultural communication.
Globalization and liberalization has given rise to business in different countries and hence, intercultural communication. Different aspects of cultures give rise to challenges and issues of business communication which can either help business or harm.
Beautypro, a cosmetic company, is based in Australia and operates worldwide, is facing issues with its intercultural communication styles and etiquettes in China.
The country head is asked to make an analysis of the problems in business communication and its solutions.
The report includes literature review, analysis of the current situation and recommendations.
The case includes the company Beautypro which is a cosmetic company based in Australia and operating worldwide. According to the country head of China, it is facing certain intercultural communication challenges which need to be adressed quickly. This report includes literature review and recommendations on the challenges faced.
Different countries have different cultural norms and values which affect the business dealings and communication to a greater extent. International businesses have to take care of these values and etiquettes in order to make successful business deals and maintain proper relationships with stakeholders.
Intercultural Challenge: One - Different cultural values and etiquette
First challenge is related to different cultural values and etiquette which is affected by different norms of cultural values and help in maintaining business relations with stakeholders.
The culture of China supports low context style and western countries have high profile context. Chinese business people believe in holistic opinions and personal relations while other countries believe in direct and to the point communication in business and formal way of conduct.
In western countries like Australia, people keep their business and personal relationships separate while in China they believe in informal business relationships.
The literature states that China has a low context culture while western countries possess high context culture which gives rise to contrasting styles of business relationships between the countries and create a problem.
Direct communication is straightforward and honest way of communicating between two parties without any hidden messages according to John (2010) while in indirect communication, the person conceals the real feelings or meaning of the message.
People in China prefer indirect style of communication while...

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