How do i solve this problem thanks.
Create a class named CollegeCourse that includes the following data fields:
- dept (String) - holds the department (for example, ENG)
- id (int) - the course number (for example, 101)
- credits (double) - the credits (for example, 3)
- price (double) - the fee for the course (for example, $360).
All of the fields are required as arguments to the constructor, except for the fee, which is calculated at $120 per credit hour. Include a display() method that displays the course data. For example, if dept isSE, id is225, and credits is3, the output from the display() method should be:
SE225 Non-lab course 3.0 credits Total fee is $360.0
Create a subclass named LabCourse that adds$50 fee to the course price. Override the parent class display() method to indicate that the course is a lab course and to display all the data. For example, if dept is 'BIO', id is201, and credits is4, the output from the display() method should be:
BIO201 Lab course 4.0 credits Lab fee is $50 Total fee is $530.0
Write an application named UseCourse that prompts the user for course information. If the user enters a class in any of the following departments, create a LabCourse object:BIO,CHM,CIS, orPHY. If the user enters any other department, create a CollegeCourse that does not include the lab fee. Then display the course data.