How do I fix the error Java?
Error ---------- Movie.toString() returns:
Movie: [ Minutes 142 | Movie Name:The Shawshank Redemption | not kid friendly | Number of Cast Members: 3 | Cast Members: ]
instead of:
Movie: [ Minutes 142 | Movie Name: The Shawshank Redemption | not kid friendly | Number of Cast Members: 3 | Cast Members: Tim Robins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Guton ]
without bringing this error
Error ---------- Exception occurred while calling Movie.toString()
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Movie
private String movieName;
private int numMinutes;
private boolean isKidFriendly;
private int numCastMembers;
private String[] castMembers;
// default constructor
public Movie()
this.movieName = "Flick";
this.numMinutes = 0;
this.isKidFriendly = false;
this.numCastMembers = 0;
this.castMembers = new String[10];
// overloaded parameterized constructor
public Movie(String movieName, int numMinutes, boolean isKidFriendly, String[] castMembers) {
this.movieName = movieName;
this.numMinutes = numMinutes;
this.isKidFriendly = isKidFriendly;
this.castMembers=new String[castMembers.length];
for(int i=0;i<>
this.castMembers[i] = castMembers[i];
// set the number of minutes
public void setNumMinutes(int numMinutes)
this.numMinutes = numMinutes;
// set the movie name
public void setMovieName(String movieName)
this.movieName = movieName;
// set if the movie is kid friendly or not
public void setIsKidFriendly(boolean isKidFriendly)
this.isKidFriendly = isKidFriendly;
// return the movie name
public String getMovieName()
return this.movieName;
// return the number of minutes
public int getNumMinutes()
return this.numMinutes;
// return true if movie is kid friendly else false
public boolean isKidFriendly()
return this.isKidFriendly;
// return the array of cast members
public String[] getCastMembers()
// create a deep copy of the array
String[] copyCastMembers = new String[this.castMembers.length];
// copy the strings from the array to the copy
for (int i = 0; i < this.castmembers.length;="">
copyCastMembers[i] = this.castMembers[i];
return copyCastMembers;
// return the number of cast members
public int getNumCastMembers()
return this.numCastMembers;
// method that allows the name of a castMember at an index in the castMembers
// array to be changed
public boolean replaceCastMember(int index, String castMemberName)
if (index < 0="" ||="" index="">= numCastMembers)
return false;
castMembers[index] = castMemberName;
return true;
// method that determines the equality of two String arrays and returns a
// boolean, by comparing the value at each index location.
// Return true if all elements of both arrays match, return false if there is
// any mismatch.
public boolean doArraysMatch(String[] arr1, String[] arr2)
if (arr1 == null && arr2 == null)
return true;
else if (arr1 == null || arr2 == null) // one of the array is null
return false;
else if (arr1.length != arr2.length) // length of arrays do not match
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < arr1.length;="">
if (!arr1[i].equalsIgnoreCase(arr2[i]))
return false;
return true;
public String getCastMemberNamesAsString()
if (numCastMembers == 0)
return "none";
String names = castMembers[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numcastmembers;="">
names += ", " + castMembers[i];
return names;
public String toString() {
//"movie".replaceAll("(?!^)([A-Z])", " $1");
String movie = "Movie: [ Minutes "+String.format("%03d", numMinutes)+" | "+"Movie Name:%s"+" "+"|";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0;i<>
builder.append(" ");
//System.out.println(movie.replaceAll("(\\w+?)([A-Z])(\\w+?)", "$1 $2$3"));
if (isKidFriendly)
movie +=" is kid friendly |";
movie +=" not kid friendly |";
movie +=" Number of Cast Members: "+ numCastMembers+ " | Cast Members: "+" ]";
return String.format(movie,movieName);
public boolean equals(Object o)
// check if o is an instance of Movie
if(o instanceof Movie)
Movie other = (Movie)o;
// returns true if all the fields are equal
return((movieName.equalsIgnoreCase(other.movieName)) && (isKidFriendly == other.isKidFriendly) && (numMinutes == other.numMinutes)
&& (numCastMembers == other.numCastMembers) && (doArraysMatch(castMembers,other.castMembers)));
return false; // movies are not equal or o is not an object of Movie
public static void main(String args[])