HOLMES INSTITUTE FACULTY OF HIGHER EDUCATION Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2019 Unit Code HA2042 Unit Title Accounting Information Systems Assessment Type Individual...



Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines


T1 2019

Unit Code


Unit Title

Accounting Information Systems

Assessment Type

Individual assignment

Assessment Title

System Analysis and Selection

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping)

Students are required to:

  •  Understand and explain the place of an accounting information system in the

    context of the organisational structure and operating practices. (ULO 2)

  •  Identify, analyse and compare different types of accounting information systems.

    (ULO 3)

  •  Use different methodologies to evaluate various accounting information systems.

    (ULO 4)


20% of the total assessments

Total Marks


Word limit

Not more than 2,000 words

Due Date

Week 9, Friday 5:00 pm (AEST)

Submission Guidelines

  •  All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.

  •  The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.

  •  Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.

HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Individual Assignment T1 2019


Assignment Specifications

You are recently employed as a graduate consultant in a management consultancy firm. One of yourfirm’s clients is currently evaluating its accounting system and the CFO of your client thinks that theyneeded to make an investment in a cloud-based accounting software to support the growth of the business.


You are required to prepare a report to evaluate and recommend a cloud-based accounting software for an Australian ASX-listed company of your choice (your firm’s client). The report should includethe following components:

  •  Background
    oProvide a description of your client and its business activities.oDiscuss the key business processes for your client.

  •  Systems requirements
    oOutline the software features and functionalities that your client should consider to

    support its business activities.

  •  Software selection

oVisit the websites of at least two (2) accounting software package vendors (e.g. SAP, MYOB, Xero etc.) and provide a brief description of each vendor and its products.
oCompare and contrast the features/functionalities of two cloud-based accounting

software packages offered by accounting software package vendors.

explain why it is the best option.

Assignment Structure

The report should include the following components:

  •  Assignment cover page clearly stating your name and student number

  •  A table of contents, executive summary

  •  A brief introduction or overview of what the report is about.

  •  Body of the report with sections to answer the above issues and with appropriate section


  •  Conclusion

  •  List of references
    The report should be grounded on relevant literature and all references must be properly cited and

    included in the reference list.

HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Individual Assignment T1 2019


Marking criteria


Marking criteria


Provide a description of your client and its business activities


Discuss the key business processes for your client


Outline the software features and functionalities that your client should consider to support its business activities


Visit the websites of at least two (2) accounting software package vendors (e.g. SAP, MYOB, Xero etc.) and provide a brief description of each vendor and its products


Compare and contrast the features/functionalities of two cloud-based accounting software packages offered by accounting software package vendors


Identify the most suitable vendor and accounting software package for your client and explain why it is the best option




Research quality


TOTAL Weight


HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Individual Assignment T1 2019

Marking Rubric



Very Good




Provide a description of your client and its business activities


An excellent description of your client and its business activities.

A very good description of your client and its business activities.

A good description of your client and its business activities.

An adequate description of your client and its business activities.

No proper description of your client and its business activities.

Discuss the key business processes for your client


Demonstrate an excellent understanding of key business processes for your client in the discussion.

Demonstrate a very good understanding of key business processes for your client in the discussion.

Demonstrate a good understanding of key business processes for your client in the discussion.

Demonstrate an adequate understanding of key business processes for your client in the discussion.

Unable to present a proper discussion of key business processes for your client.

Outline the software features and functionalities that your client should consider to support its business activities


Present an excellent discussion on features and functionalities of accounting software that your client should consider.

Present a very good discussion on features and functionalities of accounting software that your client should consider.

Present a good discussion on features and functionalities of accounting software that your client should consider with minor errors and/or omissions.

Present a discussion on features and functionalities of accounting software that your client should consider with errors and/or omissions.

Unable to present a proper discussion on features and functionalities of accounting software that your client should consider.

Visit the websites of at least two (2) accounting software package vendors and provide a brief description of each vendor and its products


Present an excellent description of accounting software package vendors and their products.

Present a very good description of accounting software package vendors and their products.

Present a good description of accounting software package vendors and their products with minor errors and/or omissions.

Present a description of accounting software package vendors and their products with errors and/or omissions.

Unable to present a proper description of accounting software package vendors and their products.

Compare and contrast the features/functio nalities of two cloud-based accounting software packages offered by accounting software package vendors


Present an excellent comparison of factures and functionalities of two accounting software packages.

Present a very good comparison of factures and functionalities of two accounting software packages.

Present a good comparison of factures and functionalities of two accounting software packages with minor errors and/or omissions.

Present a reasonable comparison of factures and functionalities of two accounting software packages with errors and omissions.

Unable to present a proper comparison of factures and functionalities of two accounting software packages.

HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Individual Assignment T1 2019


Identify the most suitable vendor and accounting software package for your client and explain why it is the best option


Propose a choice of accounting software package based on very strong arguments.

Propose a choice of accounting software package based on strong arguments.

Propose a choice of accounting software package based on reasonable arguments.

Propose a choice of accounting software package based on weak or inadequate arguments.

Unable to propose a proper choice of accounting software package or back the proposed choice with valid argument.

Presentation /2

Report included all elements and is very well presented.

Writing flowed clearly and sections are linked very effectively.

Referencing is exemplary.

English is used very effectively and is error-free.

Report included all elements and is well presented.

Writing flowed clearly and sections are linked effectively.

Referencing is of a high standard.

English is used effectively with very few errors present.

Report included all elements and is generally presented appropriately.

Writing mostly flowed well and sections are linked.

Referencing is in accordance with guidelines.

English is used effectively with few errors present.

Report included most elements and is adequately presented.

Writing sometimes does not flow clearly leaving the paper to seem disjointed in areas.

Referencing is somewhat in accordance with guidelines.

Basic English is used with some errors present.

Report lacked some elements and is poorly presented.

Writing often does not flow clearly leaving the paper to seem somewhat disjointed.

Referencing is not entirely in accordance with relevant guidelines.

Basic English is used with errors present.

Research Quality /2

An extensive amount of high- quality evidence from peer- reviewed journal articles and other sources is included and used effectively to support discussion.

A broad range of quality peer- reviewed journal references and other sources is included and used effectively to support discussion.

An adequate range of peer- reviewed journal references is included and used to support discussion.

An adequate range of peer- reviewed journal references is included and used to a basic extent to support discussion.

Little or no peer- reviewed journal references are included and these are rarely used to support discussion effectively.

HA2042 Accounting Information Systems Individual Assignment T1 2019

May 18, 2021HA2042

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