HNN108UnderstandingResearchEvidence AssessmentTask1–EvidenceSynthesis 2000Wordsand50%weighting Purposeofassessmenttask Thisassessmenttaskwillenablestudentstoshowcriticalthinkingskillsbydemonstrating...

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HNN108UnderstandingResearchEvidence AssessmentTask1–EvidenceSynthesis 2000Wordsand50%weighting Purposeofassessmenttask Thisassessmenttaskwillenablestudentstoshowcriticalthinkingskillsbydemonstrating theirabilitytosourceandcritiqueliteratureonaclinicalpracticeissueandmake recommendationsforcarebasedonthesefindings. Duedate: Wednesday4thSeptember2019 Time: 11.59pm,priorto4pmisrecommendedincaseoftechnicalissues Location: AssignmentdropboxonHNN108CloudDeakinunitsite Format: PDF.PDFconversionsoftwareisavailablehereonDeakinSoftwareCatalogue  Pleasecheckthedocumentbeforesubmittingtothedropboxtoensuretheformattinghasnot changed.  Youareresponsibleforensuringthatthecorrectversionofyourassessmenttaskisproperly uploadedintothecorrectassessmentdropbox. Topicbackground Deliriumisanacuteneuropsychiatricsyndromethatiscommoninpatientsintheacute hospitalsetting.Deliriumisassociatedwithpooreroutcomesforpatientsincluding increasedriskoffalls,functionaldecline,andprolongedhospitallengthofstay.Deliriumcan bepreventedinapproximately30‐40%ofcases. Assignmentquestion “Whichinterventionsareeffectiveinpreventingandreducingincidenceofdeliriuminthe acutehospitalsetting?” PICOelementsforthequestion: P Acutehospitalsetting I Interventions C None O Prevent/Reduceincidenceofdelirium Studentinstructionsforassessmenttask: Developasearchstrategy,conductasearchoftheliterature,synthesisethefindings,and usethemtorecommendbestpracticeinterventionstoreducetheincidenceofdelirium: 1. Developasearchplantolocaterelevantresources a. Usingthetemplateprovideddevelopasearchstrategybasedonthe assignmentquestion(remembertoreviewallrelevantdatabases).
2. Conductasearchoftheliteratureusingyoursearchstrategyandchoosethree(3) primaryresearchevidencepapersmostrelevanttoansweringyourquestion. 3. Completetheextraction/summarytable(inthetemplate)foreachpaperoutlining the: a) purpose/aimofthestudy b) sample c) design d) keyfindings e) levelofevidence 4. Writeasynthesisoftheoverallfindingsfromtheresearchpaperstodetermineand recommendbestpracticeforthepreventionofdeliriuminacutehospitalsettings (approx1200words). Yoursynthesisshould: a) Introducetheproblemandtopicareabriefly(noadditionalreferences required). b) Criticallyanalyzetheresearch(including:appropriatenessofthesample, chosenmethodology,potentialbiasandrandomisationprocedureif appropriate). c) Summarisekeyfindingsfromtheresearchmostrelevanttothequestion. d) Recommendbestpracticeinterventionsforpreventionofdeliriumbased onthekeyfindings. Submissioncomponentsrequired: 1. Assignmentprovidedontemplate 2. Searchstrategy 3. Extractiontables 4. Synthesis 5. Referencelist Pleasenote:  PleaseusethetemplateprovidedintheassessmentfolderonCloudDeakin.  Pleaseuseprimaryoriginalresearchonlyasthisassessmentisdesignedtoteachyou skillsonhowtoreadandcritiqueoriginalresearch. Donotincludeinyourassignmentsecondarysourcesorresearchsuchastraditional literaturereviews,integrativereviewsorsystematicreviews.However,youmayfind itusefulaspartofyourbackgroundreadingtoreadintegrativereviews,systematic reviewsorqualityimprovementprojects(whenavailable)tohelpyouidentifykey issuesandthemesandhelpscopethebreadthanddepthoftheresearchbefore readingyourchosenprimaryresearcharticles.  Youarenotrequiredtoreferenceadditionalmaterialintheessay(onlythethree paperschosen)  Youmustprovideareferencelistattheendoftheassessment.Pleaseincludethe article’spermalink(e.g.,doi)inthereference.Instructionsforhowtodothisare availableonCloudDeakin.  Presentationrequirementsfortheassessmentareavailableintheassessmentfolder

Rubric:HNN108Understandingresearchevidence Assessmenttask1–EvidenceSynthesis(50%oftotalmarksfortheunit) Totalmarks80 CriteriaPerformanceStandards HighDistinctionDistinctionCreditPassUnsatisfactory Developsearch strategy,conduct literaturesearchand findresearcharticles. (10Marks) 8‐10Marks Locatesthemostrelevant,peerreviewedandcontemporaryprimary research,usingappropriatedatabases andmostrelevantkeywordsthat addresstheclinicalquestion. 7Marks Locatesrelevant,peerreviewedprimaryresearch usingappropriate databasesandrelevant keywordsthataddressthe clinicalquestion. 6Marks Locatesrelevant,peerreviewedprimaryresearch usingappropriate databasesandkeywords thataddresstheclinical question. 5Marks Locatesprimaryresearch onthetopicusing databasesandkeywords. 4DEAKINUNIVERSITY
Referencecited literature. (5marks)
4‐5Marks AccuratelyciteandformatreferencesaccordingtoAPAstylewithout error.

3Marks CiteandformatreferencesaccordingtoAPAstyle.
0‐2Marks Consistentlyincorrect referencingstyle NotusingAPAreferencing.
Assignmentis presentedaccording toinstructions. (5marks)
4‐5Marks Submittedaccordingtoinstructions. Adherestowordlimit. Mostaccuratelyfollowspresentationrequirements. Usesassignmenttemplate.

3Marks Submittedaccordingtoinstructions. Adherestowordlimit. Followspresentationrequirements.
0‐2Marks Assignmentdoesnotadhere topresentation req
Answered Same DayAug 18, 2021HNN108Deakin University

Answer To: HNN108UnderstandingResearchEvidence AssessmentTask1–EvidenceSynthesis 2000Wordsand50%weighting...

Soumi answered on Aug 24 2021
161 Votes
Table of Contents
Search Plan to Locate Relevant Resources    3
Selection of the Papers    3
Paper 1    3
Paper 2    4
Paper 3    4
Extraction Table for Each Paper    4
Synthesis of Overall Findings from Research Paper    8
Introduction    8
Critical Analysis of Research    8
Summary of Key Findings    11
Recommendation of Best Interventi
on    11
References    12
Search Plan to Locate Relevant Resources
    To start my research, I visited PubMed database by visiting the PubMed website. On a homepage, there is a slot where keywords are input. I first put delirium in the search slot. Around 16818 files appear on the screen. I used the combination of words for the search. These words are connected using Boolean operators. The Boolean operators I specifically used for my search is and, or, not to get the desirable result.
Then, I used delirium and intervention, the search narrows down to 6213. I further added keywords to narrow down the result. I used the combination of delirium, intervention, and acute setting to get the desirable result. To further narrows down the research, filter is applied. The years are set between 2015 and 2019. The research gets limited to 481. Then I add the additional filter to get the desirable result.
I selected the free full text option. The result gets narrow down to 220. To get the further desirable result, I use all the keywords in the question, which is needed to answer. This gives the final number of papers. Once the desirable result is reached, I scrolled down to select the paper. I searched for the peer-reviewed paper for the study. Each selected paper consists of the required detail.
Selection of the Papers
Paper 1
Ferguson, A., Uldall, K., Dunn, J., Blackmore, C. C., & Williams, B. (2018). Effectiveness of a multifaceted delirium screening, prevention, and treatment initiative on the rate of delirium falls in the acute care setting. Journal of nursing care quality, 33(3), 213-220.
Paper 2
Johnson, K., Fleury, J., & McClain, D. (2018). Music intervention to prevent delirium among older patients admitted to a trauma intensive care unit and a trauma orthopaedic unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 47, 7-14.
Paper 3
Gorski, S., Piotrowicz, K., Rewiuk, K., Halicka, M., Kalwak, W., Rybak, P., & Grodzicki, T. (2017). Nonpharmacological interventions targeted at delirium risk factors, delivered by trained volunteers (medical and psychology students), reduced need for antipsychotic medications and the length of hospital stay in aged patients admitted to an acute internal medicine ward: Pilot study. BioMed Research International, 2017
Extraction Table for Each Paper
    By Ferguson, Uldall, Dunn, Blackmore and Williams (2018)
    By Johnson, Fleury and McClain (2018)
    By Gorski et al. (2017)
    Purpose/Aim of the Study
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the effectiveness of the hospital wide intervention in decreasing delirium associated falls
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of a music listening intervention in preventing delirium by reducing physiologic variables in patients.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of tailored interventions, which are targeted at specific delirium risk factors. It determined the feasibility and safety of the nonpharmacological prevention of delirium.
    The delirium program was implemented in the pacific northwest, which includes 470 physicians and 17,000 patients admitted to this network. The program focus targeted on 336 bed tertiary care hospital setting
    The proposed sample for the research was 40 patients. Out of 40 patients, 20 patients are receiving music learning intervention remaining 20 receive usual care.
    The participants for the study were the patients from the Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics of the University Hospital in Krakow, Poland, from October 2013 to May 2015. This Department had 47-bed acute care.
    Lean methodology is used as its structure for daily management and quality improvement. The Lean methodology includes Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle throughout the program design and implementation. There is evaluation of the program to support mistake-proofing processes and facilitate inspection standard work and visual controls. It also has goal of enhancing system reliability over time
    The design used for the study is feasibility study with randomised controlled design. The Roy Adaptation Model (RAM) is provided with a theoretical perspective which focus on managing focal stimuli in a trauma intensive care unit (TICU) and a trauma orthopaedic unit (TOU) using...

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