Answer To: HNB3123 Working with Evidence 2017 Assessment 2- Essay- journal critique Number of words : 1200...
Soumi answered on Apr 22 2020
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2
2. The Research Problem and its Significance 2
3. The Research Design and the Methods 3
4. Findings, their Relevance to Nursing Policy and Practice 3
5. Conclusion 4
References 5
1. Introduction
Medication management refers to the patient-centred care, which helps in optimising safe and effective drug therapy. Care can be provided via collaboration with service users and the health care team. According to Kim and Bae (2018), introduction is the initial part of a research paper that helps the readers to understand the entire concept of the research. An introduction plays a significant role in case of research paper. However, the paper by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014) has no appropriate introduction which needs to be developed so that the readers can understand the perspective of the researchers and concept of the research. This can provide strength to the paper. On the other hand, Vaismoradi, Jordan, Turunen and Bondas (2014) mentioned that the research paper has aim and background that is a str4ong point of the paper. The main aim of the paper is exploring the experiences and perspectives of nurses to prevent administration errors of medication.
2. The Research Problem and its Significance
In the article by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014), the researchers have not shown the research problem. As mentioned by Sahay, Hutchinson and East (2015), the paper, which has a clearly defined research problem, can be beneficial to understand the purpose of the research and it is also beneficial for the further research. On the other hand, Parry, Barriball and While (2015) stated that the paper do not have appropriate introduction that needs to be developed. The background of the study insights into the experiences and perspectives of the nurses to prevent the medication administration error that can be utilised for tailoring and implementing the safety practices in the Healthcare setting. However, the background of the study needs to be precise to develop the research problem appropriately that can provide strength to the paper. In case of the article by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014), the background of the study needs to be elaborated so that it can develop a clear picture of the study.
Lavin, Harper and Barr (2015) mentioned that in case of a research article, research problem has deep significance that provides strength to the article. In case of the paper by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014), the researchers have not mentioned the research problem but the paper has well defined aim. On the other hand, Tanner, Gans, White, Nath and Pohl (2015) argued that the aim of a paper sometimes can help to develop the research problem. The paper helps in exploring the experiences of the nurses with the perspectives to prevent the medication administration errors. From the aim, it can be said that the healthcare setting is facing problem regarding medication administration errors by the nurses, which needs to be improved. Hence, the nurses need proper training to develop their knowledge and skills regarding safety practice so that medication administration errors can be prevented to develop the quality of healthcare system. In this case, the paper has various weaknesses, which need to be developed (Adhikari, Tocher, Smith, Corcoran & MacArthur, 2014).
3. The Research Design and the Methods
For the particular research paper by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014), the researchers have selected descriptive research. By using this research design, the researchers are able in driving new knowledge as well as information about the research and the researchers have described the events within the research dimension under consideration. In this regard, Kim and Bae (2018) mentioned that descriptive research helps to discuss a research topic in an elaborate manner. Descriptive method allows the researcher so that they can incorporate both the qualitative as well as quantitative mode of research. In view of Vaismoradi, Jordan, Turunen and Bondas (2014), descriptive research design helps the researchers in establishing relationship of the variables with the research topic. As the researchers of the paper by Sahay, Hutchinson and East (2015) have used descriptive research design, it provided strength to the paper. The researchers have described the research problem by developing the research aim, for which the descriptive research design is appropriate to analyse the problem (Parry, Barriball & While, 2015).
For the particular research study, the researchers of the paper by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014) have selected qualitative data collection method. For this reason, qualitative interview study was done among 20 nurses in an academic medical centre between March and December of 2011. As mentioned by Lavin, Harper and Barr (2015), to conduct a qualitative research, the researchers need to develop interview questionnaire to collect the response of the participants. On the other hand, as argued by Tanner, Gans, White, Nath and Pohl (2015), qualitative data refers to the descriptive data and should be collected for a particular purpose of obtaining ideas about the perspectives of nurses.
4. Findings, their Relevance to Nursing Policy and Practice
From the findings, the result of a paper can be justified (Adhikari, Tocher, Smith, Corcoran & MacArthur, 2014). On the other hand, Wahr et al. (2016) opined that findings are the most important part of a paper that provides knowledge about the research topic. However, the paper by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014) has developed the findings with evidence of medication management. In this regard, Cloete (2015) mentioned that medication management is one of the key components to ensure safe medication uses. The experience and perspective of the nurses help to prevent the medication administration error, which plays significant role in case of safety practices. Moreover, these types of approaches need to be utilised and implemented safely in the healthcare organisation. By this way, the nurses can be able to understand their roles and responsibilities in case of medication safety and this will also help them to develop their skills and knowledge in case of medication safety in the health care setting.
In the particular study by Smeulers, Onderwater, Zwieten and Vermeulen (2014), the researchers had made three themes to analyse the result that are roles and responsibilities of nurses in medication safety, ability of nurses to work safely and acceptance of safety practices in the health care setting. However, the paper did not mention about any relevant nursing policy and practices, which are required. In such case, the paper needs to be developed. In healthcare sector, the nurses need to have knowledge about safe preparation as well as administration of medication. In view of Wahr et al. (2016), in case of medication safety the clinical reasoning skills of nurses are essential. Cloete (2015) mentioned that the work circumstances and knowledge of risks could influence the ability of the nurses to work safely. The nurses need to have appropriate knowledge so that they can make a safe working environment and provide quality care tom maintain the patient safety.
5. Conclusion
Based on the above discussion, it can be said that experiences of nurses is coincided with an assumption. They may pose in a pre-eminent position to enable in the safe medication management. However, they need sufficient knowledge and skills to perform their roles appropriately. This can help them to assess and understand the risk of medication administration. They need to be careful about their roles and responsibilities in case of medication safety practice. The article has focused on the experiences and perspectives of the nurses on medication safety practices. The method of safe medication management is analysed in a well manner as well as different perspectives of medication safety is also discussed. It can be expected that the paper is helpful to increase the knowledge skills and experiences of the nurses in case of safety practice.
Adhikari, R., Tocher, J., Smith, P., Corcoran, J., & MacArthur, J. (2014). A multi-disciplinary approach to medication safety and the implication for nursing education and practice. Nurse education today, 34(2), 185-190.
Cloete, L. (2015). Reducing medication errors in nursing practice. Nursing Standard (2014+), 29(20), 50.
Kim, C. G., & Bae, K. S. (2018). Relationship Between Nurse Staffing Level and Adult Nursing-Sensitive Outcomes in Tertiary Hospitals of Korea: Retrospective Observational Study. International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Lavin, M. A., Harper, E., & Barr, N. (2015). Health information technology, patient safety, and professional nursing care documentation in acute care settings. Online J Issues Nurs, 20(6).
Parry, A. M., Barriball, K. L., & While, A. E. (2015). Factors contributing to Registered Nurse medication administration error: A narrative review. International journal of nursing studies, 52(1), 403-420.
Sahay, A., Hutchinson, M., & East, L. (2015). Exploring the influence of workplace supports and relationships on safe medication practice: A pilot study of Australian graduate nurses. Nurse education today, 35(5), e21-e26.
Smeulers, M., Onderwater, A. T., Zwieten, M. C., & Vermeulen, H. (2014). Nurses' experiences and perspectives on medication safety practices: an explorative qualitative study. Journal of nursing management, 22(3), 276-285.
Tanner, C., Gans, D., White, J., Nath, R., & Pohl, J. (2015). Electronic Health Records and Patient Safety. Applied clinical informatics, 6(01), 136-147.
Vaismoradi, M., Jordan, S., Turunen, H., & Bondas, T. (2014). Nursing students' perspectives of the cause of medication errors. Nurse education today, 34(3), 434-440.
Wahr, J. A., Abernathy III, J. H., Lazarra, E. H., Keebler, J. R., Wall, M. H., Lynch, I., ... & Cooper, R. L. (2016). Medication safety in the operating room: literature and expert-based recommendations. BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 118(1), 32-43.